Monday, March 15, 2010


A couple things I forgot to mention in the last post:

I was blowing my nose using tissues in the restroom at the concert hall. When I got in, one guy was using the urinal and then finished his business and walked out...without washing his hands. I was trapped in the bathroom not wanting to touch that handle. Eventually, someone came in and I thanked them profusely when they opened the door. Poor sap probably thought I was being polite. At least I didn't have to indirectly touch a gross guy's penis.

Later that day, the same thing happened.

At the airport on the way back, I went into the bathroom (there's a common theme here, no?) and a guy was really heavily breathing while peeing at the urinal. He also did not wash his hands, but there was no door, so that was nice.

On the plane ride home, I was going to my seat and the guy next to me was already there. I saw him and immediately thought "Wow, that guy looks like a pedophile." I saw he was reading a book. I looked over to see the title of the book. It was 'The Child Thief.' I did my best to keep from loling.

1 comment:

blitzmoose said...

Yeah, public restrooms are disgusting. There should be another level in hell for people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom. 2 things you should do are use towels and stuff to exit the restroom and never flush because flushing a urinal is like touching the dick (indirectly) of every other man that has flushed which is gay to the max.

Word verification: sheounda, sounds really ethnic...