Sunday, June 04, 2006

I need to post more often

Ok let's check back to my last real post. La la la la la OH MY GOD MAY 23? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Ok well be ready for some forgetting. On that week I forget it all. On Memorial day, there was a thing at this graveyard on Aurora with the scouts that my grandpa enjoyed going to. This past week has been ok. Not too bad. Actually, screw the week, I will skip straight to the ordeal. So I did my ordeal to get inducted into the Order of the Arrow. It was Joel Smith, Will Maxson, and I and dad was our chaperone. The whole way there, Will was busting out some freestyle, spontanious techno rap about Garrett being gay and Mr. Nelson being attracted to Andy or as he calls him "Little William." Will can be really funny a lot of the time. So we got to the camp and the guy with the sign in stuff was 2 hours late. Then there was this ceremony and we slept on our own and it was hard to find a place to pee because we were close and you don't want to pee into someone else's camp. So they split all the people there into factions 1 and 2. I was the only guy from our troop in faction one. In the factions, we were split into clans. I was in clan D with some good people. There was 20 questions, that people didn't like because he asked too many questions, immigrant, the guy that wouldn't stop working, outofit, the kid that was out of it, pilot, the kid with the leather jacket, knots, the guy that tied the broom together when i broke it(coming up later), adhd, the hyper and really funny kid, danny, the slow kid, and me, teh secks. I got along best with pilot I would say. They split our faction and clans A&B went everywhere together. We were with clan C. They didn't all get nicknames, just USArmy. He and I did a lot of the work that called for the muscle because we were the strongest guys there. Our clans moved out a 20 foot trees in one of the camps. Later in the day they split our clan away from clan C. It took us all a while to talk. We must have all been depressed with the lack of food. eventually, me and pilot went off to sweep in campsite places that the counselors weren't at. We found a wheelbarrow full of water and poured it out. Then all of us found this tree that had fallen through a tent area and pwned it out of commission. The councilor wasn't watching us so I hit the tree with a broom because I was mad we couldnt chop it down to two 10 foot sections. So when I hit the broom on it, the handle snaps and flies off. Luckily knots lashed it back together. Other than that, there was a ceremony. Today, I helped Davis on his eagle thing. Now it is homework time.


blitzmoose said...

Why did were you not allowed to cut the tree in half? Why did you even have to move a bloody tree in the first place?

Jack said...

dude...make your posts shorter and more interesting. no one wants to read that much.

blitzmoose said...

Maybe you and davis are noobs, Orion got teh uber haxxorz thing to work.

zack0217 said...

i read the first 5 or 6 sentences and then i get bored out of my mind.