Monday, October 20, 2008

Salute me, for I am about to rock.

Well the new AC/DC album "dropped" today and unfortunately, if I want to get it legitimately, I have to get over my fear of Wal-Mart and go inside to get it since they are the exclusive dealer of the album in America. I can't go get it today though because it's Kathryn's birthday and I have a night class, so perhaps I shall pick it up during the week sometime.

Ah, Rocktober weather... when I started this post, it was hailing, now the sun is starting to poke out. Well I can't see it very well from here, but I can tell it's not raining at all and it's bright. Anyway, how about I get into the post. It probably won't be too long of once as my posts are becoming. Also, sorry about last week's post. I'll try to post on days when I'm not bored out of my mind.

So college has been going well. My 19 credits are all being 4.0ed, so chances of getting into the UW look good. I've started noticing small things that bug me at the school though. Here is one in particular.

Child Prison:
Actually, it's a daycare, but it is in a place where it takes up an inside classroom, then a patio outside that is enclosed by a wall made of chain-link fence. The first time I walked by it, I saw a kid standing at the fence and hanging on it like a prisoner might, so from then on, I have referred to it as the Child Prison. Unfortunately, my quietest class, math, is in very close proximity to said prison, so when all of them start crying for no apparent reason, it gets quite loud and annoying. Another class affected by this daycare system is my english class. The daycare people like to get out these ropes with handles tied into them to lead the children around in what I call "kiddie convoys." If I thought they were loud in their prison, they're just as loud out on parole in the convoys. Luckily, in Accounting, the timing works out that they are never out when I am in that class. Also, in jazz band, they don't come by simply because it's that out of the way. They would have to learn road safety to cross the street to get to the music building. Also, they would have to go by the smoker shelter built ironically right on the path to the music building (because who needs good lungs to make music?). It's probably all those damn theory kids that play piano.

Well that was a fun little rant. I think I'll do my first rant in my "Things I hate" series sometime this week. This time I mean it. I will actually make a post on it.

On Friday, I went and played tennis with Eric to train for our upcoming challenge. Somehow, the last hour consisted of us volleying the ball over the net while holding a conversation. It was still pretty good and I think we are both going to be unstoppable(er) at the net. That night, Dad and I went to see that new W movie about George W. Bush. It was okay. The ratings were usually around 3/5 stars and I thought that they were pretty accurate ratings.

On Sunday, I went over to Sai's house with Stashley. We got some Starcraft in before doing some Halo and some COD4. Ahmad came eventually, but shortly before I had to leave. We did get to do some castle crashers before that though.

After that, I went to Kathryn's birthday dinner at PF Chang's. My Grandpa was not big on this whole Chinese food idea. The best quote of him from the night was:
Grandpa: What are these things? Straws?
Me: No, they're chopsticks.
Grandpa: Oh, it's too dark in here to see good.
Me: Yeah. You can use the chopsticks on your food though for a nice challenge.
*Grandpa tosses chopsticks away from himself*
Grandpa: Phooey, I don't need any chopsticks, I use a fork. I'm no Chinaman.
My cousin and second cousin were there as well and it was nice to see my cousin (actually first cousin once removed(dad's cousin's daughter)) who I had not seen in a while. I had just seen my second cousin, but this time she brought news of Herman (houseplant I tried to save, but died from root rot.) It was cool to see both of them though because I had not seen much of them this year. In fact, I don't think I have seen them since before I started growing my goatee. By the way, the goatee is getting to the point where I have to comb it now. Just thought you might like to know.

So today, it's Kathryn's birthday. Mom and dad bought this thing last year in the auction for $25 where you get an announcement on the sign in front of Shorewood on any day you want. They had it say "Happy Birthday Kathryn Altena" today. I'm glad that my birthday was never during school. That would have been embarassing.

Ok well that post was actually pretty long. Well have a good week or until I talk to you again (not that this counts as talking to you).


Wize Wizard said...

david! It's been so long since I've seen you! you should come visit here some friday afternoon or something. apparently the asians go play badminton and i might join them sometime.

lol about your grandpa, btw.

Oreo said...

Those silly chinamen and their wooden straws.