Monday, September 28, 2009

It begins! (yet again)

Well the new school year has started. Already I find I have made a mistake, making this quarter's schedule Psychology and French with Jazz Band and Microeconomics, making for a very easy quarter. Hopefully the next two won't be difficult as I will be filling them with more...academic classes (not to say I don't need the ones I'm in, I just should have spaced them out). Anyway I'm going to lay out my classes first and then I'll get into the weekend since you can assume that my weekday afternoons are now spent gaming/homeworking. The day before school started was pretty uneventful in case you're wondering. I just helped grandpa with some stuff around the house and then I headed home to take the last few hours before I had to go to bed to myself.

Campus life:
The parking is terrible this year. It was always bad at the start of every quarter last year, but this year is crazy. It's persisting too, which worries me because I don't like parking so far away from school. Hopefully people will start dropping like flies eventually and I'll once again get to park significantly closer to the school. Other than that, not much has changed, activists continue to plague the campus which I hate because I don't want to see hitler Obama pictures up everywhere I go.

Psychology (9:30-10:20 Daily):
This class will be fun because Steven wound up getting in, so that makes the class good by just having that happen. The professor also seems to be a really cool guy that has a good sense of humor, so that's also good. Throughout the quarter, there are 4 homework assignments and 6 tests, 5 of which will be graded (meaning that if you get 100% on the first 5 tests, you can just skip the final and it won't matter) so that could potentially be very awesome as that is my only class that actually has a final exam during finals week.

French (10:30-11:20 Daily):
The professor happens to be the mother of one of my mom's former students, which was kind of coincidental and mostly uninteresting, but my mom found much amusement in that fact, so whatever works I guess. She's a nice lady and good at speaking French (boy I would hope so) and I think the class will go well. There are also quite a lot of hot girls in the class. I wound up sitting next to (well he sat next to me) a cool gamer and there's a cool indie kind of girl (stephanie-esque but hotter than she currently is) that sits in front of me, but a guy might have taken her so I'm content with where I am anyway. This is also the same room that Business Law and Great Works of Asian Literature were in (I just can't get away from the room!) so I took my trusty seat in the back right corner haha.

Jazz Band (11:30-12:20 Daily):
We lost our whole sax section, so now the trumpets are Doug's go-to section which has its ups and downs. We also got a new guy who seems really cool and he's older than the guy I used to stand next to. Doug also decided that with a lack of trombones, he would make me play french horn on a few of our new songs. With Davis' help, I was able to transpose and despite sight reading them today, he seemed satisfied with the work I did. Jazz french horn could definitely be awesome if I get better at it.

Microeconomics (Online):
My professor is a funny guy and he really likes to make jokes every chance he gets and fortunately for him and the whole class, they are almost always actually funny. Microeconomics is WAY more interesting than accounting and if I weren't so interested in Law already and already so far in my business major, I would have changed my Business major to economics major. Actually, I may be looking into that still, it's more important I get into UW next year than change majors like this, but if it's easy enough I might look into it.

Concert Band (7:00-9:30pm Mondays):
Yeah this old thing. My section seems mostly unchanged, so that's nice because we all work well together. I only went to one of our two optional practices because last week I had a toothache and I was worried about doing well for jazz band. We have 3 concerts in one quarter which I know I'm up to doing, but I wonder about some of the other people. Tonight is the first official rehearsal, so I'm interested to see how we do tonight.

Dad and I went to see Lewis Black, my favorite comedian and the guy that inspired my short lived "Things I Hate" segment (after realizing I don't really hate things). He was of course very funny and I'm glad I finally got the chance to go see him perform.

Football day! I went to Will's eagle ceremony though during the Seahawks game. I had to speak about the trail to eagle, so nothing too big. It was a small ceremony and we were in and out in 45 minutes. After that, I watched more football and transposed music during that.

Well that's it for this week. I'll probably go now to play Guild Wars or something so peace out.


Oreo said...

although I don't like French as a language nor do I particularly like French people, I cannot deny that French classes attract lots of hotties.

Davos said...

LOL@ not liking French as a language. Spanish is UGLY!

Eric said...

nice job on picking the right language to learn, I took spanish and there were never any hotties.... I loved microecon and think it is way better than macroecon. when I took summer quarter parking wasn't so bad. mainly cause my classes were really early. Plus the pay machines were broken over half the time during the quarter =)

pronoob5 said...

whoa eric has a blog? (fuck, another blog to not read)

too bad there isn't a macro-management class.

wait we don't play sc anymore anyway...