Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Now I shall post about the week

So I did some junk on Monday going to Scouts, yes I am in scouts now don't tell anyone and we all played capture the flag. I was following the Reid down a hill holging this hugey branch for support and I heard a crack and had one of those split second uh oh moments before it came crashing down and crushing me on the ground. On tuesday, something happened. On wednesday and thursday, nothing much again, but friday was different. We had the assembly, then I walked home (see last post for details) and later, I went to my step cousins graduation party. My moms parents were there that I rarely see, so that was cool. On saturday, nothing much happened other than my sister's dance recital for barcley shelton or something along those lines. I think I spelled it wrong but oh well. On sunday, it was fathers day so I didn't do much except I heartily agreed to mow the lawn only because I didn't have to use the bag. That shaves like 10 minutes off my time because my yard is so wierd shaped. On monday, it was cool because we had scouts. Now this was no ordinary scouts. It was the swearing in. I played my last songs as bugler for a while phew because it is a pain to hear "hey where's your bugle?" at every meeting. They made a requirement sheet of all the poisitions, which the bugler says that they have to bring their bugle to all meetings, because of me. Also, they must get the bugling merit badge, also because of me, but less funny. Anyway, I'm the new Senior Patrol Leader, which is the head guy. Jacob is my right hand man. We have decided that we will be totalitarians. Jacob is getting two gloves which we will each wear one of the pair of. Mine shall say DT for David, Totalitarian, and Jacob's will say JT for Jacob, Totalitarian. I cant wait for fall. Muhahahahha.

1 comment:

Jack said...

hi david. if orion is the dumbest smart guy ive ever met, you're the smartest dumb guy ive ever met.

ur still cool tho...l8r