Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Superbowl 2009: A repeat of Superbowl XL

Yes, as my title suggests, this superbowl will be much like the one in 2005 when the Seahawks went. It will feature the Pittsburgh Steelers against an NFC west team that came out of nowhere to suddenly wind up in the Superbowl. That team will then proceed to lose, but hopefully this loss will be a more legitimate one than ours. Anyway, it looks like I did well in the championship games. I got both right. That means that if I get the superbowl right, I will go 8 for 11, thereby beating my previous record of 7 for 11. To cement what I assume will be my victory over last year, I shall now tell you my prediction.

Steelers vs. Cardinals: Steelers by 10-15 points
It's going to hopefully be a legitimate win in the superbowl this time. The Steelers just have an unstoppable defense and even the great Warner to Fitzgerald plan will not be 100% successful and the Cardinals will give it a valiant effort, but will regrettably come up short in the end.

That being said, I will still root for the Cardinals because I like them better than the Steelers (though I do like the Steelers some). Anyway, have fun watching the game and for those of you that are lame and don't watch it for the game; watching your precious advertisements.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I've done a lot in a week, I guess.

So as usual, I was reading my last post to see what happened and when I left off so that my posts don't overlap and I realized that my last post ended with me beating Morrowind. I thought that had been much longer ago. It's only been a week? Wow, time really slows down when one doesn't waste one's time away with Morrowind. Anyway, yeah I beat Morrowind pretty thoroughly and I am now back in the real world and I have spent the past week catching up on homework I neglected and generally getting a lot done. I've also been working on playing Godot's theme from Phoenix Wright 3 and it's going pretty good except the bass part is hard to figure out and I'm still trying to find a way to get a good quality recording of my playing of the piano part. I'll hopefully find a way eventually. So anyhow, let's get into the week shall we?

I finished the day by doing nothing much at all. It was MLK Jr. day, so we had no school anyway and I had already done my homework.

I debated skipping math to hear Obama's speech, but it was only 20 minutes, so I got lucky and was able to listen to it in the car on the way to school. I had another trumpet lesson and it was cool to see that I am actually starting to improve my range on trumpet even in just one week. My range on trumpet is bad for a trumpet player and is a lot shorter than my range on french horn, which is pretty good. On horn, I can play from the Eb below the bass clef up to the C above the treble staff comfortably, so that's a range of just less than 4 octaves. On trumpet, I can play from the first F below treble clef up to the A above the treble staff comfortably. That's a much smaller range and its high end is very low for a trumpet player, but hopefully with more lessons, I shall be able to become a screecher! That would actually be pretty cool/annoying. After school, I finally got Xbox live hooked up again and decided to get some achievements in Call of Duty 5 that were online because they were pretty quick. After playing for a bit, I realized there were a lot of n00bs online, so I decided to keep playing and I wound up schooling noobs for about 4 hours.

It was more of the same. I went to school, did a lot of nothing, then came home. I think I played some Starcraft with Steven though. As usual, I got my ass handed to me.

Actually, I might have played Starcraft with Steven this day. I forget because all I really did all week was draw, do homework, play starcraft, or get on xbox live.

It was Steven's birthday, so I went to tell him happy birthday in person. After school, I gave him a present in Guild Wars and wished him happy birthday in the videogame world. After he left to go to a movie with Ashley, I went to wish him happy birthday via facebook, thereby creating a trifecta of happy birthday wishes. After that, I went to see Slumdog Millionare which was really really good and I hope it wins the oscar for best picture. It's nice to see original ideas nowadays. After that, I tried to watch Next with Nicholas Cage, but it was too damn boring and the whole movie was like that scene in Pure Pwnage where he keeps thinking Tagi is going to kill him, so I fell asleep.

I took the day off because I needed it even though I knew that I would have to start work on two essays and complete one the next day. I spent the whole day playing Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon. I don't think Xbox magazine was right to call it a franchise suicide. What's the matter xbox magazine? Did Destroy All Humans not take out enough ads in your magazine? It's nice to see that that magazine is selling out and that I'm not going crazy. I would cancel my subscription, but I still like it because it also announces new games, so I just read that instead of the ratings.

I got a whole 4 page essay completed and did half of another essay. It was a very boring day.

Well it was a pretty plain school day. I am sick, so it wasn't really a good one, but hopefully I will get better by Wednesday. I don't want to go to band today because that stupid girl is going to be in our section again, but it will be nice knowing that no matter how much she annoys me, at least the whole section doesn't hate me.

So yeah I'm going to be gone from Wednesday to Sunday, but I'll talk to everyone later. There will not be a things I hate this week, but on the bright side, that means I will definitely have to post one next week. I'll do my football post tomorrow. Ok well peace out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things I Hate: 7

Hello and welcome to the seventh installment of things I hate. I'm back, baby! This one will be dedicated to Davis, not because the topic really reminds me of him, but because he reminded me that I used to do this segment. I had originally said I would pick it back up when the quarter started, but then Morrowind happened. Now that I am back in the real world again, I will try to get back into doing this. Since it's a long term thing I'm hoping and there are only so many things on which I can hate, I might not make this every week, but I will definately try not to leave more than a one week gap between segments. I for sure will not post next week because I will be in Mexico for my cousin's wedding. I'm leaving on Wednesday and we have the wedding rehearsal on Thursday, the wedding on Friday, and some party on Saturday. I get back on Sunday. Unfortunately, this means I will not see the Superbowl live, so If you ruin it for me, I will probably have to cut your balls off, but I will probably have watched the whole thing before I use the internet anyway since I don't want to have the game ruined for me. I'll do the picks later. I figured I have a lot of time before the game comes. Ok well anyhow, I think that I should get back to hating on shit before I get on too much longer of a tangent.

This week on Things I hate: Stupid commercials

Like ways to respond to an internet feud, there are several different types of commercials. The three major types are: Sentimental, Funny, and Cool. I shall now go into detail about those three types.

These ones start with very little interestingness and slowly deteriorate in interestingness until they are discontinued. Sentimental commercials often have soft music playing in the background while some lady or very emotionally insecure guy has a close up on the camera and they tell you all about their pathetic story of their lives and how their kid died and they need you to buy this product so it doesn't happen to your kid. You can only buy so many home HIV testing kits before you start to realize that this isn't really something anyone needs ever. Things to watch out for in these types of commercials are soft fabrics, bright colors, pink, flowers, and tears.

These commercials can start out with a level of interestingness relative to how funny the joke was in the commercial. The unfortunate part is that once you have heard the punchline, the joke fails to be funny anymore. There are some outliers to that of course (see: Urlacher commercial). Let's face it though, there are many jokes out there that may be hilarous the first time you see it, but then once you hear it again, you just blurt out the punchline in an attempt to get the joke over with faster and then right after you say the punchline and the guy says "Yeah," you dickishly utter "Yeah I've heard that one." to let that person know that if you ever get told that joke again, they're going to get their balls cut off. The worst part about funny commercials is that the people in charge of advertising for companies don't tend to understand that the hilarity of a joke has a very short shelf life, so they will constantly play these commercials over and over and over (see: Wendy's 3conomics (don't really, they are extremely annoying)). Those commercials seem to always come up multiple times during commercial breaks and I'm truly amazed anyone bothers to eat at Wendy's anymore after being repeatedly fed that shit day in and day out while trying to innocently watch football.

These commercials are often the most successful because while sentimental is never interesting and funny is insteresting the first time; cool is always cool. If you see a guy jump a car through a nuclear explosion, you're going to say, ok that's pretty damn cool. If you see it again, are you going to now say "Well that sucked."? No, you won't because that is still pretty damn cool. Unfortunately, some people don't understand what cool is, so we wind up with the Dodge Ram commercials where you get a bunch of stupid "manly men" (aka assorted douchebags) to test your truck in harsh conditions. I don't care if my truck can jump through a burning building. I can honestly say that I will never do that. I would rather have a man step than the ability to jump through fire in my car. I might actually use the man step.

Now the way the commercials come at you can be very annoying as well.

Short and many:
Some stations like to break up their broadcasts more often but to use less commercials. That's a clever way to make sure I get less out of the storyline and more commercials are thrust upon me to watch.

Commercial free:
If you have ever seen a commercial free program before, then you know how annoying it can be. Sure, you don't have to watch commercials, but you trade that in for "Remember, this is a commercial free broadcast today brought to you by the good people at Subway." every 30 seconds. It's just as bad as watching commercials.

In commercials, you tend to see some little fine print at the bottom and you occasionally wonder what they mean by it. Well wonder no more.

Not paid actors: Well actually, they are actors, we just aren't paying them because we're cheap.

Actual customer: They bought the product, then we reimbursed them so they would tell us it's a great product.

Real people: See, look at them. They are not mannequins!

These two did not know each other before the commercial: But they knew the script.

Professional Driver on a closed course: Your car will never perform this well unless you are that guy on that road.

Do not try this at home: Do it where you can injure the most people.

As for commercials that show skinny women and make little girls think they are supposed to be anorexic, shame on you! Stop giving girls a need to be that abnormally skinny. As for the Dove commercials showing real women, shame on you too! Stop telling women that it's okay to stop caring about their looks.

And last, but not least:

Billy Mays:

Well that's that for commercials. In the end, just buy a Tivo or DVR and send a huge screw you to the commercial makers of America and teach them that they should use their bailout money on something that will actually move their products.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I guess today is Monday

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Football picks did not do as well.

Well yeah I didn't do so well this week. I only got half of the games right. There were a couple surprises though and I felt very smart after the Cardinals game. I missed the Titans game, but I recorded it while I was gone and I saw the 2nd half and was barely able to watch it without crying. I really wanted them to win in the Super Bowl. Also, I was let down by the Giants, but not as let down as they were. They were so terrible. Orion was right, they have been getting worse. So I came in late to the Cardinals game and when I came in at halftime, it was 33-13. I had picked the Cardinals to win, but apparently all 5 guys at Fox (even Frank Calliendo!) had picked the Panthers to win. I later found out that all the guys at CBS had picked the Panthers to win. I would have felt smart even if the Cardinals had won by a little bit, but they went and COMPLETELY DOMINATED. I was very happy and I wish I could rub it in the faces of the football guys. At the end of the day, the Steelers won, but that wasn't a surprise. The Chargers (who are my 3rd favorite team) had a good start, but the Steelers are just good. So there are only 2 games this weekend and here they are.

Cardinals vs. Eagles: Cardinals by less than 7 points:
The Cardinals are my favorite team still in the running currently, but the Eagles are performing quite well. However, when you compare the two teams the Eagles have played, it's not saying that much. The Vikings were pretty weak and let's face it, the Giants missed 2 field goals. The Eagles may have a great defense, but Arizona has shown me that they have a really good offense and I think they will put that to use and I hope they get into the Super Bowl with it. They're due for a trip to one.

Ravens at Steelers: Steelers by less than 10 points:
It's a case of the two best defenses around. Both teams have shown me that they can stop the other team from scoring. For this reason, I have to go with the Steelers because not only does their defense stop scores, but they also make scores. I really hope the Cardinals win their game because that would mean that no matter which team wins this game, the Super Bowl would be a great offense vs. a great defense, which would make for a pretty good game.

Well have fun this weekend watching more football. I hope I get both right. As it stands, my record this season is 5 for 8. My record last year was 7 for 11. If I get the next three right, I could beat my record. If I lose one more, then I will have tied it and I will be somewhat sad because I want these two teams to be in the Super Bowl.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My knees still hurt from the weekend, but I'm glad I did all that I did.

So yeah I had quite a busy weekend. I was pretty much walking or driving, so my ankles were a bit sore after a while, especially because of the long drive. Anyway, I think I'll just go through my classes, then get into the weekend, then the football post tomorrow. Aaaaand break.

Math 111: 9:30-10:20:
Math 099 and Math 111 together are very similar to a year of Math Analysis so it's probably good that I wound up like this because I had a year of no math to forget all I had learned. I'm really happy I got the same prof. for math that I had last quarter because she is really laid back and really nice. I'm going to be gone for my cousin's wedding over the midterm, but she's letting me make it up when it works for me. I decided before I left because the information would be fresher in my mind and because it wouldn't be fair to get a few extra days to study. That class was really full at the start. We had 37 desks with tabletops on them and 39 people showed up on the first day. Since then, the number has dwindled to a mere 17 today. Many people just don't get the math and it moves to fast for them so they leave. It's funny because we've only done review sofar. Anyway, I like how the class is going and I think I will pass it just like 099.

Great Works of Asian Literature: 10:30-11:20:
I like telling people I'm in this class because it makes me seem cultured. I actually took the class because my english professor from last quarter who I really liked was teaching this. After I signed up, I found out that this guy I hung out with in english last quarter was taking it as well, so that's cool. A girl that sat near us in the class is also in this class, so the three of us plus one of the guy's friends sit in our little corner. The class has a lot of gamers in it not surprisingly. One funny moment was when this tall guy with really gothy clothes, chains hanging off them, tattoos on his hands, a slicked back mohawk, and a goatee showed up in class late one day. It turns out that he is actually a really cool guy and he always strives to make at least one person laugh each day, which I think is really cool because I try to do that as well. The class is really cool though and it's nice to have a professor I get along with.

Jazz Band: 11:30-10:20:
It's the same as last quarter. We got a new saxophone player and our alto 2 moved to bari and we have a full time trombone now, so things are getting better. It's still fun and I've started hanging out after class sometimes with the trumpets to just play since I don't have a class anymore afterwards. On Tuesdays now, I'm getting private lessons, which will really help me with my range, so I'm excited for that.

English 102: Online:
The professor for this seems cool, but I doubt I'll ever really meet him. He said at the start that we only really need to check 3 times a week, which works for me because english isn't that hard. I like that I now don't have to sit in a classroom pretending to learn the same thing I've been learning for the past several years. It's going to take more motivation to get work done than in other classes, but I doubt I will have a problem as I can be very motivated when I want to be.

Band: 7:00-9:30 Mondays:
Well before, we had 8 French Horns, which was ridiculous. Anyway, I was liking being the youngest in the section by 25 years or more. I was still somehow fitting in and all the people in the section were a lot like me, very laid back. Last week, this girl who's a shared student from the UW comes in with a Mellophone because her horn was gone for whatever reason. She immediately is thought highly of because she can play the mellophone. I was just sitting there like That's not impressive at all. Playing horn in high school means you have to play mellophone as well. All french horn players can play at least two instruments because they have to play the mellophone for marching. Anyway, she is really type A and has a bit of a prissy attitude and when we stuck her on third for her first day, she seemed a little pissy about it. She needs to learn that not all people play first part on all songs. We switch around in this band. Also, I don't even know why she's here. She complains about the conducting, which isn't great, but none of us care. I wanted to tell her that if she hates it, she can go back to the UW. I don't know why she felt the need to come here. My current thought is that she maybe didn't get accepted into the school of music. If that's the case, then that would be hilarious to me since I did get in. Anyway, maybe she'll just go away after the quarter or sooner and things can get back to normal.

So when I came in on Monday, Dan (my new best friend (the joke behind it is a long story)) said he heard from Nikki (one of the Stanwood girls) that Orion and I were planning on coming down to see them this week. I told him we didn't say this week, but we would come down with him on Friday since he said he was going to go there as well.

FAST forward (for you, Orion) to Friday after school. Before I leave, Dan tells me he won't be there until 8:00 since he lives in lake stevens. Orion and I went down early anyway, but decided to stop in Seattle first to see if we could find Orion some football shoes for frisbee. We parked about 8 blocks north of where we caught the bus coming back from PAX an walked to NikeTown. After spending 2 minutes in there, it was apparent that their selection was severely lacking in pretty much every department. We decided to get the full use of our two hours we paid for, so we walked around Seattle. First, we went to the fountain you can walk through where the carousel is in the wintertime. On the way there, we came across a lot of punk rockers. They were congregating near the fountain. Orion said "I wonder why they're all here." I was wondering as well. Just as we passed the group, we heard "Hey David!" and looked around to see Adam from frisbee coming at us wearing a fuzzy jacket. It was nice to catch up with him slightly even if he was smoking and a girl came and borrowed his cigarette at one point. It turned out they were all going to a rave. After quickly finding an excuse to leave, Orion and I did. We walked through that fountain which I had not done in a while. It was cool. From there, we went to see the hammering man. We did that and then we went to see some cool steps that were actually lame. We also passed a guy wearing a long coat and hat coming out of a burlesque house. We also went down through pike place market, then back up to the convention center before heading back out to the truck.

After that 1.5 hour walking adventure, we headed off to the UW. After wandering for a bit, I found a parking spot that gave you the option of buying 1, 2, 3, or 10 hours of parking. If we had gotten there 2 hours later, it would have been cheaper, but we had to pay for the 10 hours, which we surprisingly used 8 of. From there, we walked over about 2 blocks to the UW. Going off a memory of a map I had quickly glanced at about 2 hours before, I led us around the UW thinking I was going the right way. I actually was right up until the end, then I led us astray. If I had not turned when I was supposed to go straight, we would have made it to the dorm Nikki was in after only 10 minutes. Instead, we proceeded to get way lost and spent an hour looking for the dorm she was in. It was epic fail. We did see Terence though, which was cool. Finally, we were able to meet up with her, then we called Lucy for some reason and found out she was in her room with Erika, Allison, and Kayla. We decided to go see them since Orion wanted to. I didn't really need to see Erika and I didn't particularly want to ditch Nikki, but she had a friend there, so we went. I didn't realize how much I never talked to them until we got there. All four of them were in bed together and they all climbed down so say hi.......to Orion. Being quickly forced out of the circle, I stood in the background with Lucy's roomate, who seemed pretty cool because she was unboxing a box so that it would take up less space in the recycle bin, which is something only cool people do. Kayla actually did say hello to me, but awkwardly as she passed me on her way out the door. I was glad we were only there for about 3 minutes because it was really awkward for me. After that, we walked Lucy up to the campus so she could meet up with her religion buddies for some bible thumping. On the way, we saw the asians crossing the street, so Lucy yelled "HEY ASIANS." It was funny because they all turned around, looking confused, then actually saw who it was and waved at us. After we parted ways from Lucy, Orion and I went back to Nikki's dorm and saw Chung on the way.

After that, we met up with Drew and some of his friends for dinner where Alex and Willie happened upon us. They wanted to hang out, but since we were there to see the Stanwood kids, we had to tell them we couldn't. I felt like a dick after seeing Alex's face, but we will come down to see the Shorewood kids this week. After meeting Drew's roomates and other friends, we went back up to his dorm to check it out. After that, the rest of the Stanwood girls showed up and we all went shopping for some reason. We did find some cool stuff, but cool in the sense that it was something funny written on a shirt or whatnot. After that, it turned out Dan was going to be late, so we hung out in a living room area in a dorm for a while. When Dan and his friend got there at 9:00, we all went to go bowling, but the lanes were all being used, so we played pool and ping pong. It was pretty cool. Orion and I left sometime between 11:00 and midnight.

I got up on time, but did not linger around because I had to leave at 10:00 because Steven, Orion, and I were going to Ellensburg to see Davis. We got through the pass with no trouble. When we got there, it was quickly apparent to us how much there was not to do. We hung out with Davis for a while and got the full tour of campus including their really nice music building and their really cool music library. We saw a statue of a pencil (apparently), the mobile fortress (psych building), the strange radar dishes, and the zombie defense palace. We also got to meet the many cool characters that live on his floor. We hung out with John a bit and he was a really cool guy. He took us to see the junk shop, which had some cool junk in it. I should have bought some of those $1 seahawk unwashed practice pants. Who knows who's herpes I could get? It was a pretty cool time while we were there, but we had to leave after a while due to a lack of things to do. Luckily, we did not leave later than that because we got stuck in some bad snow over the pass. I almost ran out of gas because we were forced to use the brakes a lot and almost all of the exits were closed for 50 miles. We finally pulled into a gas station about 7 miles ahead of North Bend at 0 miles to empty (which is actually 5 or 6 miles (it warns you early, which is actually a good way of doing it)) That was the only problem. As we passed accidents and as I could barely see out the window, all I cared about until that point was whether we would run out of gas. After that, the snow quickly turned to rain as we went down the mountain and it no longer was a problem. After that, I came home and watched football, then Orion came over to watch the Titans game. It was only the second half due to a technical error by the machine I had recording it.

I watched football all day. It was nice to not have to use my feet and I got a lot done on Morrowind. I'm getting close to being the highest rank in all the houses and I'm now almost level 60.

Well that's it for now. I would probably post about today, but I just did that whole weekend post, so I guess I'll spare you. Have a good day until tomorrow, or a good rest of the week if you aren't reading until next week.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Somehow, this didn't get put in the last picture post

This was how my whole weekend looked. Games going on the bottom and football up top. I happened to get it during an army commercial. I think that the army now owes me money for advertising for them.
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The 2nd week of Football picks.

Sorry about the delay. I almost forgot to post today. The days blur together when you play too much Morrowind. Anyway, it looks like I did well last week. I didn't do as well as my first week last year when I went 4 for 4, but I think I can do better than my 7 out of 11 record of the last playoff season. I was quite surprised that the Colts lost, but after how they played in overtime, they deserved to lose. When you foul yourself to a loss, it's hard to feel sorry for you. I was also surprised on the two Sunday games at how close I was to being right. I was about 2 points off in both games. I'm hoping to improve on my record of 3 for 4 by getting all 4 right this weekend. Here it goes.

Titans vs. Ravens: Titans win by 14
What happens when you pit a team with the best record in football against a team with a defense that has a knack for getting the ball out of the offense's hands? You get a really good game. I wish this one wasn't on first because it's going to be a really good game, but in the end, the Titans are going to continue and they will show us why they have the best record in football this season.

Panthers vs. Cardinals: Cardinals win by 6-10
This is going to be a game like the Eagles vs. the Vikings. It's going to be pretty boring. Neither of these teams really stands out and neither one is going to make it to the super bowl unless something happens to the Giants. That being said, the Cardinals will take their good experience from this past weekend and they will apply it well in this game and they will either win by a couple field goals or a touchdown.

Giants vs. Eagles: Giants win by 14
The Eagles had a nice win over the Vikings last week, but the reigning super bowl champions are not going to let up on them and the Eagles will be stopped in their tracks. When the Giants get into the lead, they will hold it for the remainder of the game.

Steelers vs. Chargers: Steelers by at least 10
The Chargers may be my 3rd favorite team (only behind the Seahawks, then the Colts), but I know when a team I like is outmatched, so I have to get behind the Steelers here. The Steelers are scary and I must say, I am changing my opinion of them. They didn't cheat in the super bowl vs. us. The referees did. If the Steelers pull out a good win and still make the game fun to watch, I think I can learn to like them next season.

Ok well have fun watching football this weekend. I'll talk to y'all later.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Kathryn and I figured if vanilla snow ice cream worked out, why shouldn't mint? It did not work out. It tasted as bad as it looks.
Then I put some candy in there to make it look more like puke.
My neighbor parked in the middle of the culdesac, preventing everyone from getting out. Totall d-bag move.
This was my page of notes for the accounting final. You might say it was quite an "asset" on the test.
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Just the week for now

Before I get into this post, I will acknowledge that I am aware of how I did in football this weekend and I know school has started, but this post will be just about the last week of break. I want to keep the football stuff in its own post since I went back to last year and it was really unorganized. I will post tomorrow or maybe much later today (most likely tomorrow) on that. As far as classes, I really want to post about how I like them so far, but I feel like I should have been in them for at least a week first. Also, we had a late start today due to snow, so I haven't even had my math class yet. Due to all that, this post will be only about the last week of break.

So on the 27th, we actually got some DnD going, which was cool because we spent most of the day doing it since Davis didn't have to do anything after all. Because we spent 12 hours playing DnD on Saturday, we didn't on Sunday, so I just played Call of Duty: World at War. It's pretty fun. It's got the good engine of CoD4 with the coolness of WW2 games. I don't know why people hate them so much. There were so many good battles. I'd rather run through bombed out Germany than bombed out desert city.

On the 29th, we got some more DnD in, taking slightly longer than Orion wanted because we had to finish the dungeon we were in (sadly, no dragons were involved). After that, Orion left and Sai lent me Morrowind.

On the 30th and 31st, not much went on. Orion was gone and I didn't hang out with anyone. I did go see Valkyrie with mom and dad which was a pretty good movie.

Orion got back on the 1st and we went to see the Stanwood kids that day, which was pretty cool. We didn't hang out very long, but Orion and I are planning on visiting the UW to see them sometime soon. After that, Orion and I went to Lucy's house for a facebook/yearbook party. It was much straighter than it sounds, trust me.

On the 2nd, Sai came over to help me realize I had installed Morrowind correctly and to help me set up Photoshop. I haven't used it too much yet, but I like what it can do that I've seen so far. While waiting, we continued to pwn throught Halo on legendary. We got through Truth and Reconciliation as well as The Silent Cartographer. For the record, Sai and I are very manly because we kill hunters on legendary by only hitting them. The one time we actually shot a hunter was when I had to because Sai had gotten killed right before they showed up and it was 2v1, but I only needed to shoot it once because I had hit it a lot already.

After Sai left, I went to see 7 pounds with my family, which was pretty good, but also pretty depressing.

On the 3rd and 4th, I didn't leave the house at all. I set up my PC so that when I looked up, the TV and the PC looked like a Nintendo DS setup. I marathon gamed (Morrowind) while watching football. It was very enjoyable.

Well that's it for the week. Next week's post will include my classes. Tomorrow, I'll post about football. Later today, I have band, but after that, I'll try to remember to put up some pictures I've been meaning to get up.