Monday, January 05, 2009

Just the week for now

Before I get into this post, I will acknowledge that I am aware of how I did in football this weekend and I know school has started, but this post will be just about the last week of break. I want to keep the football stuff in its own post since I went back to last year and it was really unorganized. I will post tomorrow or maybe much later today (most likely tomorrow) on that. As far as classes, I really want to post about how I like them so far, but I feel like I should have been in them for at least a week first. Also, we had a late start today due to snow, so I haven't even had my math class yet. Due to all that, this post will be only about the last week of break.

So on the 27th, we actually got some DnD going, which was cool because we spent most of the day doing it since Davis didn't have to do anything after all. Because we spent 12 hours playing DnD on Saturday, we didn't on Sunday, so I just played Call of Duty: World at War. It's pretty fun. It's got the good engine of CoD4 with the coolness of WW2 games. I don't know why people hate them so much. There were so many good battles. I'd rather run through bombed out Germany than bombed out desert city.

On the 29th, we got some more DnD in, taking slightly longer than Orion wanted because we had to finish the dungeon we were in (sadly, no dragons were involved). After that, Orion left and Sai lent me Morrowind.

On the 30th and 31st, not much went on. Orion was gone and I didn't hang out with anyone. I did go see Valkyrie with mom and dad which was a pretty good movie.

Orion got back on the 1st and we went to see the Stanwood kids that day, which was pretty cool. We didn't hang out very long, but Orion and I are planning on visiting the UW to see them sometime soon. After that, Orion and I went to Lucy's house for a facebook/yearbook party. It was much straighter than it sounds, trust me.

On the 2nd, Sai came over to help me realize I had installed Morrowind correctly and to help me set up Photoshop. I haven't used it too much yet, but I like what it can do that I've seen so far. While waiting, we continued to pwn throught Halo on legendary. We got through Truth and Reconciliation as well as The Silent Cartographer. For the record, Sai and I are very manly because we kill hunters on legendary by only hitting them. The one time we actually shot a hunter was when I had to because Sai had gotten killed right before they showed up and it was 2v1, but I only needed to shoot it once because I had hit it a lot already.

After Sai left, I went to see 7 pounds with my family, which was pretty good, but also pretty depressing.

On the 3rd and 4th, I didn't leave the house at all. I set up my PC so that when I looked up, the TV and the PC looked like a Nintendo DS setup. I marathon gamed (Morrowind) while watching football. It was very enjoyable.

Well that's it for the week. Next week's post will include my classes. Tomorrow, I'll post about football. Later today, I have band, but after that, I'll try to remember to put up some pictures I've been meaning to get up.


Davos said...

Hey! I didn't get invited to a gay yearbook/facebook party!!!

Oreo said...

you should have taken a picture of your DS setup.

also, on the news they just said "nooksack" which sounds kinda dirty and makes me chuckle a little.

scismer - a mesmer/scientist