Monday, June 08, 2009


AFL is a new term I am coining that I hope will be picked up by the popular youth. It is like AFK, but instead of keyboard, the L is for life. Anyway, I find that it was rather a rather accurate explanation of last week for me, so I don't need to post right?

WRONG! I always need to post.

I had band that day, so I played Guild Wars, made this post, and did homework. Not much else. In band, we organized all our songs and quickly ran through the graduation ones and got out early, which was nice.

After a rather uneventful day at school, I went over to my aunt's house to move everything she had over to my grandpa's house. The stager was set to come on Wednesday, so I had to get as much out as I could. I wound up getting most of it out, but it took about 5 hours, so I didn't get home until about 7:00. After that, I had dinner and finished all the homework I would have for the whole week since I had a (very accurate as it turned out) feeling I wasn't going to have time for it later in the week.

After yet another uneventful school day (what do you expect? it's the end of the quarter), I went over to my aunt's house to move the rest of her stuff out. I had to work around the stager, who was, IMCO, leaving the house too bare, but whatever. It's a unique house, not just another cookie-cutter one, so it will probably do well on the market. I bet we might even get more than the listing price, which would be super awesome. Anyway, after finally getting everything into my grandpa's house, I had to organize it all very carefully. I had to make sure that 2 people could live out of their separate houses in the space of one house and I think I did a really good job of that. It took much longer that day and I didn't get home until 10.

I spent most of the day moving stuff and working outside. My second cousin and I waited for the Door to Door people to move the pod to my grandpa's which they said they would, but didn't happen, so we decided we would have to dump gravel around it the next day unless they came early in the day. I left at about 6:00 because I had to make it to frisbee practice. It was a pretty lame practice in the sense that only 6 of us showed up and 4 of us were kind of "required" showups in that Orion would expect us to be at all the practices since he knows we have no lives outside of this (I'm referring to Eric, Steven, Orion, and myself). Jared and Sara were there too though. It was nice to break Sara in and to learn that she is a rare breed, a girl that can catch pretty well. She had some good catches in the 3 on 3 scrimmage, which we definitely threw (right guYS???). Afterwards, I came home and studied for my math final until I went to bed and realized I had gone to bed an hour earlier than I needed to since my law class didn't meet the next day.

I only had my math class that day and it was a test, so it was no big deal. Afterwards, I went to my aunt's house to move some stuff for shelves for clearing out my grandpa's shed over to my grandpa's house. When I got back, the first gravel load had been delivered, so my second cousin and I graveled up the neighbor's driveway where the gravel was dumped. After that, 2 more loads came and we did as much as humanly possible, but by 6:00, we had been gravelling for over 4 hours and our arms were sore. Grandpa even came to help and he got tired too, so we decided to pick it up again the next day since the neighbors didn't need to use their driveway that night anyway.

My family and I met my grandpa at the mall before going over to the new senior living community (henceforth referred to as Aljoya) over by the new theater by the mall for the special ribbon cutting ceremony. It was hellzzzaaa boring and Greg Nickels was there, so it was even more boring, but grandpa got to shake his hand and he was pretty happy about that. After that, we went to return some games my grandma got me a long time ago to Toys R Us because I was never going to play them. After returning the games, I got GoW2 for $15 bucks, which I figured was about what it was worth to me. There was this girl working there that was a total 919 (she even had the glasses!!!) and I totally should have asked her out because how often do I really go to Toys R Us anyway? Only once in a Davisvisit (a Davisvisit is the amount of time that passes between free pokemon giveaways). Anyway, I don't know how Toys R Us employment works, if she chose to work in the gaming section or not, but if she did and she was a gamer, that would totally make her like a 10210 (such extreme hotness, it would destroy the very foundation of the area code rating system). Now I want to find an excuse to buy a game from Toys R Us again.

After that, we went back to my aunt's house and the whole family (including my second cousin and my aunt and uncle and cousin) helped spread the rest of the gravel. We also got to use the truck as a wheelbarrow, which was pretty fun. When we got home, I tried some Guild Wars, but got really bored/mad at it and spent about an hour looking at french horn equipment and mouthpieces.

I had to play at graduation which was rediculously boring as usual, but I was surprised at how low the average GPAs seemed to be. Only about 10% of the graduates had a 3.6 or higher. It made me want to try for that. Also, I want to join Phi Beta Kappa so I can get my gold ribbons. Anyway, the student speaker was this girl who had a 3.95 GPA and I was expecting something really stupid about how she's perfect, but partway into her speech, she brought up how she got pregnant halfway through high school, dropped out, and had to adopt her kid off. She was good at keeping me interested in what she was saying.

I skipped my math class because we had a Jazz Band concert outside at the fountain. I didn't see any of you (for shame!), but I did see Amanuel, who just walked by, so he didn't really stay either. It was pretty fun, but I wish we had gone on longer. I guess the rest of the trumpet players had sore chops. It made me want to be able to take on higher parts next year so I can start to give them some breaks and maybe then we can play longer sets.

Important information:
So you know how I get back from Alaska on the 24th and leave for Vegas on the 26th? Well my favorite great aunt and uncle (who are not doing too well) are getting moved into a nursing home by their daughter. They'll be moving to Sequim from Selah, so I'm going to go down there probably by myself on the 25th-27th(my birthday) to help them move. On the birthday thing, it's no big deal. I was thinking it would be an excuse to see people again, but I'll have other birthdays and we have a full summer of days to get a big partay going. So yeah that's the skinny. Between June 20th and July 6, I will be home on the 28th and 29th. DnD on one of those days?

1 comment:

Eric said...

when I saw the afl I was like wtf??? are they bringing it back lol? finally got gow 2 eh, the driving on ice level is really annoying. sounds like you're going to have one busy summer. lol at dnd, with my luck with rolls, I'd get the party killed