Monday, August 31, 2009

A brook by the sea and some other stuff too

Well I am back from Seabrook. Well okay, I have been for a while now actually. So it's been pretty quiet since I got back so I guess I'll just tell you that I posted the pictures below in backwards order and I'll just get onto the post now.

I was informed at 11:00 that I would be actually not using the breeze, which was planned on before. Before I could utter a big "wtf why am I just hearing this now," mom said dad was calling my grandpa and he would call me back when he got a hold of him to let me know when to go over and pick up my grandpa's car which is pretty much the same as the breeze in terms of seating and mostly similar in terms of driving which isn't a big deal when it's only for a couple of days. So anyway, I make the post and then 12:15 rolls around and I'm wondering why dad hasn't called me, so I finish up the post and then mom comes in and I ask if dad called her. She said he hadn't, so I tried his phone and no answer. I start packing for a bit, then try again 10 minutes later. I finally got a hold of him that time and asked if he had gotten a hold of grandpa. He said no, so I asked why he didn't tell me and how many times he tried. He had just tried once and figured I could do it. Well I could have if I had had some warning that it was going to end up like this. Anyway, I had to hurriedly pack and then go to my grandpa's to get his car because when I asked my mom if she could just take the truck and trade it for grandpa's car if she needed a 4-seater that bad, she guilt tripped me by going "oh well if I had to do that, I would just drive the truck instead." So anyway, a late start because of that, but it worked out. We got to Seabrook and played some Jenga after getting groceries in Ocean Shores.

I got up and made breakfast while Orion programmed and Davis played some games. Around noon, we decided to spend the day at Seabrook and go to Ocean Shores the next day. We didn't do much besides play some games and hang around the house most of the day. We did get over to toss around the frisbee and Davis and I played bouyball, which was surprisingly awesome. After that, we had lefties vs. righties best 2/3 team shuffleboard in which the lefties won of course. For dinner, we had turkey dogs because of Orion, but this time they weren't as bad as I remembered them. Perhaps Davis is just good with a barbecue.

Same morning routine, then we spent the early afternoon creating our quick mission DnD characters. I took a while for mine because I decided to be a Druid to try out being a spellcaster. Druid is such an awesome class, I can pretty much cast any kind of spell I could possibly think of (as long as it's prepared of course). After that, we went into Ocean Shores to play some billiards. Once again, lefties were undefeated. For dinner, we went to Alec's by the sea, where Orion kind of picked up a waitress, but was derailed when he remembered we T-Mobile peoples don't get reception in Seabrook so number giving was therefore not a viable option. Brokenhearted I'm sure, he came back to Seabrook with us. After that, we started our mini-adventure for DnD. It was pretty awesome. Steven tanked, Davis did massive damage and I supported with random spells and by transforming into random crap as well (tree shape ftw!). I wound up killing some innocent people accidentally and I tried to kill a guy by summoning 18 gallons of fresh water inside his stomach, but the book specificaly forbade me from doing that so I didn't, but Steven sure got some enjoyment out of my suggesting it. The highlight for me was definitely when I transformed into a T-Rex and ate the final boss. We also went out to the beach around 11:30pm during our break from DnD which we had been playing for 2 hours at the time. It was cool to see the stars without the city lights blocking them out. We also saw the milky way and I figured out how I was situated in the scope of the galaxy.

We had to clean up right after breakfast and we headed out around 11:00 because people were checking in and the maids had to swing by. On the way back, we stopped at that really good pizza place in McCleary and the guys got some pizza while I filled up the tank. The rest of the ride home was pretty quick because traffic was moving rather fast. When I got home, I hadn't really eaten much and I was kind of hungry and my parents and my sister all had separate things going on for dinner, but my neighbor brough over some leftover ribs from the neighborhood party I missed as well as our card table, so that was a good dinner (I did not eat the card table).

I met grandpa at Costco and we ate there, then went back to his house, where I started sorting through things he wants to take with him because he moves on the 12th. It looks like I will not need help because a lot of family will be helping, but that shouldn't concern you guys as none of you have shown interest anyway. Grandpa had an eye appointment at 4:30, so I took that as my excuse to leave.

Not much happened until we picked up my grandpa and headed to my uncle's house for his birthday. It was pretty meh. The Seahawks were playing which was nice and I saw some family that I haven't seen in a while, but it was still nice to leave and get back by 9. We watched Duplicity after that, which was surprisingly boring.

I spent most of the day playing on the 360 and then the Xbox (replaying some old games) because nobody interesting was on Guild Wars.

Not much is happening today it looks like. Davis is busy painting, Steven's no doubt busy with Ashley's birthday and Orion doesn't have a gaming quality computer with him, so I'm playing me some Xbox today. Hopefully we can get our last DnD session until probably next summer going here on Wednesday. Thursday I have the Seahawks game, then Friday is PAX!!111 Ok well I'm going to go now, peace out.


Oreo said...

best part:
"(I did not eat the card table)"

gamper - the title of the sequel to Gamer which will be made when gerard butler is old (and therefore a grandfather aka in the movie as a gamper).

Eric said...

haha we gotta pwn it up on gow 2 sometime. and I'm going to the hawks game too against raiders haha