Tuesday, July 24, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Indisputable Evidence Shows That Gamefaqs Users ARE, In Fact, N00bs.

I am outraged by this obvious display of pure idiocy. Davis has also expressed his anger at this problem. The word "Pwn" is popularly believed to be prounounced (pone) which I admit is the way I used to say it before I was educated properly. The only thing that can still be referred to as poning is the belt of pownage. I can't bring myself to change it. Getting back on topic, not only is pone the most frequently used variation, but what should come in second? Own? Own, the correct way to say it, should have come in second(and it should have been a close second), but no, the users on gamefaqs selected "pawn." THIS IS NOT CHESS PEOPLE. This is pwning someone. Pawns do not Pwn. What can you do to prevent this problem from spreading? When you walk around, simply come up to every person you see and show them the word "Pwn." Ask them how they pronounce it. If they say anything other than Own, hit them.


Anonymous said...


Jack said...

they put the correct version at the top for a reason...

pawns can pwn, but ppl who pronounce "pwn" as pawn are incapable of pwning.