Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A haul of much goodity.

Ok well it's what now, the 26th? Wow. Steven, Keir, and I haven't even played Snowball Wars. Guys, the 30th. The three of us need to play at least one this year. Well there is going to be a party on New Year's Eve, everyone else willing. I will get to that later, first I need to post about Christmas.

For Christmas, I got a plethora of games. By that, I mean whatever I didn't get, I have enough money from my Eagle ceremony and from Christmas to buy more. I also got World in Conflict as my "Santa" present. I haven't put it on the computer yet, but I hope to soon. I got some random presents as well; including a finger drum set, a South Pole (gangster) Sweater, an optical illusion deck of cards from 1987, and a bunch of nostalgic Seahawks towels from games in the 1980's. My aunt wrapped my presents in those because she knew I would like them and I did. She has had season tickets since 1978, so that's why she had them. I have only gotten on one game since Christmas, Assassin's Creed. I felt like it was a shorter one and I was probably right. It looks like a nice 36 hour game (ideal time) in which I will be able to get every achievement on the first runthrough. The story is really really really not what I expected in a wierd and sort of bad way. I also had hoped for more in depth gameplay, but the combat is exactly like Spiderman 3, where you press a combination of buttons, almost always including the X button in order to attack. One thing that it beats Spiderman on though is graphics. The awesome blood and guts flowing everywhere in the fighting is almost enough to make me forget I'm pressing two buttons. I have to bring you over so I can show you some of the cool moves you can do. The game is fun, but it isn't what I expected. I can definately get into it though.

Ok so I am going out of town from early on the 27th to the 30th late. New Year's Eve is the first day I will be back. I can probably communicate a couple times daily via email (read and send early in the morning and late at night). I will be talking to you guys that are helping to plan via email as much as I can. Here is a list of what we need.
1. Time: 3 or 4:00 pm - midnight or 1am seems the best.
2. Try to get as many 360's as possible. We can probably get 3 and if you can get a fourth, that would be ideal.
3. Bring a cube for smash. Even if we have 4 360's, we should have it as backup and we need it as a failsafe plan in case a 360 owner drops the ball.
4. Make sure everyone knows that there is under no circumstance to be any halo. Gears is the only game that will be played. No exceptions, except for anything on the gamecube. If anyone finds a way to play halo on the gamecube, then by all means, go ahead, but the 360's will only be playing Gears of War.
5. We want 10-12 people coming. So far, there are five (Sai, Steven, Davis, Orion, and I). Eric Chan has a 360 and should have GoW, so there's 6. Ahmad has GoW, so there's 7. Try to get 3-5 more people there.
6. I have three useable TV's, we will need 1 or 2 depending on whether we have a fourth 360 coming. If we have a fourth, then we will need 2 more TV's one for that 360 and one for the cube.
7. Find out where we can have the party. Sai's house works if we stick the cube back in Sai's room. My house also works and has 2 rooms, preventing screen looking. Steven's house??? Davis can't because he might need to leave. Orion's house???
9. Don't invite people that will try to make people play halo.
10. Check your emails because I am going to be frantically trying to contact you via my mom's laptop twice a day to get updates.
Sai, Davis, Steven, Orion. Please do a good job so that this party does not go the way of homecoming. I'm sure you will, I just don't like being in any control of it.

Peace out.

Friday, December 21, 2007

One of the few things that could keep me from posting did just that.

So for those of you that didn't know, I was working on a walkthrough for Mass Effect, which ate up all of my time, causing me to not post for almost two weeks now. The FAQ went well, I submitted it and since it was in Word, it had to be manually somethinged. Whatever it was, it will be up in a few days I assume.

What has happened in these past weeks? Nothing at all! This was very fortunate for me because I spend all my time on the FAQ and was unable to do anything interesting. Nothing really cool happened at school either. I just made this post because I know that Snowball Wars 2007 will be starting soon and I don't want to tie myself up with posting. Have fun over break I guess. Other than that, peace out.


Ok clan I really need you guys to know that we need to play SC. My time is short. I have pretty much no time today (12/22) and I will not have time on 12/23. I can play on Christmas Eve. I can maybe play a little on Chrismas day. I can play on 12/26. From the 27th to the 30th, I am out of town. The last day of break is the 2nd. We need to get as much sc in as possible.

Also, we need to figure out that party on New year's eve.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

I've been up to nothing and its been taking all day.

So the whole last week at school could all be blended into one sentence that applies for all days: I showed up to school on time, did what my classes required me to, then came home, did homework, and played Starcraft until I went to sleep.

Oh and on Thursday we had a mediocre concert.

On Friday, I hung out with Steven, Davis, and Orion in the afternoon. We played lots of games and watched some Deuce Bigalow and Two and a Half Men. We learned (yet again) why we don't play Back to Baghdad and I remembered why Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is boring. I think Mass Effect is spoiling me.

On Saturday, I got conned into volunteering stuffing stockings. I liked it because it took an hour and a half, when I was originally told it would take 3. That was a nice surprise. Orion was there also, so it was cool. After that, we got a Christmas tree. I wrote my FAQ the rest of the day. Oh that reminds me....

The FAQ: So for, I decided that I would write a FAQ for Mass Effect because A: I'm tired of noobs clogging the message boards with their stupid questions and B: because if I do, I enter a contest for that game where I could win $60. I need to get to version 1.0 as fast as I can, so I had better get back to work.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I don't care about the quality of that post, I just am tired of seeing that picture whenever I go to my blog.

Well this post will be good. It includes many quotes, some of which were in my profile and some of which, were not.


*Bumper sticker reads: Hilliary and Oprah 2008*
Sai: Oh what do you call that person...a dyke!

RunningInSquare3: So how is pokemon?
Bananaoracle89: *replying would require putting the DS down*

David: You will say it as you dominate the world

Keir: You just gave me an erection!

*Talking after school by lockers involving Davis, The asians, and me.*
Alex: Well I guess we'd better be off to the library then.
*Before they leave, a girl walks by talking on her cell phone with her friend following close behind*
*I look at her and notice she was yelling at us*
Me: *doubles over with laughter*
Alex: *High pitched laugh*
Others: Assorted laughter
Josh: Yeah well at least I didn't throw my life away, bitch!
*assorted high fives*
Girls(from a distance): get laiiiiiid
Josh: *perfect excecution of a flipping off*
*Merideth walks up amidst all this*

Yeah that was the first time anyone who I didn't previously know has ever informed me that I should get laid. I wish I had the camera there.....

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Reason Number 5 why David doesn't have a girlfriend.

This is in regards to the conversation after school on friday. If you are confused right now, pray that it stays that way. Anyway, I think I gave Orion enough of a chance to beat me to posting (I would have posted anyway, but at the risk of forgetting, I decided to post).

So here is how it went down after school on Friday (to the best of my memory):

Somehow, the topic of how lego characters can have sex came up. I promised I would post a picture, and unfortunately, I delivered.

While we were distracted with laughing....

Stuart: Hey Davis are we on for dinner tonight with double blah blah blah....
*Steven, Orion, and I still laughing and talking*
*Stuart Leaves*
Davis: So apparently I am going to tolo tonight.
Me: That sucks
Davis: Yeah it's kind of short notice
Me: All in favor of doing something manly *raises hand*
Davis: Screw you man.
Orion: No man he is doing the manliest thing of all, sex with clothes on*tracy walks up*
Tracy: Hmmm. Maybe I don't want to know what was going on.
*talking ensues between mostly Davis, Tracy, and Orion*
*Jake walks by amidst others talking*
*Jake nods and laughs in the direction of Steven and I*
Me: He likes my hat.
Steven: Heh
Orion: Well I guess we'd better get going.
Me: Yeah.
*group separates*

On the way to the car
Jake: David I like your hat!
Steven: Heh you were right.

So yeah I think I got some things wrong, but that was basically the gist of what happened. I may have missed a joke in there, but whatever. Orion can clean up the mess. Today, I beat Mass Effect. It had a really good ending and now I get to play several more times to get all the achievements. Steven is playing SC with me now, so I'll post my Gamefaqs review later.