Friday, October 22, 2010

The hideaway at Lemineux Library

 They recently redid their library here at Seattle U making it very modern and very awesome at the same time. Up on the top floor is an area that is not frequently in use by anyone other than myself. It has days where it is fairly busy and I generally don't go up there, but when it is empty, it is a great place to get away.
 Fortunately, the only elevator that goes to this floor has regular issues, so until they fix it, there will be some days where the place is deserted (since you have to go up a lot of stairs to get up there). Out this window you can see Logan field (the softball half of it at least) where Throbot practices on Mondays and Fridays.
 I call this hangout spot "heaven" not because it has some divine property, but because it is the highest spot one can be on campus (without being allowed on the roof of the building).
The best part about this area? There is a huge single user bathroom on the floor. I don't know how to feel about how excited I got when I saw this, but you have to admit, a place on a college campus with a frequently vacant single user bathroom that anyone can use? That's pretty excellent.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Access to quality bathrooms: one of the secrets to a happier life.