Friday, December 21, 2007

One of the few things that could keep me from posting did just that.

So for those of you that didn't know, I was working on a walkthrough for Mass Effect, which ate up all of my time, causing me to not post for almost two weeks now. The FAQ went well, I submitted it and since it was in Word, it had to be manually somethinged. Whatever it was, it will be up in a few days I assume.

What has happened in these past weeks? Nothing at all! This was very fortunate for me because I spend all my time on the FAQ and was unable to do anything interesting. Nothing really cool happened at school either. I just made this post because I know that Snowball Wars 2007 will be starting soon and I don't want to tie myself up with posting. Have fun over break I guess. Other than that, peace out.


Ok clan I really need you guys to know that we need to play SC. My time is short. I have pretty much no time today (12/22) and I will not have time on 12/23. I can play on Christmas Eve. I can maybe play a little on Chrismas day. I can play on 12/26. From the 27th to the 30th, I am out of town. The last day of break is the 2nd. We need to get as much sc in as possible.

Also, we need to figure out that party on New year's eve.


PK Dave said...

yeah a lot of playing hasn't really happened yet...not that I would know.

pronoob5 said...

still no snowball wars up to 12/28...
this isn't looking good...