Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hmm i guess its been a while since my last post

Yeah I've been lazy and didn't feel like posting so I have to try and recall what I did which will take more energy. Until last weekend, I dont remember what I did and quite frankly, I dont care either. On this last weekend, I went to a bsa campout. I was the only older kid besides reid, who said he had to leave saturday night, so I would be the only older kid for the next day. Thanks a lot, the reid. So on friday, we got in and the next day we woke up. Funny how that works. The little kids became a patrol and me and the reid were split up to manage two different station. Luckily for me, Rojo (Red) signed us up and I got the best station. I got the one where you have a rope and your in a bucket trying to drag yourself across the river. The guy I worked with was this Dennis guy who was an adult at Brad Murphy's troop. He was really cool, except that he looked like a Charlie with white hair which was a little wierd. Anyway, we kind of slacked off in that we didn't really ask people the "required" reflection questions. We also had a deal. I give them a bad grade if they do bad so I have to sign the paper and he lectures. I may get blamed, but I didnt wanna lecture a bunch of hyper sixth graders. It was pretty fun watching the fat kids hit the drink and laughing at them. The lowest score we gave was like 8/30. It was a pretty good day. Then on Sunday, we were a couple things off of honor patrol. We could feezably have left before the awards because we were the first troop ready to go at 8:00 in the morning. Then we "had" to got to vespers which defied my C&E catholic religious vows. They went all churchy on us and asked for donations. I was like um no. Then we had an hour and a half break before the awards, which was boring because we were done. If Matt Hall were there we could have flown Kelly lol, but no. Then, Mr. Scudder wouldn't let us go because they "can't" mail us the awards which I know for a fact that they will do. The awards ceremony lasted an hour and 20 minutes of it was giving staffers awards and talking about them a bit. They didn't seem to get the yelling "speak louder" message and we stood in silence trying to hear them for 20 minutes. We were supposed to get back to sunset at 1:00, but since the awards took so long, I didn't get home until almost 2:30. ARF! So on monday, It was all short classes whooptie doo and then campus day also whooptie doo. Nothing much going on. Boring and too short. Later that day, I was put in the race for troop SPL with Jacob Power as my running mate. It will be tough competition though because I'm Running against that David Altena kid, who has the same opinions as me. I think I can beat him though. So on tuesday, i cant remember so pass. On today I guess it is, I got an early dismissal missing science for my first physical therapy. I got evaluated and he put some tapey stuff on my knee to help it for a while. Then after it's on, hes like yeah itys really sticky so dont take it off without water and rubbing alcohol or you could rip your skin off. I was thinking, "I guess that means I'm gonna have a bald spot on my knee."
That's it for now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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