Monday, February 25, 2008

Back into the five day weeks

Well first I need to start with last week. That's it, no big intro. Sorry.

We didn't do anything. Sai came out of his Accounting class to hang out with us in Physics and we drew pokemon on our white board because we were so awesome.

Nothing again. Mostly notes in all my classes. I presented my storyboard project in Movie Genres (picture to come). After that, we had a good frisbee practice.

It was a C-day, the first of the new semester. They are okay now, nothing special. After that, I went to Steven's to help him and Orion with the paper route. After that, Davis met up with us there and we played some B2B on Orion's HDTV. It was surprisingly easy to see what was going on. Eventually, we got mad at the game and it's lack of saves and stopped playing. After being invaded by Matt, Yi, Nick, and Chung; Steven, Orion, and I went to Jake's to play poker with him and Willy. Steven won.

I gamed most of the day. I found a funny spot in Bioshock where I could camp and get all the big daddy's in the level.

I watched NASCAR because I have gotten into it since we got HDTV. It just looks so nice. Also, ZZ Top was performing at the start, so I had to watch it. In the afternoon, we went to Grandpa's house for the Oscars. Jon Stewart did good, but I want his show back. They got the writers back and took a week off, what gives? Not enough time off?

Nothing important really happened. A couple of tests, but no big deal.

Pictures of things to come, peace out for now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I was waiting until we had a GoW party this weekend to update, but we didn't so I will speak of the many other good things that happened this week.

I hope everyone had a nice President's Day Weekend. Some people were foolish to consider this mere weekend a "mid-winter break," which implies that we have an actual break, not centered around a weekend. So since my last post, quite a few good things happened to me. I was hoping that in my luck of having good things happen to me this week that maybe I would hear back from the UW finally, but no such luck. Ah well, off to the week.

It was an odd period since we had a four day week (three for FBLA members) this weeks, so it went ABAB, which meant odd classes on a Monday. We actually had some fun in the classes. Mr. Harshman got his pre-concert rage going, then Mr. Davis got his lecture on, then Mr. Hendrix....well he actually didn't put me to sleep, which is darn good for him. After school, Ultimate had the first ever track practice. It was okay because no coaches were there so we only ran a mile, which was still not the very good for me. On my last lap, Danniel Linn ran up to me and said that I was actually reciting the pledge of allegiance the next day at FBLA rather than the creed which I had still forgotten to learn. I was happy to do the pledge because I actually knew that one. After running a mile, we did intervals, which is my favorite new running game. I almost beat Steven on a leg, but I think we either tied or he just beat me by a fraction of a tenth of a second. After that, we scrimmaged.

I had to get going earlier since I had to be at Shorewood at 7:15. I made it in time, unlike our presidente. I had forgotten two signatures on my form though from teachers, but they had been notified via me emailing them. Luckily they were both cool. I got Hastig's signature, so all was well. On the way there, I sat next to David and we studied Parliamentary Procedure. Reciting the pledge was okay. It wasn't really cool or necessary for me to do it, but I enjoyed myself. The girl signing the anthem was.......not so great. It was obvious she was a last minute volunteer. It was funny to listen to her miss notes and breathe in the middle of words though. So after the tests were all said and done, the awards began. Nothing in my first Event, Business Law. I thought I had done better than last year, so I want to find out. Nothing in Cyber Security, but I just learned that I was doing it the day of the competition, so I didnt expect anything. After being bored, and it being late in the alphabet, I forgot about Parliamentary Procedure and then I saw Orion walk up the stage and look back at David and I and say "Come on." I said "Oh what we got it?" which got some laughs from nearby people. We got first place in Parliamentary Procedure with an average score of 26.2 or something like that. We were the only team to compete, but it was cool to win anyway. So out of the 31 people that went, 25 qualified for state.

After that, I had to keep my dress clothes on for the concert that night, so I decided not to go to frisbee practice to stay clean. While I waited for time to pass, I emailed Rachel and asked her if she wanted to go to Prom.

So eventually, I got to the concert. It was bad. We did bad, the other bands were bad. It was business as usual, but I enjoyed being there once in each band. After I got home, I got an email back regarding prom and it was an affirmative. Huzzah, I have a date for prom! Achievement Unlocked.

I had to go back to school for my odd classes again. In band, we had a relaxed day with little anger. In Physics we had a test I did not know about, but I think I did okay on it. In theory, I went 2 classes in a row without almost falling asleep! Mr. Hendrix is getting more interesting I guess. After school, I played some Guild Wars and managed to uncover .2%! I was very excited.

My first time in my even classes since a week before. The four of us in FBLA had forgotten to do our "discussion" and it was too late to do it before class and we didn't have a sub, which was not planned on, so I made up a fake conversation by furiously scribbling down a ton of random thoughts on the paper we were supposed to read while the whole class discussed it. I may have stolen some other ideas. At one point in the class, I made a comment about a society of convenience which Ms. Hastig seemed to really like, which is odd because I have never seen her smile at something I have said or done. It was a little scary. After school, we played some more frisbee. After that, I just hung out at home because the school week was over.

I spent most of the day at home because of the construction and needing to be there for it. I got all the achievements on the Simpson's Game, which was a pretty good game, but not great.

I woke up at 7 to go to the dump. We got there 15 minutes early and were the second in line. The new dump is really nie, you should go check it out sometime. There's a pile that you dump into, but only commercial vehicles dump onto the pile. Private vehicles dump their trash over a ledge onto the the pile, so there is a wall to moosh the pile up against. I was at the time the youngest person in the dump. We were the first pickup out of the dump. There were many more firsts that I was, but all in all it was cool regardless. After that, we all went down to Kent to see our granite slab that would soon become our countertops. It was cool to see the factory where they carve the slabs. It was like watching How It's Made. After that, we swung by Ikea to see if we could get parts for a drawer that broke. We couldn't. After that, dad suggested we eat lunch at this nearby Zoopa's that he thought still might exist. It did. It had been too long since I had eaten at Zoopa's and it was good. Very good. We didn't do anything else the rest of the day.

At around noon, we went up to Costco's to buy a 42" Vizio LCD HDTV that was on sale for $900, but ended that day. We got it and it's really nice. I like playing Mass Effect on it. We didn't do anything else until we went to go have dinner at grandpa's house. After that, we learned that the guys working on our kitchen were coming early in the morning to spray texture on the walls so that the walls don't have random smooth spots on them. Kathryn and I just stayed at my aunt's house for that night.

Apparently, the guys didn't come that morning. We took Grandpa and my aunt to Costco for lunch and to pick up groceries and what not. We came back and had to hang out downstairs because upstairs was just a mess. The guys came at about 4:00 and taped off the whole upstairs covering the floors and everything that didn't get sprayed with plastic. They finished around 8, but the stuff was still wet so the cats had to stay downstairs, so I slept down there with them so they wouldn't get lonely. Also, I got to stay up and play games on the new tv.

Well not much happened today. I played more Bioshock. I like the game, despite how scary it is. The shooting controls feel unnatural though. Also, I've been playing some Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Well we have school tomorrow. I forgot some things that were good that I originally intended on including, but oh well. I'll post some pictures of the construction. Peace out for now I guess.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sorry Orion, someday I will remember.

Probably when I'm not having so much fun.

Ok well how's about I break down my new classes before I dive into the week? The week's events aren't numerous, so don't worry. I'll try to keep this post average length or shorter.

Wind Ensemble-Harshman- Well the drums are there, so the incompetence equilibrium has gone up. On the plus side, Mr. Harshman has new people to yell at, but we often have to repeat things for them to be able to get it right, so we suffer as well.

Humanities/World Literature-Hastig- I don't know why this class got such a bad rap. It's going to be tough, but nothing I can't really handle. It's on a day with no hard classes besides it though. I get slapped in the face at the start of the day with this class and have the rest of the day to recover. Unfortunately, I am around some people I don't want to sit near, ie, Eric, Audrey, and some other loud or awkward people. Davis transferred into the class and almost got to sit next to Orion, but Ms. Hastig knew they got along, so she sat him in a different open seat, ironically, across the desk from Tracy. I had to laugh to myself about that one. Oh Ms. Hastig's ignorance. Also, Ms. Hastig has been oddly nice recently. Let's hope this keeps up.

AP Physics-Davis- AUGH. I hope I do better this semester. The class didn't really change at all. Maybe one or two people switched to first period and one switched in.

Photography-Tonkin- Every time I say her name, I think of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. Darn you, APUSH. She seems nice, but slightly odd, which mom says is normal for artists. My mom likes that I am taking this class because she is really into photography. As a kid, she converted her bathroom to a darkroom. She still has a bunch of old cameras that I can use that were top of the line in their day and still are very good cameras. Sai might get into this class, which would be good because then I would have a friend in there and I would get to see more of Sai, which has not been happening recently.

AP Music Theory-Hendrix- This man puts me to sleep. The frequency on which he talks is just so boring that I can barely stay awake. I might need to break out the Haze mints for that class. It's a good class though. On friday, we analyzed 60's rock songs.

Movie Genres-Murray- Mr. Murray remembered me, which was cool. I like that class. Eric and Brad are in the class, so we set up in a corner which we named the "Hollywood & History Corner" since we all had that class together last semester. This class will be far easier though.

Now to the week.

I started out my new classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only changing classes because my odd periods stayed the same. The classes went well. After school, we had a frisbee practice.

More classes, but little excitement throughout the day. I sold 10 chocolate bars during Music Theory.

More classes and then frisbee practice. I didn't like it as much because it was a Sukol practice. I like Bruegger ones because we don't drill really hard and we scrimmage a lot to get good real practice. Sukol ones mean attendance and lots of drills and running. After practice, Steven and I went to the game and now we don't ever have to play at a high school basketball game again. Also, we saw a bassoon kid trying to act like a model on a runway, which was very frightening.

In band we listened to the Bob Rivers show, which I had been listening to on the way to school. I liked it because it was like coming to school every day, then continuing to listen to the show. We heard the winners announced. Rogers got fourth, where they should have been. Kentridge got third. We got second, which was very disheartening because Shorecrest got first. The rest of the day was somewhat depressing after that. I went home and played Guild Wars and Microsoft Flight Simulator.

I played lot's of the Simpson's Game before going to Grandpa's house to actually cook a meal. We haven't been able to do that in a while and it was good. We watched True Lies over there too.

Today, I didn't do much. I went out and looked at kitchen furniture. Not much else happened.

I need to learn the creed now because Danniel Linn signed me up for it at regionals on Tuesday because he is lazy. It's not a big deal though. I get notecards. Well peace out for now.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Last of the First

First of all, thanks for the comments recently people1. I don't know if its me updating too much (not going to stop) or whatever, but come on, I leave comments on your blogs. I'm almost starting to miss the days when Zack would leave disgusting comments...... Actually I don't think I will ever miss those days because he also jacked the blog during that time, but come on people leave me some comments so I have something to read between your posts.

Second of all. ORION I AM SORRY. I forgot to work on data match this weekend. I'm doing it right after this update. I know you haven't even really bothered me, but I feel bad about it.

We had a snow day and I kind of wanted to hang out with people, but the snow was melting and the kitchen was being worked on, so I just stayed home and gamed all day. I spent about 8 hours on one checkpoint of Call of Duty 4 before finally beating it and getting mad and stopping for a bit. I did a couple of tries for the mile high club, got close, then stopped for the day.

The last full even classes day of the semester. We watched a boring movie that we didn't need to really watch at all in Hollywood & History, so Eric and I played Mario Kart on his laptop. In Lifetime Sports, we finally went bowling for the last freaking time. I am so tired of bowling for now. After that, I dropped Justin off at school and had to go to the courthouse on meridian for the mock trial for law. Our side did pretty good and we had good objections and knew our stuff, but the jury just saw some reasonable doubt somehow. So Justin and I won our pretrial for the team, but they lost the bulk of it. Ah well, I came out victorious.

The last full odd classes day of the semester, but only my even classes change, so these days are the same throughout the year. In band, we had the test, which many people did not so great on, myself included. I messed up the easiest one he gave me, ironically. In Physics, we had a nice lecture. Physics has started getting more interesting, which is odd because all we do is put a vertical line on a paper and draw horizontal lines and then bend them when they hit the vertical line. That's focal points for you, I guess. In Music Theory, Mr. Hendrix put me almost to sleep for the last time this semester. That was about it. I have never struggled to stay awake in a class so much.

We did nothing really in any of my classes. Jack and I spent a while working on my forehand in the gym during Lifetime Sports, which helped. Eventually I will be able to throw it well outside in the real world. In Law, we had a party with Live Free or Die Hard. We came close to watching Superbad, but Ms. Kim said we probably shouldn't. After school, we had frisbee practice so I got home around the time I would have if we had not gotten out of school early. After that, I studied and watched the A-Team.

In Band, we were going to play some songs, but Mr. Harshman got sidetracked and eventually just said we weren't going to play that day. In Physics, we had the test. I thought it was going to be an all-inclusive final, so I studied for all of the semester, which probably wasn't a bad idea anyway, but I really should have just studied for the last 2 weeks of material, which angered me because had I done that, I might have done better. Hopefully I do well anyway. In Theory, we were going to have a test, then not, then we were again. It wasn't too bad. After school, I don't remember what I did until Steven and I went to the game and then left early because it was boring.

From about 8:30-11am I tried for that mile high achievement, but only got very close. After that, Dad and I went to the dump to dispose of all the crap in our garage and that had been laying in the truck. We went to eat at Alfy's after that and then I went home while he and mom went shopping for countertops and kitchen stuff. From 1-4:30, I kept going on that mile high achievement, and got there once, then shot the hostage because I forgot about how he jerks the hostage's head to his early on in the sequence. Half an hour later, I finally got in there and took the shot, then waited on that delay of slow motion that would let me know whether I popped that guy's head open or shot the hostage. Then I saw the blood and was very happy to get the achievement, but promptly put it away and got started on the next game, Blazing Angels 2.

We left around 10:30 for Ikea. We took my aunt and grandpa along. After spending about 2.5 hours there and getting some good kitchen stuff for us and random stuff for my aunt, we went to my cousin's house nearby where we were going to watch the Superbowl. The game itself was incredibly boring, well until the fourth quarter at least. It was cool to watch all the big hits, like the guy getting headbutted in the gut at full speed. There were many good commercials too, like the Budweiser ones, the dortito one with the mouse jumping out of the wall and punching the guy in the face and the one of the animals screaming. I also liked the one where Richard Simmons almost got hit by a car. Tom Petty was an incredibly boring half time show. I'm glad the Giants won. Enough said.

Today I played Blazing Angels all day then made this post since I had no homework. Tomorrow, I get to start the day with Ms. Hastig....oh boy1.

Ok peace out for now.