Monday, October 29, 2007

Wee haw. It's time for a post, Ah Reckon.

First of all, go here:
This is the pain I feel while playing Guitar Hero.

So basically last week was alright, but I should break it down by day.

I spent the day doing pretty much nothing but play Oblivion: The Shivering Isles. It is really fun.

I learned that homecoming went well, which relieved me to hear that at least one plan went well. While the party was fun, I really want to play Gears really badly now.

We had a mock trial in Law class. I had been by chance put on the side defending a guy that burned a cross. I knew that the outcome in rl was that my side won, but our judges were very predisposed against us it seemed. They only had questions prepared for our side. The other side only got asked one question while we got asked about ten. During our two minute rebuttle though, I came up with a good argument for our side (trying to pull away from the judges assuming our client was tied to the KKK because he burned a cross). I managed to swing the focus away from that and I think the judges began to see the light after that. Our side won 4-1.

FBLA conference! Day off of school! Basically, everyone met in the parking lot at Shoreline Center to tie ties until 8, then we went in. The keynote speaker was really boring, but they always are. Danniel had told Orion the day before he would be reciting the creed, but Orion did it well. That day also, Danniel made members of SW FBLA introduce speakers at classes because he knew that we wouldn't tell on him for not having it done weeks ago when he was supposed to. The conference went well. I made 2 flipbooks and met Ming's "Girlfriend" because I had to introduce her. Orion showed off his game by picking up a girl. After that, we ate pizza in the Shoreline room, which was pretty awesome because it was just our whole chapter in the room sitting and eating pizza and talking randomly. Mr. Noyes had brought with him a friend who we were sure was gay and I finally gave in and thought Mr. Noyes was gay as well. I held out as long as I could. After the conference, I went to Justin's to wait until it was ok to go home(2:25).

The Guild Wars decorations went up this day! In Hollywood and History, we started watching "Tender Comrade." Judging by the title and the only description we got of the movie from a question in the packet (describe life on the home front), I was ready for a cool movie about the Russian army during World War 2. Well I was sadly mistaken. It is a chick flick about 4 women during World War 2 who buy a house together. I was VERY disappointed. I was hoping for a movie that was good, but I got a crap pile.

I just farmed on Guild Wars to get Halloween items.

I got up in the morning to go over to my neighbor's house around 9am to make Sauerkraut. There were a couple other kids my age there from his church doing this for their youth group. I have now done more with another church's youth group than my own. The Sauerkraut making was really cool and took only 3 hours to make about 450-500 pounds of Sauerkraut. For the rest of the day, I played a ton of Guild Wars.

I meant to play Guild Wars, but I got caught up in Oblivion for 8 hours. It just got really good and I couldn't pull myself away.

Yeah that's it for now. I need to show people the picture from at homecoming that I got last week. Davis has seen it. I also need to post assorted pictures. Peace out.


pronoob5 said...

Can not believe i just wasted my life reading that post.
1. Where did you farm?
2. We should play gears.
3. Have you got GH3 yet?

David said...

1. Diessa Lowlands. Specifically, the area with a ton of Charr east of Nolani Academy.
2. Hell yes.
3. I don't know if I will. Have you heard something really good about it?

pronoob5 said...

willy and rob talk about it all the time in essay fund, jake spent 8+ hours playing it the day he got it. but i have heard literally nothing about the game play at all