Monday, November 03, 2008

Don't forget to vote!

And with that title, I shall conclude my interest in politics until about 4 years from now. It will be nice to no longer be caught in the middle of stupid fights and whatnot. I know you don't want to hear about that though (if you do, just check the last post). I shall get along with the week then.

I got my Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer this past week. I spent much less time on it than Tyrian. I estimate that I spent less than 50 hours doing all the scraping. I'm now 2/3 of the way to having Legendary Cartographer. When I get Legendary Cartographer, I will have the Kind of a Big Deal title. I'm looking forward to it. All in all, it was a very productive week Guild Wars wise. It was also Halloween and I spent a lot of time in costume brawl, getting about 4 or 5 new builds with the faction I got and I also got about 350 trick or treat bags, which pales in comparison to Steven's 2,000+.

I did play some Starcraft as well with Sai. We had some good games and Sai had a good save in a game when I got double rushed.

They're still there. Nothing much has changed in them. Our Jazz band is looking good. We're starting to sight read new songs and today we got one where there was a big empty section where only the percussion plays through. Doug checked his master score and said that it was a French Horn solo. My ears perked up at that and I thrust my hand forward and exclaimed "Oh, you need a French Horn!?" Anyway, long story short, if Doug decides to keep the part and decides he wants a French Horn (which could go either way) I could very well be playing some jazz french horn.

Now this is going to be a short post, but before it ends, I have two stories to share. I shall share them in chronological order.

The cock-block:
So We had a math test last Thursday. It was a 3 part test. The first two parts were individual and the third part was in groups. As we would finish, the teacher would randomly start picking people and pairing them up. She paired me up with that hot girl and it was cool to be working with her and talking and stuff, but then the lady that sits next to me caught up to me and pulled me back to where she was sitting because she needed my help to do the problems (she really really needed it. I got to be the teacher) So instead of getting out 10 minutes early and talking to the girl more, I got out 20 minutes late, but helped someone in need, so I don't know exactly whether I should feel good or angry at that.

Bad medicine:
So on Halloween, I go to my Grandpa's house to help him hand out candy. At his house, he has an M&M jar that is magically always full. This time, I went to the jar and put some M&M's into my hand as I have done many many times before and when I popped them into my mouth, I felt a warm M. It was wierd because I thought it was a microwaved one, but then I realized that since the other ones were normal temperatures, this one had to be something else. Thinking it was a cashew or some other kind of nut, I grabbed it out of my mouth, only to discover it was a FloMax tablet. Luckily it had not dissolved at all or it would not have been a fun night.

Well that's all for now. Peace out.


Wize Wizard said...

rotflol about the m&m thing. this is the same grandpa in all your stories, right?

David said...

Yeah. It's always a party with that guy.