Monday, June 28, 2010

Goodbye my teenage years

I can't really say I'm sad to see them go. Actually, I really felt indifferent on becoming a 20 year old (surprise, surprise huh?). One cool thing though is that for this year, I can have a new nickname, D-20 (I'm just going to try to put in as many bad jokes as I can into posts from now on). Ok well now that I am back from Sunriver, I have a lot of open space ahead of me. Some odd jobs are coming my way, I haven't heard any plans for warhammer yet (which is nice because I don't know how badly/often I want to be playing that), I'm ready to hang out with people, and my days are becoming more organized. Before I go through the week, I'll get some stuff out of the way. The week will mostly be about family stuff, but it might be somewhat entertaining to you. I am putting that as the last part of the post though so you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom to read the parts that are relevant to you.

Summer Plans:
I have Wednesdays pretty much permanently reserved for hanging out with the guys from jazz band because we want to keep practiced up on trumpets and stuff. On Wednesday nights, I'll be doing some ultimate playing with Steven and Eric and any others that want to join. Also, I need to have lunch with Grandpa at least once a week so I can get groceries with him and whatnot. Also, that is something I want to do. Aside from that, I might be out once or twice a week (though I hope not more) for warhammer. I will generally be able to schedule my odd jobs around the availabilities of people I am planning to hang out with. As for odd jobs, congrats to me, I have found some! Well, mostly just one for now. I have a lot of house improvement lined up for me such as replacing our front door, resurfacing the deck, painting, general cleaning, and possibly felling a tree. That will not be for pay though, it will be my way of paying back my parents for paying for college and stuff. A job I will get paid for is giving private lessons. I guess one of my sister's friends is switching from flute to french horn and wants me to give her some private lessons since she has not played a brass instrument before. Now I can almost see two of you (Davis and Maddy if she reads this) questioning my ability to teach on french horn. Don't worry, I already thought about that myself. I eventually decided that I have a decent resume for a french horn player my age including that honor band, first chair in band (the people in my section were all really good players, despite what it may have sounded like), playing in jazz band. Besides, I think I'm good enough to know how to teach a total beginner and I will be charging a laughably small rate anyway. So yeah, that's my first outside the house odd job that came my way. It will be fun and hopefully more show up for me soon.

Now for my week

We spent the day in the car from about 9am-5pm. We had a lunch break, but that was really it. We just hung out at the house the rest of the day once we got to Sunriver. My uncle and aunt showed up a few hours after we did.

My uncle decided he would do a half marathon for his warmup run. He was very tired after that. I forgot to mention earlier that he was planning on running the marathon that Friday in Sunriver. He's a big bigger than me, but he had been training. I would need to do a lot of training because I suck at running and I would have to get my knees to a point where I could run on them. Since it was just the 5 of us again that day, nothing much happened. Kathryn, mom, and I did some biking, but not much else. We all hit up Costco for groceries.

My aunt and uncle went for a walk somewhere, so I went on my own walk somewhere else after I got up. I walked 4 miles in an hour, which was very comfortable. I got back shortly after my aunt and uncle and mom and Kathryn got back from their bike ride a little bit after I got back. That afternoon, my cousin and her husband came in (the ones that just got married a few weeks ago). We discovered that my uncle and 2 of his most annoying kids as well as grandma were staying nearby. Due to family drama, we thought they weren't coming at all. My cousin and Kathryn and I went on a search to see if it was really them and it turned out it was. It was kind of awkward because we knew they were pretty pissed at us about the housing situation (leaving them out (there wasn't enough room, we would have been over capacity by 3 people)). Anyway, shortly after they got there, a few of us had to go pick up dad from the airport since he was flying in that day to miss only one day of work for the week.

My other cousin and his wife came in early in the morning. Before they got back though, I went on an 8 mile round trip bike ride with Kathryn, Dad, and my cousin. Once everyone was there, we all hung out and didn't get much done because we were all content to sit around and relax.

My uncle and cousin were running the marathon, so we took them there early in the morning, then stood along the route and held signs and cheered as they passed. We got bored after they went by, so we decided to drive along the path and try to stalk them. My cousin did the marathon in about 4.5 hours and my uncle did it in 6.5. It was pretty cool. I'm thinking in 2 years, I'll try running it too. I need to start running more often than I currently do though. After that marathon, they were pretty tired, so we let them rest. My cousin and I went to Bend to get a game for everyone to play. It was this game she has at her house that is like apples to apples, but you write whatever you want instead of playing from a card in your hand, so it is infinitely more fun. I didn't mind that I didn't win because I was able to write down funny things and as long as I was getting some laughs, it made up for how horrible I was at guessing what people said what.

It was my birthday, but we had to get back home, so we watched both soccer games (which were both poorly reffed) before spending the rest of the day in the car. For my birthday, I got a hard drive and a couple CDs, which is great. I will soon be putting in that hard drive and getting some Windows 7 going.

I'm enjoying a day off. I haven't really had a day at home to myself yet since break started, so this is nice. I am feeling guilty though since I'm used to doing stuff every day. Like I said earlier in the post, I'm good to hang out most of the time. Until I hopefully see you in person, peace out.

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