Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I give in, it's time for a post. Now the rest of you should follow my example.

Howdy everyone. I have decided enough somewhat interesting things have happened to me since my last post to warrant making a new post. I'll skip the intro paragraph and get right into it. Also note that the things will be written about as they come to me so they may not be in chronological order. I'll try to mention when each thing happened though.

A week ago or so, Steven came over to watch the MSL finals. It was Jaedong vs Flash and we were both rooting for Jaedong. When he lost 3-0, it was rather disappointing, especially considering Flash did pretty much the same build in all 3 games. Since it was over in about an hour, we watched some kpop before he headed back home. If only we didn't have to stay up until 2am to watch it :/
On the Sunday of memorial day weekend, I went to my first folklife with Sai. We hung out for a bit, experiencing it and whatnot. A couple of his friends that like doing drugs came eventually and we hung out with them for a bit, but fortunately were able to get away when it was time to leave. The people that go to that festival are very interesting. For example, we saw some girl dressed up as the pot fairy or something and she would randomly go around making out with guys if they asked her to. It was kind of interesting to watch it happen. I probably should have gone up and done that for...you know...practice, but I decided I did not want to have the seconds or as Sai put it, much more than just seconds. After we came back from folklife, we finished up the Halo 1 campaign on legendary, then started Halo 2 on legendary. The problem with it is if one of you dies, you revert to the checkpoint. I don't know how Davis and I managed to do the whole thing, but Sai and I gave up after a bit and decided to play some Super C which we beat together for the first time. The last time we beat it, I had died and Sai finished the last level on his own.

I have been enjoying the SC2 beta. Today is the last day and I will be playing some more right after this post. My friend in French recently got his beta key back (someone had stolen it) and we decided to play some 1v1s. I kept randoming to Terran and beating him. After I finally got Zerg and beat him in a ZvZ (I think zerg is his main race) he gave up playing me because I kept winning. He's more used to things like Warcraft though where you have small groups of units that level up. Because of that, I would have big armies compared to him and I would win by sheer numbers. After playing with him one day, Steven and Peter and I played some 3v3s. In one, Peter and I tried to mass planetary fortress, but that failed. 3v3s on the current available map are pretty silly because you just tech a ton (or do what I did and make 200 marines) and then you have a huge battle and its over. UMS has become popular on bnet now also, so that is cool. Steven and I have been playing some Infection, which is a cool version of scarie movie. Also, there is blood pressure marathon, which basically consists of running in squares, so I'm awesome at it. Actually, I left this post open all day and was doing other things. The beta ended a little bit ago. Now I have to find other games to play for a month until the release.

The day after folklife, I went up north to Lake Stevens to hang out with Steven from the trumpet section. We did some playing of some tunes, then talked a lot about Warhammer 40k because I'm going to be playing it a lot with him this summer (when I'm not hanging out with you guys). I'm going to play as space marines and I'm going to even get some miniatures of my own, so that will be pretty cool. I'm only investing 20 bucks though since the small figures can get unreasonably expensive. Also, Steve has a ton of miniatures and far more than enough space marines to fill the requirement I will eventually have for them this summer.

Last week as you may have noticed, Ken Griffey Jr. retired. It was a big enough deal that Keir actually called me. I had just been considering whether I should call him when the phone rang and said it was him. It was sad to see him go, but I'll always have the memories.

This last weekend, my cousin had her wedding. For the weddings of her siblings (last june and january of 2009), they allowed me to wear shorts. With my cousin here, we have a joke that you always do what she says. She told me that I must wear a tuxedo for hers. Shorts would not fly. Of course, she would have been fine if I had worn shorts and a suit jacket, but she jokes around to keep up her persona. For the wedding, I decided to surprise her by actually renting a tuxedo. I also wore red tennis shoes which yes, there is a story behind. When I was 2, my uncle (mom's younger brother) was getting married (his first marriage). I was the ring bearer and at the time, I would only wear this one pair of red tennis shoes. I would pitch such a fit about them being replaced that mom would have to sneak in at night and swap out the new pair for the old pair. I would still notice of course, but that made it somewhat better somehow. Anyway, I had a little tuxedo for the ring bearer job, but I would only wear the red shoes with it. My uncle was nice and said it was really alright, so my parents let me. In support of my decision, my uncle (the younger of my mom's older brothers (the one that I don't get to see as much)) wore red tennis shoes with his tux as a surprise. He was a groomsman, so it was also pretty noticeable. Anyway, the wedding was outside and the weather the previous couple of weeks had been rather like it was over here, generally lousy. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day for the wedding and then went back to more standard weather the next day. She got really lucky. The wedding went well too, I got to be the chauffeur and I even got to anger the wedding planner. I always love annoying the high strung wedding planners. Unfortunately, I don't think any of us can ever top my uncle from my other uncle's (the original red shoe wedding) wedding planner. She was giving a huge speech on what needed to happen and how and was being really bossy. After that, she asked if anyone had any questions to which my uncle said "Is the cheetah really the world's fastest land mammal?" to which she got really pissed. I didn't get that good of a reaction, but I did make the wedding planner pretty mad, which was nice. There was another anal lady there that my other cousin and I enjoyed laughing at behind her back. The best line was "Don't dump any water on the grass!" We both looked at each other and when she left he said "What does she think rain is?" I had to dance with my cousin at one point, but it was the song where he tells you what to do like slide to the left or slide to the right and clap your hands and stuff, so it was easy enough. We left half an hour before midnight and unfortunately missed my cousin's uber drunken singing which was supposedly quite entertaining. On the way back, we stopped at the Darigold plant to check it out. It was super boring.

Oh and somewhat big news (especially if you're my mom). I got accepted to Seattle U! I'm still waiting to hear from the UW, but as I call them and learn more about how absolutely fucked up (sorry about the language, there was no better way to describe the level of badness) the admissions process is there, the more I want to go to Seattle U. It's a bit more expensive, but due to my GPA, I can get 10k a year taken off which will certainly help bring it to the cost of the UW (since SU is a private university). I'm also going to try to get a lot of scholarships as well as do a lot work improving the house/property for my parents for free so that they don't have to spend money on house/property maintenance things. I will also be working under the table this summer to just earn some funds on the side. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. At Seattle U, I can actually minor in something, which means I can get my music minor which is something I would like to do. I will also try out for the jazz band if they have one and I'm looking at trying to stay with the SCC jazz band because I really like the section there. I think I might be able to work my schedule around it, which would be really awesome. Anyway, I just wanted to mention that it looks like I'll be at Seattle U next year for those of you that were wondering.

This week, classes are ending and summer begins. I will be seeing the A-Team on Friday either at midnight or sometime that night. It looks really awesome and come on, it's the A-Team, I have to see it. DnD will probably start soon, so that will be cool too. I'm hoping to finally get around to making my what's on post this week. I guess that's all for now, so I'll hopefully see most of you IRL by the time I post one of these types of posts again. Peace out.

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