Thursday, March 27, 2008

Culminating Exhibition Defeated (Temporarily)

I know, I know. I haven't updated in 11 days. Well I was planning to on Sunday, but I spent the whole day doing my CE. Then until today, I was doing either a lot of homework or my CE after school. I don't understand why people complain so much about it. I can understand the complaints about the way it's run, but I think that I would much prefer this to a senior project. Either way, this was the first chance I got to really sit down and make a post. Well, that's probably not true. We had some free time this week in Humanities (more on that later), but I really wanted to play some Quinn and Mario Brothers 3 during that time. Well since I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow (hahahahaha jk) I think I will get right into the week.

We had a rough day in band because Mr. Harshman finally came back. He wanted to think straight, so he hadn't taken pain pill for his arm (which he broke falling down the stairs (the bone smashed through the elbow joint and he has to wear a cast for the next 3 months)) and was in a bad mood because we hadn't gotten much done, but only because Davis didn't want to risk screwing up the songs by trying to change them around without Mr. Harshman there, which was smart of him to do in my opinion. After school, we had a rough frisbee practice because the games went so poorly the weekend before apparently. It was nothing that I couldn't handle though.

Nothing much happened the whole day except a frenzy of developing in Photography. I wound up staying through lunch to get it finished. After school, we had a practice, then a concert almost right after that. The freshman band did well. They should be proud of themselves. Symphonic band did......average for them I guess. Ours was not so great. Harshman had to stop us during Yosemite Autumn (but he was at fault there he said). American Elegy went well, which was odd because we had the least amount of time to prepare that piece. He dedicated it to his grandfather, who had just recently passed away. On the third piece, Mr. Harshman took a solo when he moved into the band and shook his baton in Alex's face to cue him and he yelled the part and it was audible on the recording. To be fair, he had to do it on a part that we only played through once before ever with Mr. Harshman.

You lucked out. The last two days were long and this one has nothing much to fill it. Oh actually, I called the Xbox support line to report my red ring of death incident. I was told I would get a box to ship it in in about 3-5 business days.

A pretty plain day again. We had an odd Bruegger practice in that we didn't start scrimmaging until after 4:20.

Nothing too important happened during the day. After school, everyone just kind of went home and hung out at their respective houses. Steven power leveled me a bit, but that was it.

I played some more Hitman. It is a good substitute in lieu of my 360. Around 10:21 (the actual time), we were supposed to meet at Shorewood. I was the second one there. The captains were way late. Our first game went good because we played a B team I guess. The second game went alright. We held our own at times, but in the end, they stomped us. Our record is now 2-2, so it's not terrible. After that, I did some more power leveling with Steven.

I spend the whole afternoon working on reading logs and my culminating exhibition.

I did not do so well during the day due to the after effect of Humanities in which I realized my reading log was even subber sub par than I thought. After school, we had a frisbee practice that was annoying to me for some reason.

We had a research period in Humanities, which was nice because I got some stuff done, none of it involving Humanities. After school, we had a practice with Sukol, which was a bit harder.

It was a pretty relaxed day. I actually finished my CE and managed to work on Guild Wars a bit.


Well I could have said today I guess, but whatever. Today, we had another research period in Humanities, which I did not use well. After school, we had a more relaxed frisbee practice. Right now, I am feeling like playing some Guild Wars. Steven's out at that movie, so this should be a good time to get me that 99.9 or dare I say it, 100%.

Peace out for now. I am available for whatever most of spring break. During the 31st, 1st, and morning of the 2nd, I am at my aunt's house because our floors are being redone here and that will involve some toxic chemical. I have to stay there all day because my aunt also has a cat and I need to make sure the three cats do not fight. On the 1st, I am going to the Mariners game with dad since it's his birthday (I'm not april fooling for the umpteenth time).

1 comment:

blitzmoose said...

The CE. It still represents everything bad and wrong about school work. It is not really the work or anything that bothers me. It's just that the state created a project like the CE we have to do and it sounded good to higher ups, parents, and most of everyone, but in reality it is just another annoying project that we will have to BS. It's not really the BSing of a project that is bad, but how everyone not a student thinks that it is a great and wonderful idea even though it is more work that has to be done and serves no practical purpose at all.

Over break what must be done, frisbee and and Smash Bros since your Xbox is nonexistent.

As for not being available due to cats... get cardboard boxes, put the cats inside and tape them closed. If you want you can cut air holes. Se, now you are available for the rest of the break right ^_^