Monday, April 27, 2009

Work Week

Ok before I start, if you haven't read the previous post, feel free to do so now, I really won't mind. I know Orion saw it, but for the rest of you, it was my fault that I didn't say I was going to update later on during the week. Anyway, if that whole type of post isn't your scene, then don't worry about that. That being said, I think I'll get into the last week.

Since I was really tired when I got back, I was almost falling asleep throughout the afternoon regardless of what I was doing. Luckily I had no homework. That night around 8:00, we all sat down to watch some TV. Dad had hurt his leg, so he was laying on the floor which meant I got the whole couch to myself, so I laid down on it. I forgot that I tend to fall asleep on that couch even when I'm not tired, so I fell asleep (pretty hard) at 8:30 and slept straight until 11:00. I guess my family was shaking me and putting the cats on me to try to wake me up, but I was Steven level passed out there. Anyway, I woke up in a huge daze and then somehow managed to take a shower and get into my own bed where I slept hard until the alarm woke me up.

I got up an hour late since we had no law the whole week. It was also nice because since I had no Jazz Band, Math was my only class. I was only at school for 50 minutes before I got to go home. I would have just gone to sleep again, but I had band so I couldn't. Band went well. They still hadn't found a second horn part for one of the songs, so I took home the conductor score for the piece and I used it to make a second horn part for myself. I'll be seeing how it works tonight and hopefully I didn't make any errors.

I actually had 2 classes. They were very easy though. After Jazz Band, I had my trumpet lesson. I got in a little trouble because I hadn't practiced my stuff in over a week (not that I ever do anyway, but usually I can sight read the stuff we do well). Luckily I got to play the jazz band trip card and I got out of trouble. I forgot to practice this week too, crap. After that, I went over to my aunt's house and met up with my second cousin and we worked in her yard for a few hours. I pressure washed her brick walkway for about 2 hours. I don't think it had ever been pressure washed. It went from being dark almost black in places to bright red and tan all over. It was very strange to see that much of a difference.

I had 2 classes again. After school, Steven and I played about 8 hours of Starcraft. It was really fun.

I had all three classes, but Law was easy because it was an in class exercise that I was proctoring. After school, more Starcraft ensued. Steven figured out how to wall in well and now I'm working on it too.

2 classes before some Starcraft. Eventually, Steven wound up making a macro for a gun for Starcraft to impress people. While he was doing that, I signed on Guild Wars to check what the deal was with the big update. It's a really awesome update full of cool shit I wish they had given us when we played all the time. Ah well, hopefully this stuff will be around for Guild Wars 2 (which I expect everyone to get so we can get some pwnage Teriyaki...pwnage going).

I had to do my service learning from 10am-2pm. If nothing else, it was at least a good workout. The guy that hoarded the shovel was a useless douche that only tried to pick up chicks. I got a ton of blackberry bush scratches that look really cool when you're there because it's like "Ooh, he's taking the job seriously and he's really contributing." Unfortunately, when you leave that place, it just looks like you lost a fight with a kitten and they just exist to itch and burn when you're in the shower.

We dropped off our 5 broken TV sets (three were my grandpa's from the 70s and 80s) at Goodwill, then we went to my aunt's house, got more goodwill stuff, then went to my grandpa's and got his extra TV to borrow (our upstairs one crapped out). After that we came back here and dad and I built our new barbecue. Our old barbecue, which was about 7 or 8 years old had been missing the ignitor for the past 4 years, and only one side worked at a time (first, the left side broke, then more recently, the left side came back, but the right side broke). Anyway, our new barbecue was christened with really good steaks that I will probably never have again. It's a nice barbecue though, we should totally have some stuff from it when we hang out this summer.

Not much has happened today. I've been doing the usual routine.

So yeah I'll be going to my aunt's house later in the week. On top of fixing my aunt's house and cleaning my grandpa's house, I now get to help clean our house for the yard sale coming up on May 16th (when I'm in Victoria unfortunately). I'll still try to find time for everything I do (shouldn't be hard). Pure Pwnage hasn't said when the new episode comes out yet, but I hope it either comes out on a Saturday night or Memorial Day weekend otherwise I might not be able to go see it due to my service learning and needing to be there to get class credit. It came out on a Saturday last time though, so we could still be fine (I get off at 2, so we would just have to haul ass a bit). Aside from that, it may only be week 5 for Steven and I, but I'm looking forward to summer when we shall meet up and do pwnage things. Peace out until next week.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's On? Firefly.

Ok first of all, if you don't know what's going on, I suggest you read the previous post (it is brief (not boxers, sorry)) so that you are not confused anymore. If you DO know what's going on, then welcome to What's On? This time, I will be telling you about the series Firefly.

Firefly is a science fiction series that aired on Fox from 2002-2003. It was cancelled sadly after just 14 episodes. Since its cancellation, it has achieved cult status. I personally wanted to get into the show when it came out, but I was too young to watch it, so when it was cancelled, I forgot about it for a long time. I recently rediscovered it when I thought about it and then realized I could probably find it on Hulu.

The premise of the show is that there are 9 people on board a Firefly class ship (named so because of their resemblance to a firefly) named Serenity. On board, we have:

Mal Reynolds- Mal is the captain of Serenity. He's a very sarcastic guy, but he obviously has a conscience and he cares about the safety of his crew.

Zoe Washburn- A long time friend of Mal, Zoe is a very loyal companion who is very cool and collected at all times. She is married to the ship's captain.

Wash Washburn- The ship's captain and sometimes the comic relief. He's a skilled pilot and he doesn't get as much screen time as he deserves mainly because he's behind the controls of the ship most of the time. He has good lines when he gets to move around though.

Inara Serra- Inara is a companion, which is basically a classy whore. In the future, whores are prostitutes that aren't registered with the guild. Companions are very graceful and elegant (a stark contrast from modern day prostitutes) and they are actually looked up to in some circles.

Jayne Cobb- I don't know why he got a girl's name (frankly, it confused me for the first 4 or 5 episodes when I was surprised to see a man answer when they yelled out Jayne). He's the strongman that carries all the guns. He's slow witted, but handy in a fight and he somehow winds up being the butt of most of the jokes.

Kaylee Frye- The ship's mechanic. She's very spacey and innocent minded. She's one of those characters that it's hard to watch at some times because of her trusting nature and her strange ability to see what's good in everyone even when there isn't anything good in them.

Simon Tam- The ship's doctor. He and his sister River are on the run from the Alliance.

River Tam- Simon's sister and an escapee from a secret alliance training facility. Nobody knows what happened to her in there, but it obviously made her somewhat crazy.

Shepherd- I don't know if they ever brought up this guy's name, but he is always called shepherd. Basically, that means he's a travelling pastor. He is very calm and seems like a pacifist, but he hides a wide array of useful skills.

The series takes place in the year 2541 I believe (might be a few years off on either end). Earth was used up and humanity moved out and terraformed a bunch of "new earths." These new earths became fronteir worlds and some more central ones became large cities. The fronteir worlds are very much like scenes out of an old western movie. It is those worlds that give this sci-fi series a much more distinct western flavor than other science fiction series and movies. Another thing that sets Firefly apart is that it does not have any aliens. At all. Everyone is human and frankly, it was a nice, new perspective to have on science fiction.

Before the series begins, some big events went down. The centralized planets decided to form a government called the alliance. Many were opposed to that and there was a big war over it. Mal and Zoe fought side by side in that war, which helped build their trusting friendship. Unfortunately, the alliance (which was funded far better) won. Mal decided to get away from it all, so he bought a ship and he set sail to wherever the space winds blew him.

The crew of the Serenity are basically smugglers, but they also help out people on fronteir worlds if the money's good enough. The nine people all bring different points of view to the show that make for some good dialogue opportunities. The writing is very good, although I still have no idea why they always swear in Chinese. It was never explained, but there are websites that translate what they say and some of the insults are pretty funny.

The show was unfortunately cancelled after just 14 episodes of which many were aired in the wrong order. I believe that the show was cancelled due to lack of interest (duh) caused by the times it was aired in. The show is essentially about defying a government and the show was aired around the time between when 9/11 happened and before we invaded Iraq. During that time, people weren't really up for a revolt against the government. I believe that if the show had been aired during the waning years of the Bush presidency, it would have done far better and we would probably still be watching it now.

All in all, Firefly is a great science fiction series that you should definitely find time to watch (you won't need a lot of time). If you like it, I'm told you would like the movie as well (Called "Serenity"). I haven't seen it yet, but I would figure it's good since it is basically wrapping up the series.

Well that does it for this round of "What's On?" Remember, this is not a regular post, but it does come again. My next series will probably not go by as quickly as this one did. Ah well, tune in next time.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What's On?

So like many college students, I now find cool ways to combine things in my life, such as homework and TV, videogames and TV, or TV and more TV. I'm not actually at the TV (unless a Mariners game is on), but instead I've discovered Hulu. Notice it has replaced my galvanize link. I'm sorry Galvanize, but you have not existed for 2 years now. It was time to go. Anyway, this TV watching gave me an idea. I figured I should make a post each time I finish a series to tell you guys about it. It will make me feel slightly better for not hating on things recently (I hope to do it again soon). This type of post is going to be very random because TV series last different lengths of time and my amount of free time varies, so this is not a regular segment, but it will be a recurring one. Of course, as with all recurring posts, this one will get a label so you can go back and look at it later. I'm going to do some stuff now, but I will make my first post of this nature tonight or maybe tomorrow. I just want to make sure people read this post first.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I should have broken up this week into two posts

Yeah I was actually planning on posting about my week on Wednesday before the trip, but I figured I wouldn't have that much to talk about after the Texas trip. Well, lesson learned and I was quite wrong. As for why I'm posting on a Sunday, it's because my Law professor is gone with DECA this week and we are not meeting. Along with that, Jazz Band has the day off tomorrow because we spent the whole weekend being jazzy. So basically my only class is math and I figured it would be stupid to add an extra day that would consist of "so far nothing has happened except my math class." Ok, with that out of the way, how about I jump into the week?

I had school as normal, but had to skip my trumpet lesson so that I could make it downtown in time for the Mariners game. I took the bus to near dad's office and met him there, then we walked about 10 blocks to Safeco. The game was really good. We were in the upper deck, but it was still cool. When Griffey ran on the field for the first time, it was absolutely crazy in the stadium. They had obviously planned on cheering for Griffey taking a while, but it lasted longer than they thought it would, so they had the next guy in the batting order run out so they could get on with the show, otherwise Griffey would have gotten cheered for until well after the game was supposed to start. Every time Griffey had an at bat, he got a standing ovation. It was really cool for me to see my favorite professional athlete back in Seattle. Another cool thing about the game is that it was my first professional sporting event that I was ever at when it went into some kind of overtime/extra innings. It only lasted into the 10th until we won, but it was still cool because I had never been at a game when something like that happened before. After that, I had to hurry back to SCC for a 2 hour jazz band rehearsal until 10. So if you were reading carefully, I didn't really spend that much time in my house that day.

I spent the early afternoon doing homework, then contemplating whether to post, but eventually deciding not to because I didn't think I would have enough. As I now realize though, it would have been better to get this stuff out of the way. After Steven got back from his special lecture with Ashley, we proceeded to join a huge-ass Runescape group in a PvP server and we just dominated everything we came across. Steven and I got some good loot, but not a ton because in a group that size, it's hard to be the guy that deals the most damage.

I had my classes as usual, then Chris (lead alto), Steve (lead trumpet), Dan, and I went to Gordito's, then the airport. We met up there with everyone else and then checked in and waited for the plane to arrive. One of our instruments was a big 1.5 foot long, 6 inch diameter " the metal enema" shaker. Jim (conductor) had some fun times while getting that through security. Anyway, the plane ride was cool. I sat next to Dan and I spent the flight playing Fire Emblem and he read a ton of this textbook on music producers. Our flight got in at around midnight. After that, those of us that didn't drive the rental cars got to wait an hour and a half at the airport for the rental cars to show up. After we got to the hotel, we went out to a diner nearby. On the way there, this girl trombone made a joke about what the University of North Texas college radio station's callsign would be (KUNT). During the meal, Jim asked everyone if they wanted to go "See UNT." After he said that, the girl and looked at each other because we were the only ones that caught it at the time and we both just broke into laughter. Nobody else got it until later. The waitress there was really nice and she had a voice that was the voice you get when you smoke cigarettes for about 150 years. Anyway, after that meal, we all went back to the hotel to go to sleep. I guess some people were jamming downstairs in one of the many conference rooms in the hotel, so our bassist, guitarist, and Dan jammed with them. I was with the two "older" guys in the band. Not that they're really old, but they're the oldest guys in the band. It was nice though because that meant I was in the mature room, which is really handy when it comes to sleeping.

We listened to some groups perform for their competitions earlier in the day, then we all split up to go to our respective "Master Classes." Steve, Chelsea, Jim (since he's a trumpet player irl), and I went to our trumpet one. The guy teaching was knowledgeable, but tried to crack too many jokes for my taste. I did learn a good amount from that class though even if it was basically what my private lesson teacher has been telling me for a while now. After that, we had to warm up for our set. We were doing good in there. When we got on stage and performed, we didn't do as well because the setup was funky and we couldn't hear the drums. The other two trumpets were competing with each other to lead the section on being in time, while I just thought "Fuck it" and I played in time with the trombones because it felt right. In the end, our clinic judge said we did very well. We didn't do perfect I know, but it was still nice to hear the guy say we did so well on our songs especially since we're a two year band amongst all these great 4 year university bands. It was cool to be invited to this thing and to be compared to all the other bands. Not much happened until later in the night. We had tickets to see the North Texas University one o'clock band. The unfortunate part was that seating was limited and if we wanted good seats, we would have had to sit through the jazz vocalists (eww). I popped in and out a bit as other people did throughout (not what she said). During that time, there was a boozer going on amongst our band. About half of the people were legal. When more and more people joined in, I hung out with Myles, our lead tenor who's actually a really funny guy, since he also doesn't drink even though he's definitely old enough to. We went and watched the UNT faculty perform and then some buzzed band members showed up and hung out with us. The one o'clock band was excellent as usual even if they took way to many encores. They had a really hilarious bass player that made a sex face while he played and he hunched over his bass and thrusted himself at it when he played, so it really looked like he was humping his bass. So while all that was happening, off in other regions of the hotel, people were getting drunk and whatnot.

Around midnight, a bunch of us went into a vacant conference room for a late night jam session. Some cool people from Tennessee, Florida, and California showed up and jammed with us for about 3 hours. Eventually, the other people got tired and the session broke up, but it was cool to just be able to play and solo a bit for 3 hours. Steve, Megan (one of the bass players), and I went on a beer/David is thirsty and wants milk or apple juice or something run. It was unsuccessful, though we did discover a Steak N Shake that I was very excited to see. After that, we went back to the hotel and picked up some more people and went to STEAK N SHAKE!!! for a nice 4:30 am snack. The lady there was the only waitress on duty at the time and she was really cool. We later referred to her as big momma because she was a whole lot of woman. After going back to the hotel and hanging out in the hall for a while, I finally got to bed at 6:30am. I woke up at 10:57 (needed to be in the lobby at 11:00 if I wanted to go on a tour of the UNT campus). I saw the clock and I thought "Oh shit!" and I got up and dressed as quickly as I could and got to the lobby in time. The campus tour was cool, especially because we stopped at 7-11 on the way and I got a slurpee for breakfast (I ate very well while I was there). It was a nice enough campus. The squirrels are insane and the ants are as well. There was a lot of eye candy in the gym there. Jim decided to have a 3-point contest while we were in there and he missed his first shot, then on his second shot, he said "Man, I haven't played basketball in like 5 years" and proceeded to swish a three pointer. For lunch, everyone got together and went to a really good barbecue joint recommended to us by big momma. I wanted to go back and give her another tip for that suggestion, it was a great place to eat. Later in the day, all but four of us went to the Rangers game. It was really fun to be there because it was a nice stadium and we got to root for the royals. Our thing was to do the clap pattern from the opening of "working at the car wash" that goes clap.......clap.......clap...clap clap clap clap clap. We would say Royals over the last 2 claps. At one point, some guys behind us decided to yell "Suck" after we said our thing which was pretty funny. We did it again, planning to say "not as bad as the Rangers" right after they said suck, but they didn't bite that time. In the fifth inning, if the Rangers scored, we would have gotten free tacos, so we switched to Rangers fans for that inning. It was very funny when we did our clap thing but instead said "Rangers" and the guys behind us said "Suck" before they could realize what we said. Everyone nearby had a good laugh about that. Unfortunately, the Rangers suck and we did not get free tacos. About 3/4 into the game, a severe weather warning was issued which I guess is a suggestion to head downstairs if you're in the upper deck, so we did. People stayed up there, but I'm glad we didn't because we were able to jack some sweet vacated seats on the third base line where we proceeded to annoy everyone as we cheered the Royals on to victory. The sweetest part was that the Rangers came close to winning before their hope was completely destroyed. After that, we went out in search of a tex-mex joint and found a good one.

After we got back to the hotel, we went and found a jam session going on. Most of the stuff had been packed up, so only piano's remained and maybe a stray bass here and there if you were lucky. We came across a vocalist and a pianist and a bassist and a drummer playing together. They were really good and more hot vocalists showed up, so the three of us that shared a room (me, our lead trumpet, and our pianist) decided to hunt down another room to play in. We were soon joined by our Bari player and we jammed for about four hours since we had to leave at 5 in the morning anyway. It was fun because we found a room with a bass and a conga. I would have hopped on the bass, but I suck even when there are frets, so I was totally lost. The conga was fun to play though. Eventually, the four of us just practiced soloing and it was really helpful for me at least to learn more about soloing. I'm slowly getting better and hopefully when I increase my range more, it will be better for soloing. We went straight from jamming to packing up to leaving. It was pretty boring from there. I fell asleep on the plane, then played Fire Emblem for the last hour or so. When I got back here, I had some homework to catch up on, but not much else.

Well that's that. I'm going to have more time nowadays. I still won't be good to go on Saturdays, but during the week I will. I'm going over once a week though hopefully to help work on my aunt's house or my grandpa's house because we're getting closer to the big move and it makes everyone's lives easier if I can come over in the middle of the week and take care of some odd jobs here and there. I think I'm going to be digging up a brick walkway this week. Anyway yeah, talk to me if you want to do something. Other than that, peace out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Distraction post

Not that I need to distract you from the looks of it (no comments), but I came across this paper when I was cleaning my grandpa's house and I liked how it failed to prove the point it tries to make. Maybe it's actually funny or maybe I'm just becoming too much of a lawyer. Either way, this post is being made in place of a Things I Hate. If you haven't noticed, it's been more than a month since I last posted one. It's getting harder and harder to find things to hate, so I may be introducing a new regular post to go in the Things I Hate gaps. Right now, the front runner is a regular post abour random things that I come across that I really like (Things I Like?). Anyway, here is a nice religious post for all of you, enjoy. The parts I like most are the parts about how they washed dishes and how they needed God's help to find open space in the desert.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Honorable Mention

Well I was informed that the Blizzard Theme Park Contest was decided. Unfortunately, Gantris VI did not win, but it did get an honorable mention (which I was honored to recieve (only slightly less honored than I would have been to win).
The link to the honorable mention page:
Mine is the 2nd one (the one that looks like mine).
The first place one was this:
I don't usually say things like this, but I feel like I should have won. I mean, don't get me wrong, this guy's drawing was leaps and bounds better than mine, but I just thought my ideas were more witty and frankly, more relevant to Starcraft lore (which is what the contest called for).

Oh well, maybe I'll win the comic contest (if I ever get around to entering one of these months, haha).

Monday, April 13, 2009

Me: holy shit my math book is so ghey
it tells you "C(r) is the total cost of paying off a car loan borrowed at an annual interest rate of r%. What are the units of C(r)"
Steven: welll
it doesn't tell you what country you are in
it could be dollars
or it could be pesos
Me: haha
good point
you have redeemed my math book


So this has been a pretty good past week. Things are all funneling nicely into place before I leave on Thursday for the Jazz Band trip, then when I get back, much free time shall ensue. I'm hoping we get D&D going someday. The only days I won't really be available for D&D are Saturday and Sunday. All throughout the weekdays, I'll be good to go. I've also noticed that my homework load is very light this quarter. Looking ahead, it's not going to get much worse, so weekdays are going to be more and more open as the quarter goes on and as I slowly have less commitments. Ok well anyway, I'm going to get on with the post, which will be a normal formatted post.

Band went pretty well. My friend in the trumpet section that is also in Jazz Band quit band because she said she is getting her credit for that doing something else that meets on a better day for her. For what it's worth, I can still talk to Erik and Darren or Dan if I need to, but mostly I just sit around until class is over. Victoria is coming up about a month from now and that's going to be pretty cool. Hopefully Dan and I won't be tagged along to by the others. That is my only worry, that I will feel forced to spend all my time with the Shorewood guys. It probably won't happen though as the three of them are tight and they will not probably not notice/mind if I'm not hanging out with them.

We had not much going on. I started doing my homework during math class again because I find I can pay just as much attention while doing my homework as I can while doing nothing or playing calculator games, but at least this way, I feel productive. Nothing much else happened that day.

We had our last jazz band rehearsal of the week. We decided to not meet on Thursday and instead, we are meeting for 2 hours to get in a really good rehearsal tomorrow night. Mr. Sisko had one of his students from another band there that day and he was pretty good at trumpet, but the other two didn't like him. He was not as good as them and he was kind of a cock. Naturally though, I tolerated his presence. We traded off between third and fourth parts and on one part, he gave me third and it had a solo so I asked if he wanted it back and he gave me a cockly reply that "It's just blues, that's the easiest thing you can get." Ok well sure, but I haven't kept up on my theory and for those of you that don't know, over the solo, you have stuff like G7 or something like that above the bar and that is supposed to immediately tell you what notes to play. Well it does exactly that, but I'm not good at translating that fast, so my solo consisted of basically quarter notes as I quickly tried to figure out the notes as we went along. About 8 measures in, Sisko stopped the band and gave me pointers on how to solo well and even talked about "jumping off points" for potential teachers in the band and gave me a few good notes that would work throughout the solo and when I just played those notes, I had a far better solo. Granted, it was just 3 notes with different octaves, but it sounded much better than before. Because he did this, I now like Sisko better than Doug. It was really cool of him to help me out like that without making me feel embarassed since I blew (the bad kind of blowing) on the solo the first try.

We had a trumpet sectional instead of Jazz Band. After that, I had to go to Magnuson park for my service learning orientation with EarthCorps. When I get there and park, who should show up in the car behind me, but that nerdy guy from class. It turns out he's actually pretty cool, but I still have the desire to either pwn him in a trial or get teamed up with him for an unstoppable force of domination. There were 2 hot girls in the place that were seniors or juniors I can't remember. I would say a mack battle occured, but I was the only person there with any mack (even my little amount was enough to win). The guy coordinating the volunteer stuff is really cool. He has a big, bushy beard and it's easy to tell he would be an environmentalist by looking at him. The really cool thing about him though is that he also has a mole and not only that, but it's in the same place mine is. The service learning stuff will take place on Saturdays throughout the quarter. This means that from here until June, I will not have any normal Saturdays. I will either be doing service learning or I will be on a band trip. The rest of my weekends will be made up of homework and work on grandpa's house or my aunt's house.

I went and met grandpa and my aunt at Costco for lunch, then my aunt came back here to do her taxes, then I went over to grandpa's house to fix up stuff for the following day. I finally finished our swivel chair. It looks nice for having originally been a pile of garbage.

Dad and I met grandpa at Costco for lunch, then picked up food for dinner after the work party that day. After that, we went to grandpa's house and started fixing stuff up. The rest of the family arrived shortly thereafter. All of them worked inside and I worked outside. I was the only one outside because the inside stuff is all trivial crap I don't care about and I'm the only one trusted by grandpa to work with stuff in the backyard. People were saying we shouldn't throw too much away from the backyard because grandpa can't take that stress, but he and I have like minds and we know what's really up. We know that if we go with their plan and wait until he's moved out to throw everything away, EVERYTHING will get thrown away. Now the thing nobody gets is that there's a ton of good stuff he has laying around. The good stuff is under the garbage, you just have to look. I'm pretty much the only one who's found it. The other one is my second cousin and he has been taking whatever he wants for a while, which is good because he uses it and it's stuff we don't have to get rid of there. So grandpa and I are trying to get stuff that isn't really garbage by any standards out of the shed and the backyard and to a safe place (my house where it will get used) and we figure it only makes sense to throw the garbage away as we go along.

I had the Mariners game on all day and I was doing some homework. After that, dad decided we should go use my Joe's gift card that I got for my eagle ceremony in December of 2007, since Joe's filed for bankruptcy and isn't getting money and my card could soon be worthless. We were going to get me work boots, but the selection was bad. At least prices were low though. We wound up getting a bag of M&Ms, 2 bags of beef jerky, paint to repair paint chips by the keyhole on the truck, and a flask. That's right, I'm the proud owner of a flask. My parents might think I'm an alcoholic, but I figure it's like the police, you don't have to be afraid if you haven't done anything wrong. Anyway yeah I keep water in it for now, but still it's pretty cool.

It was pretty boring today as well. I didn't get much done yet because I've been making this post.

So yeah this Jazz Band trip will be cool and when it's over, I'll have a lot more time. Since I do service learning on some weekends now, that just makes my weekends more crowded. I'm also going to start going over once or twice a week to really start fixing my grandpa's house and my aunt's house. Ok well not much else is going on now, so peace out.

Monday, April 06, 2009

RIP Sai: The Movie

If you're confused on the title, fear not for I shall enlighten you. If you recall, near the end of junior year, the elections for senior class officers came up and Sai was running for vice president. Sai, Steven, and I decided to make a video for sai in which he gets blown up by a firework, taken away in an ambulance, then escapes from the ambulance because "nobody can kill me I am invincible!" From there, he puts on goggles and plays 2 games of dolphin olympics at the same time. After that, he defeats Steven at risk multiple times (though when we were rolling the dice, the wrong side was always winning, making for some funny rolls). Finally, he kills Steven and the cameraman before going on to the credits to "play" (it actually fooled Zach for a while) the solo from Stairway to Heaven. In that solo is the last known video recording of bubble fish (also RIP). Recently, I recieved an email from google telling me the video was blocked because it was flagged with copyrighted content. After a lot of thinking, I finally figured it was probably from the Stairway solo. Now the really sucky part is that the video was made on my school craptop, so the only copy of the video that exists is online. I can no longer access the video to download it, but it is still on my account and nobody, not even myself, can view it. I'm working on trying to get google to let me download it somehow, but no such luck yet. Hopefully it will not be lost in the void.

Ok anyway, time to get onto the week. This time, I think I'll just post about different things instead of day by day because it's nice to have some change once in a while.

So the latest on PAX is that I cannot pay for the 10 people. I don't have a credit card and my parents weren't too keen on the idea of putting down that much money because we are also financing the fixing up of my grandpa's house, my aunt's house, and moving my grandpa, so we aren't in a good financial position to put down money for pax as well. If someone has a credit card and is willing to spot us all the 400-500 bucks to get in, it would be much appreciated. We have to order all 10 at once to get the group rate ($5 off). If nobody takes it up, we might as well just take the $5 hit and order our tickets normally. I really don't care either way because hell it's 5 bucks and I know I will get my money's worth either way.

Ok now onto the week's events, starting with my new classes.

Business Law 9:30-10:20 MTWTh:
I was really looking forward to this class, but I didn't really realize what I was getting into. Since this is a class required for business students, it's more geared around laws that businesses will encounter, rather than court proceedings. Also, our professor got rid of a bunch of case briefings we would have done that supposedly take about 20 hours overall. Instead, we are required to do 15 hours of service learning. Service learning means you work at the food bank or something and tell about how it reflects the law. This really sucks for me because I joined the class hoping we would get a lot of case briefings since I enjoy those, but unfortunately, I am a lawyer in a class of entrepreneurs, so epic fail there. I'll get through the class, but it won't be as fun as I thought it would be. Also, there's this really nerdy guy in the class that is the kind of nerdy where he talks like a dick (condescending and stuff) to everyone. I hope that in our mock trials, I either get paired up with him to make an unstoppable force of pwnage or I hope I get pitted against him so I can wipe the floor with his ass.

Business Calculus 10:30-11:20 Daily:
Of this class, 1/4 of the people are people that were in my last math class, 1/2 are in my business law class just before this, and 1/4 are people I've never had class with before. I got the same math teacher I've had all year, which is really cool because she's one of the best math teachers I've ever had. This calculus stuff is all new to me (good to finally be seeing things in math I don't recognize), but now that I understand all the stuff I did not back in high school, I'm more confident about calculus now. I think I can pull of a good grade in this class.

Jazz Band 11:30-12:20 Daily:
Doug is on a sabbatical learning about the physics of sound so that he can make a new class at SCC, which imco sounds like a totally badass class. In his place, we got this Sisko guy who Davis had said was a cool guy and he really is. I'm actually learning about chords now and everyone else seems to really like him. I was the only one that didn't hate Doug apparently. It's because I'm used to Harshman, so nothing fazes me anymore. This new guy though is a trumpet player, so our section is getting better. It's going to be a good quarter. Also, we've been practicing hard because we have that contest in Dallas a week from Saturday. It's going to be very cool.

Intra-American Studies Online:
This class is a good class for me because we're learning how to be tolerant all quarter. Unfortunately, I have to do 4 hours of volunteer work, but I might be able to count my service learning for that and Steven's probably going to do some with me, so that will be cool. The thing that sucks about the class is we assume a Monday-Friday work week, but it ends at 11:55 am on Friday, when I am still in class. Basically, that makes Friday useless for that class, so that's going to be a hassle all quarter, but on the plus side, I guess it's one less class I have to worry about those days.

Concert Band 7:00-9:30 Monday:
It's pretty much the same. We have an all new Alto Sax section except for that one older guy and Steve is no longer in the band, but I still have people to talk to. For Victoria, I found out Dan and I will be roomates, which will be epic. Darren, Eric, and someone else wanted me to room with them, but I knew from Ken we were trying to get 2 people to a room, so I was like screw that, (but more politely) and I'm sharing a room with just Dan. Our new songs are okay and that stupid girl has still not returned so I am happy.

Ok well that's my class list. Now for things in real life.

Steven got me into Runescape. It's actually pretty fun I must say. Well most of the time at least. I still have a long way to go until I'm a competent player, but I'm working on it. It also helps to have a friend in the game who's richer than God. Also, Steven showed me a cool song from the game that leads into my next section.

Sea Shanty 2:
So I heard this song in Runescape and I liked it, so I decided to make it using Noteworthy Composer 2 (I have a free 30 day trial version that I've had for 120 days and I think I'll have it as long as I want). It was a good way to familiarize myself with the program and I'll probably post the video to youtube or something this week. Now that I've done that, I kind of want to do a LoZ ocarina medley or something. Of course eventually, I want to take on the Terran Theme as well, but that is a ways off.

Grandpa's House:
We spent the day there on Saturday. I helped Grandpa clean stuff out in the backyard while the other three cleaned out a whole room full of old paperwork and stuff. It was pretty fun to clean the backyard even though I munched it up a bit when I had to use an axe one some large items.

I beat Phoenix Wright 2 and I liked it pretty good. Now I'm on Fire Emblem and that game rocks. I'm going through it very fast and I hope it lasts a long time because it is surprisingly very fun.

Possible UW visit???
Dan and I were talking about how we both haven't been to the UW in a while and he suggested we go sometime. He's gone all this week and our trip is next week, but eventually we will probably show up so I might wind up calling Lucy so I'm not alone with Stanwood kids when we're there.

So yeah all is good. The first week of the quarter is always hectic trying to get things figured out and catching up where I can. Luckily, things look like they will settle down after the jazz band trip because a major time eater right now is practicing for that. I'm looking forward to that trip for the experience and for the peace that shall ensue thereafter. Anyway, happy easter coming up and don't let rabbit robot attack us all.

Peace out.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Four More Years!

Howdy y'all. This is not going to be a post about the week (which will be apparent if you look down and notice how short this is). I'm making this post to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the blog. It turns four tonight at 7:22. That's it for now, have a good remainder of the weekend.