Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sorry Orion, someday I will remember.

Probably when I'm not having so much fun.

Ok well how's about I break down my new classes before I dive into the week? The week's events aren't numerous, so don't worry. I'll try to keep this post average length or shorter.

Wind Ensemble-Harshman- Well the drums are there, so the incompetence equilibrium has gone up. On the plus side, Mr. Harshman has new people to yell at, but we often have to repeat things for them to be able to get it right, so we suffer as well.

Humanities/World Literature-Hastig- I don't know why this class got such a bad rap. It's going to be tough, but nothing I can't really handle. It's on a day with no hard classes besides it though. I get slapped in the face at the start of the day with this class and have the rest of the day to recover. Unfortunately, I am around some people I don't want to sit near, ie, Eric, Audrey, and some other loud or awkward people. Davis transferred into the class and almost got to sit next to Orion, but Ms. Hastig knew they got along, so she sat him in a different open seat, ironically, across the desk from Tracy. I had to laugh to myself about that one. Oh Ms. Hastig's ignorance. Also, Ms. Hastig has been oddly nice recently. Let's hope this keeps up.

AP Physics-Davis- AUGH. I hope I do better this semester. The class didn't really change at all. Maybe one or two people switched to first period and one switched in.

Photography-Tonkin- Every time I say her name, I think of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. Darn you, APUSH. She seems nice, but slightly odd, which mom says is normal for artists. My mom likes that I am taking this class because she is really into photography. As a kid, she converted her bathroom to a darkroom. She still has a bunch of old cameras that I can use that were top of the line in their day and still are very good cameras. Sai might get into this class, which would be good because then I would have a friend in there and I would get to see more of Sai, which has not been happening recently.

AP Music Theory-Hendrix- This man puts me to sleep. The frequency on which he talks is just so boring that I can barely stay awake. I might need to break out the Haze mints for that class. It's a good class though. On friday, we analyzed 60's rock songs.

Movie Genres-Murray- Mr. Murray remembered me, which was cool. I like that class. Eric and Brad are in the class, so we set up in a corner which we named the "Hollywood & History Corner" since we all had that class together last semester. This class will be far easier though.

Now to the week.

I started out my new classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only changing classes because my odd periods stayed the same. The classes went well. After school, we had a frisbee practice.

More classes, but little excitement throughout the day. I sold 10 chocolate bars during Music Theory.

More classes and then frisbee practice. I didn't like it as much because it was a Sukol practice. I like Bruegger ones because we don't drill really hard and we scrimmage a lot to get good real practice. Sukol ones mean attendance and lots of drills and running. After practice, Steven and I went to the game and now we don't ever have to play at a high school basketball game again. Also, we saw a bassoon kid trying to act like a model on a runway, which was very frightening.

In band we listened to the Bob Rivers show, which I had been listening to on the way to school. I liked it because it was like coming to school every day, then continuing to listen to the show. We heard the winners announced. Rogers got fourth, where they should have been. Kentridge got third. We got second, which was very disheartening because Shorecrest got first. The rest of the day was somewhat depressing after that. I went home and played Guild Wars and Microsoft Flight Simulator.

I played lot's of the Simpson's Game before going to Grandpa's house to actually cook a meal. We haven't been able to do that in a while and it was good. We watched True Lies over there too.

Today, I didn't do much. I went out and looked at kitchen furniture. Not much else happened.

I need to learn the creed now because Danniel Linn signed me up for it at regionals on Tuesday because he is lazy. It's not a big deal though. I get notecards. Well peace out for now.

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