Friday, December 26, 2008

It did not slip my mind

I know, I know. I haven't posted in over a week. I figured I would get away with it because I was busy (hanging out with 90% of the people that read this blog). Anyway, I got busy with some DnD, but that is a story that comes later. I must get the first boring week of break out of the way.

For the first week of break, Sai and Orion were both gone and the weather was rather annoying, so I didn't leave the house much. I got some good gaming in on the NES until I stopped getting it to work and gave up. I also got some achievements that I had not yet gotten on old console games. I've been playing Guitar Hero 2 with Kathryn and she's getting better, so she's helping me get some achievements. She's actually as good on a controller as I am and she prefers to play that because she finds that the guitar can be somewhat confusing.

The streak of boringness was broken on Saturday when Davis called me up about whether I wanted to go to Maddy's white elephant party with him. I must admit, I had originally thought I wouldn't go(sorry Maddy if you're reading this), but Davis told me it wasn't going to be a boozer, so I agreed to go. Davis came over early and we watched Dungeons & Dragons, the movie, which was really stupid, but good since we came into it with very low expectations. The ending was a major wtf. After that, we went up the hill to Maddy's house and when we got there, Maddy, Andrew, Jack, and Erin were there already. Shortly after we got there, Sam and Jared showed up. The white elephant was successful. I got a bionicle book, a book called seven habits of highly successful teenagers, a half completed sudoku book (how efficient!), and a DINOSAUR BOOK!!!! It had a funny picture of what looked like Dino-oral. I'll have to show you guys sometime or post the picture.

We hung around for about half an hour after everyone left because of the 4-6 inches of snow that had fallen. On our way back to my house, Davis and I considered streaking which would have been cool, but it would have meant that we were naked and in close proximity, which is highly unacceptable. We watched Scarface when we got back to my house, then we had breakfast together if you catch my drift (I meant it literally).

On Sunday, Davis and I decided to walk all the way to Steven's house since there was no way we were going to be able to drive anywhere. We made it to Davis' house in 45 minutes, then spent over an hour there, which was unplanned. After that, we took 30 minutes to get to Steven's house. When we got there, we made him a DnD character and then waited for Orion, then hung out with Orion before going to his house to mooch some dinner off of his mom. After that, we hung out back at Steven's house until Charlie picked us up and drove me back to the top of Syre hill, which I walked down.

On Monday, I decided it was a good enough day to drive, so I did. We got some good DnD going that day. We played until about 6, when we went to Orion's house to mooch dinner again, then we came back and played until about 1am. I got almost home, then encountered a police scene and had to take the long way around, so I got home at 2am.
A good quote from the day: Sai: Oh, so getting up is a standard action? I guess I won't do that then

On Tuesday, I went to Steven's house around 2:00 and hung out with him, Sai, and Ashley. Ashley joined our party that day in DnD and it was kind of good because Davis decided to put us up against 48 enemies. The battle took 4 hours partly because of some training we had to do, but it was pretty fun.

On Wednesday, I drove mom to the grocery store to get some groceries that had yet to be gotten. After that, I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the downstairs. I found a lot of cool stuff and really got it clean.

On Christmas Day, I woke up to discover that I was awake before Kathryn and after Dad. Usually, Kathryn wakes me up, then we wake up the parents, but the order didn't really do anything this year. I got some good loot for Christmas, including Mercenaries 2 (Josh would be proud), and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed along with a couple older games, Forza 2 and the latest Destroy all Humans. I also got a charger for my batteries that plugs into the 360 and a new battery from my cousin. It was nice because he keeps saying I should get one and now he just gave me one. Also, I lost a battery pack, so it's nice to have another.

Right now, I'm finishing up an old game so I can move onto my new ones. Hopefully we can get some DnD going soon. Peace out until then.

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