Monday, May 05, 2008

Glad that week's over.

Well I got through the last week. In both my projects, I seemed to get away from the assignment and explained the history in both, but luckily my partners were able to wrangle the point back to the task at hand. I think that my interest in history lately is due to my history class deficiency. This is the first time I have not had a history/social studies class since as long as I can remember, even into elementary school. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed that subject until it left me. Well anyways, I think I will get on to the week.

The Physics test went well due to....outside forces. After that, nothing much happened beyond working from 3-10:30 with scant breaks for necessary functions such as urination and consumption of food.

The work day Mrs. Hastig had allowed for us in Humanities turned out not to be as it said (a presentation work day), but instead was a reading day. I started Brave New World, which is a pretty good book. In 6th period, Eric, Brad, and I made our presentation on War Movies. We were the first group to present. We were also going to be the only group that day, so we took our time and had a great presentation that lasted 80 minutes (the idea was to try to get close to 50 minutes). People were looking a little glazed over by the end, but we did well and got 60/60 on the assignment. Major grade helpage! Right after that, I began work on my presentation that was due on Thursday.

It was like the calm before the storm. Nothing exciting happened and after school, I worked my butt off again until about 10:00 on the project.

Kelley and I made our Puritanism presentation. Orion said I got a little too much into the history, but I couldn't help it, I was just so interested in it. Also, with Orion's help, I managed to relate Puritanism to Starcraft, making for massive pwnage on that slide. After that class, I was very relieved. We had a pep assembly at which the drill team wore their spandex suits. Their dance wasn't so much a dance as it was a presentation (the sexual kind). The rest of the day was like the calm after the storm. There was an ultimate game that I was very late to due to it taking a while longer than we thought to get our passports going.

It was almost like a day off since pretty much nothing happened. In band, we watched the jazz band. In Physics, we did nothing. In Theory, we didn't get started until about 70 minutes into the class (new record!). After school, Iron Man was viewed. It was a pretty good movie.

I was at my aunt's house this weekend, so I had to get going to Shorewood a bit earlier for the pickup of the team. It was raining (of course), so I picked up Orion and his fold out tent thing (referred to as "the tarp" from hereon out). We tied it to the roof of the Taurus and headed for Shorewood where we picked up some people. All the people showing up to the game filled Jack's car and my car exactly. We won our first game, then had to haul back to Shoreline A for our second game against the 7-0 Monroe. We scored the first point, but then got pwned. I think the final score was somewhere around 15-3 or something. After that, Davis, Orion, and NOT STEVEN (FOR SHAME), and I played some Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. It was good and very funny due to Orion's inability to fly with a character that can fly.

On Sunday, I took the day as off as I could because I was tired from the previous day. I didn't get much done, but that was okay since I had no homework.

Today I didn't have much to do. Classes were less stressful than last week because of a lack of pending assignments. All I have left to do is take 2 AP tests and do my CE next monday and I eliminate three big things right there. I am quite sure Physics will be easier after that test. I hear we have a project, but it shouldn't be too bad. In Theory, people think we will do stuff and I kind of think we will, but really hope we don't. Well peace out for now.

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