Monday, March 22, 2010

Sneaking In A Monday Post

Howdy everybody, hopefully you all had a good week last week and are currently probably enjoying your spring breaks unless you have had/have yet to have yours. Last week was pretty nice, finally defeating my evil 21 credit quarter. I don't know my grades yet, but I'm pretty sure that due to my stats class, I won't graduate with Kappa Chi whatever (3.5 GPA where I get my cords), but that's fine because I will have a respectable enough GPA and it will be close to that 3.5 and also I don't know if I'll even walk at graduation because I might be at my cousin's wedding that weekend so in the end. One more thing before I get into the week. I've been promising pictures. This week, I have the week off. I will remember to post them so you can all see them. I'm shooting for tomorrow though I don't know my schedule yet since I might have to spend some time at the hospital (nothing serious and more on that later).

I spent Monday just finishing up my final homework assignments of the quarter and enjoying that it was coming to a close.

It was dead day at SCC so no classes, but our Econ class decided we wanted to hold a study session taught by our professor who generously agreed to come in for an hour and a half on his day off as well. I'm going to miss having classes with him, he was a really good teacher. That night, I had my stats final. I had to once again face my arch-nemesis, "Bogie" as he liked to be called (which I of course never called him haha). He was making conversation with a somewhat attractive woman while I was there, so I got my revenge on his general lack of good class conduction throughout the quarter by cockblocking him (by which I mean doing it accidentally then later realizing it and not really feeling bad about it). I had 2 hours to finish the final, but I was determined to get the hell out of there as fast as I could and mission accomplished there. I did a little victory dance on my way to the truck.

We had our Econ final. I think it actually went pretty well. The last week of the class, I had one of those moments where someone said something and suddenly I understood the entire quarter of work. The last time that happened was in junior year with Chemistry where I suddenly heard the right sentence and the entire semester that had confused me suddenly made sense. It is a cool feeling and it was good to have that confidence for the final. After that, I was done with all my classes and I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch. After I got home, I spent the rest of the night playing Mass Effect 2 and finishing my second playthrough. Now I've moved on to Just Cause, a sandbox game that Tim from Ctrl+Alt+Del talked about. Like he mentioned, the lack of a good physics engine and general absurdity of what the game lets you do makes it not the greatest game gameplay-wise, but rather entertaining for its comedic value. I think I'll only do one playthrough to get the achievements then I'll send it right back through Goozex.

I did my quarterly cleaning of my computer room. It gets progressively messier as the quarter goes on and it was especially bad as I didn't do it last quarter, so I spent most of the day doing that before going to play Just Cause.

I picked up Grandpa at the mall and took him back to his place where he did his exercises while we gave my aunt some time to pack before we went over there. It was good to see the exercises he does to see how he's keeping in shape (at his age, in shape = mobile). They have machines there that are like weight machines at a gym and vary about that much, but they don't have weights, they only offer resistance which is all they really need for the residents there. Grandpa also found out about some place up the street that has a gym for free supposedly so we might check that out sometime. If it's really free, I might end up working out with Grandpa, which would be interesting. After he finished, we left for my aunt's house and picked her up and hit the road. We got to the hotel (we stayed at the Sandpiper, a somewhat run-down hotel about 1-2 miles south of Seabrook) around 4:30 and unpacked, then walked on the beach for a bit before going back inside to make dinner. That night, I was excited because it was a clear night and I was ready to go out and look at the stars and all the cool stuff in the sky since it was really cool when we did that at Seabrook last summer. Unfortunately, the hotel shines a huge-ass spotlight out at the beach so you have to walk a really long ways to get away from it before you can see anything. I decided that the amount of ground I would have to cover was far too great so I reluctantly had to head back in.

My aunt didn't want to do much other than relax by the ocean, but Grandpa wanted to go ride the go-karts at Ocean Shores so we did that. During the fast track races, I guess one of the guys we were racing with was disrespectful in some way to Grandpa and I soon learned his hatred of the "Guy in the 53 car." His hatred of that guy rivaled Davis' "By the Slice Man." Also, I found out what all the construction was in Ocean Shores. I don't know how much you guys pay attention since you aren't driving, but there's that 5-way intersection by the grocery store we visit where I almost get hit every time I use it because somebody has no idea how to use it. Well now it's a roundabout and it much better and safer, so I was very happy when I discovered that. Grandpa complained about some back pain on the way back after the karts, so we decided to check what it was when we got back to the hotel with my aunt. Now I know based on comments that you readers are sometimes eating whilst reading my posts, so I will censor some of my post here so that you don't churp your hypothetical chips. I'll post the translations in my comments section. We discovered a very large "owie" on his back that had become "tickled" although not as a result from the go-karting. More as a result from not admitting he was feeling that pain for a week. We did what we could with it, which wasn't much. That night, it was really cloudy so I was unable to stargaze, that was unfortunate.

We packed up while Grandpa walked on the beach again. We set off from the beach and went up north all the way to Forks to see Edward Cullen!!!111 (FANGIRL SCREAMZ!!!1). He was not there and actually, I was going up to see relatives. My favorite great aunt and my grandpa's only remaining sibling lives up there now with her husband after dad and I helped them move out last summer. It was nice to finally get to see them again and to see they were settled in well. It was also funny to see how the town had changed. Last time I went to Forks was in this post, back in September of 2005. That was so long before Twilight that I actually had to tell people where Forks was when I was going to visit it. I saw my cousin whose wedding we went to in that post and we saw her 3 daughters who were very well behaved. We also got to see my cool second cousin and her husband who is also Dave. After spending a few hours there, we set off to go to the ferry in Kingston. On the way, we stopped at the Costco at Sequim for cheap gas as well as a picture of me and Granpda in front of a new Costco. We are so cool. We made it back in pretty good time and I got to bed at a reasonable hour and got caught up on our LAN party for this weekend. I'm pretty stoked for that.

I played some Just Cause until I had to go pick up Grandpa for his doctor appointment to look at his "tickled owie." The doctor referred him to a "hug specialist" which is why I'm going to the hospital tomorrow. The "hug specialist" is going to "kiss away" his "tickled owie." After I dropped Grandpa off, Davis came over for a few hours and we did some Pokemanz (in which I discovered I totally wasted 5-6 hours doing something I didn't need to do (FUCKING BEAUTY COMPETITIONS!!111)) and we also got in some GoW on insane. Now I'm going to finish up this post before the day rolls over so that I don't miss a Monday post. I'll get pictures up this week. Hopefully this LAN party goes well, I've been reading old blog posts recently as my 5th anniversary is coming up and I've been reliving a lot of failed parties, but I have faith for this one. Until I post pictures and until next week's post, peace out.

1 comment:

David said...

"Owie" = Cyst
"Tickled" = Infected
"Hug Specialist" = Surgeon
"Kiss Away" = Open Up/Drain (no actual kissing involved)