Monday, June 27, 2005

Im trying to see if this works to post pics on my blog Posted by Hello

Schools out for summer is a cool song.

I posted last tuesday, so I'm gonna overlap that. On that tuesday, we had the viexing of movies in world geo. Much to the disbelief of Stefano, Anton, and I, people liked it. Although, during my speaking part, Ms. Chertock had to turn it down because I talked so loud for it. She assured me that it was good though. Then we had the food thing afterwards, which was devoted to food down shirts. First, Me, Orion, Sam, and Lindsey are standingthere and Lindsey drops a pasta thing of some sort into her shirt and retrieves it, and a hair. Gross. Also, on the pastry like things Lucy brought, Orion asked if the paper was wax paper or rice paper. I decided to check, so I put it in my mouth, savored it, and swallowed. "Definately wax paper," I said. Then, Sam droppped something in her shirt and was complaining about it and I tuned her out so I never found out what it was. If you reads this Sam, leave a comment to tell me what it was. Then Cecelia laughs at her and she stuffs a napkin in Cecelia's shirt. Then she just like shoves her hand in to get it out right in front of me and I'm like "Uh, hi?" So later on, I went to physical therapy and got chastized for not doing my exercizes enough. Then nothing on Wednesday, except a boring math final that was too hard. Then, on thursday, we had the world geo final, which wasn't too bad. Later, I went to physical therapy and two of the people there gave me an "Ice Massage." It was basically rubbing my knees with ice in the shape of a Dixie cup. It felt ok when my legs were warm, but then they got numb. Then it gets painful because all you feel when you're numb is hard scratching for the remaining 4 minutes. It would make a good torture method. ON friday, the last day of school. Cards in every class pretty much. Donuts in English because we are the fastest mystery solvers. Then school got out and I went to Bellevue to have lunch with my dad. Then I got home and had to go time at my sister's time trials for findng out what events they swim on swim team. On saturday, I went to the horse race at Emerald Downs because my second cousin is a horse trainer and had a horse going that day. Last time we were there, we got to see his stables, which was special, but this time, we had to go to see my mom's friend and her family from Ohio. Than, on Sunday, the tennis team had a information thing. Now what really makes me mad is my knees here. It's because this year, my favorite coach who's a lefty had surgery on his knees and can't coach the team this year, so the other left handed David there's daughter who is my age is filling in because she has some coaching ability. Also, this year, I was going to move up a level. Two good things, but I can't play because of my knees. GAR! Today was ok. I woke up and didn't get hassled to get off the XBox because it is my birthdya. Of course, it's on a busnerss day, so my party's tonight. That's about it I guess. Ill keep posting over summer too. Especially when I shave.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Now I shall post about the week

So I did some junk on Monday going to Scouts, yes I am in scouts now don't tell anyone and we all played capture the flag. I was following the Reid down a hill holging this hugey branch for support and I heard a crack and had one of those split second uh oh moments before it came crashing down and crushing me on the ground. On tuesday, something happened. On wednesday and thursday, nothing much again, but friday was different. We had the assembly, then I walked home (see last post for details) and later, I went to my step cousins graduation party. My moms parents were there that I rarely see, so that was cool. On saturday, nothing much happened other than my sister's dance recital for barcley shelton or something along those lines. I think I spelled it wrong but oh well. On sunday, it was fathers day so I didn't do much except I heartily agreed to mow the lawn only because I didn't have to use the bag. That shaves like 10 minutes off my time because my yard is so wierd shaped. On monday, it was cool because we had scouts. Now this was no ordinary scouts. It was the swearing in. I played my last songs as bugler for a while phew because it is a pain to hear "hey where's your bugle?" at every meeting. They made a requirement sheet of all the poisitions, which the bugler says that they have to bring their bugle to all meetings, because of me. Also, they must get the bugling merit badge, also because of me, but less funny. Anyway, I'm the new Senior Patrol Leader, which is the head guy. Jacob is my right hand man. We have decided that we will be totalitarians. Jacob is getting two gloves which we will each wear one of the pair of. Mine shall say DT for David, Totalitarian, and Jacob's will say JT for Jacob, Totalitarian. I cant wait for fall. Muhahahahha.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Baby's Day Out

So on Friday, we had the moving up assembly, which was very boring, but w'all got out about an hour before school did. Everyine in our group just hung around and Davis taught me some sword fighting. I beat him once when I got a lucky throw of the sword. So school ended and I was thinking. Hmmmmmmm. It really is a nice day and I wont get outside much more today (I was wrong) and I decided to walk home. So I started my epic journey. I was thinking it would be like that delightful Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, but someone told me they didn't exist and I promptly died of grief. Then I came back to life because I cant die, I'm Dutch! As I left the school, I met a person named Davis who was walking the same way as me for a time. He had the rugged look about him. He must have not shaved in a while because he had serious stubble as I did, but mine is less badder and more gooder. And less seeable too. Anyway, we walked past the monument church of the Saint Luke. When there were no cars on the road, we ran out in the middle of the street and had a sword fight until a car showed up. Then this girl came by in a car who really needs to watch how low her shirt because it reveals things that should be left unseen in some points of view. We waved at her, but no response. How rude. So we proceeded to the house of the Davis and the sun was hitting me in full force now. He gave me a glass of water, which gave me back some Hp, then I set off alone. On my way, I crossed paths with an old Mustang in a driveway and saluted it. Then I kept going. Later, I came across another weary traveler going the opposite way. He called himself Jake. We talked about the bat man, then parted ways. I then proceeded to the school of Einstein, where I was a lot taller than everyone and I saw the great bald one and that other guy. Then, I walked the rest of the way home. Before I got to the hill by Syre, I saw a feindish looking stick blocking my path. Now this was no ordinary stick, for this one had a small branch. Sensing danger, I unhilted my shanking stick and clubbed the stick. Then I broke it in half and proceeded on. Later, I came across a car. But it was off, so I just walked past. I ran down the hill and almost tripped but didn't, then I Magically appeared at home. D'OH. I locked myself out. Luckily there's an alternate way into my house which I cant tell you unless you've seen me use it. The end. Ill post about the week later on.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

i finally cried

I finally found a picture that made me cry.
No mustag deserves that. I may be obsessed, but it's really sad to see a mustang that went through that.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Wierd Weekend. Hey thats alliteration! I feel smart now.

Yup. So on Friday, I went to Jack Lee's house to spend the night with steven f and jake. I missed seeing rob, but davis came later for a while. We watched a lot of family guy and steven passed out 3 hours before me, then the other two fell asleep shortly after. On saturday, I got a haircut. The lady cuts it the right way, but I ask for it wierd because I try to customize it to fit me, but I always forget the glasses. Then I put them on and it's too late. You'll see what I mean on tuesday. Later on, my family went to the wedding of an ex-co-worker of my dad. All my dad's ex-co-workers were there. One guy who I hadn't seen for a while, I had to double take whenever I looked at him because he looked like bruce willis. He was cool too because he was talking about purchasing a saleen mustang. Here are some pics i found:
I know, it's the most beutiful thing you've ever seen. Yup. So on sunday, I played xbox all day, then me and my dad went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith, while my mom and sister saw Madagascar. The movie we saw was really good. It was funny and actionnny, even if I called what happened about 3/4 into it. Also, there was this really hot part where it was angelina jolee standing there with an automatic weapon of some sort in her left hand an a shotgun in her right. It's as cool as genereal greivous and his four lightsabers in star wars, which i have seen four times, but haven't seen it since about two weeks ago. Oh well.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


I quite forgot a few things yesterday on my post. By a few, I mean one. It was the quote of a funny thing in band on tuesday.
Harshman: Reece, I'm going to ask Adam a question and I want you to think about his answer and tell me if he was right or not, okay?
Reece: Uh ok
Harshman: Adam, this piece is in what time?
Adam: Cut time
Harshman: So how much does one quarter note get?
Adam: Well, it gets cut in half, so like a normal eigth note amount something.
Harshman: Correct. Reece, was he right?
Reece: ummmm.
David(thinking): Stoopid Reece.

Another thing. Today, I was standing back and to the right of Jack who was in a chair with his backpack on. I slowly inched out his water bottle so to make him not feel it. Then, I wrote "you got jacked" on a paper, folded it, and put it where th bottle was. Then, Stefano put it on a music stand. Jack actually walked by the stand and hit it or something, looking right at the water bottle. He didn't notice. Me and Davis had a good laugh about that. Hee Hee.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hmm i guess its been a while since my last post

Yeah I've been lazy and didn't feel like posting so I have to try and recall what I did which will take more energy. Until last weekend, I dont remember what I did and quite frankly, I dont care either. On this last weekend, I went to a bsa campout. I was the only older kid besides reid, who said he had to leave saturday night, so I would be the only older kid for the next day. Thanks a lot, the reid. So on friday, we got in and the next day we woke up. Funny how that works. The little kids became a patrol and me and the reid were split up to manage two different station. Luckily for me, Rojo (Red) signed us up and I got the best station. I got the one where you have a rope and your in a bucket trying to drag yourself across the river. The guy I worked with was this Dennis guy who was an adult at Brad Murphy's troop. He was really cool, except that he looked like a Charlie with white hair which was a little wierd. Anyway, we kind of slacked off in that we didn't really ask people the "required" reflection questions. We also had a deal. I give them a bad grade if they do bad so I have to sign the paper and he lectures. I may get blamed, but I didnt wanna lecture a bunch of hyper sixth graders. It was pretty fun watching the fat kids hit the drink and laughing at them. The lowest score we gave was like 8/30. It was a pretty good day. Then on Sunday, we were a couple things off of honor patrol. We could feezably have left before the awards because we were the first troop ready to go at 8:00 in the morning. Then we "had" to got to vespers which defied my C&E catholic religious vows. They went all churchy on us and asked for donations. I was like um no. Then we had an hour and a half break before the awards, which was boring because we were done. If Matt Hall were there we could have flown Kelly lol, but no. Then, Mr. Scudder wouldn't let us go because they "can't" mail us the awards which I know for a fact that they will do. The awards ceremony lasted an hour and 20 minutes of it was giving staffers awards and talking about them a bit. They didn't seem to get the yelling "speak louder" message and we stood in silence trying to hear them for 20 minutes. We were supposed to get back to sunset at 1:00, but since the awards took so long, I didn't get home until almost 2:30. ARF! So on monday, It was all short classes whooptie doo and then campus day also whooptie doo. Nothing much going on. Boring and too short. Later that day, I was put in the race for troop SPL with Jacob Power as my running mate. It will be tough competition though because I'm Running against that David Altena kid, who has the same opinions as me. I think I can beat him though. So on tuesday, i cant remember so pass. On today I guess it is, I got an early dismissal missing science for my first physical therapy. I got evaluated and he put some tapey stuff on my knee to help it for a while. Then after it's on, hes like yeah itys really sticky so dont take it off without water and rubbing alcohol or you could rip your skin off. I was thinking, "I guess that means I'm gonna have a bald spot on my knee."
That's it for now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz