Monday, January 26, 2009

I've done a lot in a week, I guess.

So as usual, I was reading my last post to see what happened and when I left off so that my posts don't overlap and I realized that my last post ended with me beating Morrowind. I thought that had been much longer ago. It's only been a week? Wow, time really slows down when one doesn't waste one's time away with Morrowind. Anyway, yeah I beat Morrowind pretty thoroughly and I am now back in the real world and I have spent the past week catching up on homework I neglected and generally getting a lot done. I've also been working on playing Godot's theme from Phoenix Wright 3 and it's going pretty good except the bass part is hard to figure out and I'm still trying to find a way to get a good quality recording of my playing of the piano part. I'll hopefully find a way eventually. So anyhow, let's get into the week shall we?

I finished the day by doing nothing much at all. It was MLK Jr. day, so we had no school anyway and I had already done my homework.

I debated skipping math to hear Obama's speech, but it was only 20 minutes, so I got lucky and was able to listen to it in the car on the way to school. I had another trumpet lesson and it was cool to see that I am actually starting to improve my range on trumpet even in just one week. My range on trumpet is bad for a trumpet player and is a lot shorter than my range on french horn, which is pretty good. On horn, I can play from the Eb below the bass clef up to the C above the treble staff comfortably, so that's a range of just less than 4 octaves. On trumpet, I can play from the first F below treble clef up to the A above the treble staff comfortably. That's a much smaller range and its high end is very low for a trumpet player, but hopefully with more lessons, I shall be able to become a screecher! That would actually be pretty cool/annoying. After school, I finally got Xbox live hooked up again and decided to get some achievements in Call of Duty 5 that were online because they were pretty quick. After playing for a bit, I realized there were a lot of n00bs online, so I decided to keep playing and I wound up schooling noobs for about 4 hours.

It was more of the same. I went to school, did a lot of nothing, then came home. I think I played some Starcraft with Steven though. As usual, I got my ass handed to me.

Actually, I might have played Starcraft with Steven this day. I forget because all I really did all week was draw, do homework, play starcraft, or get on xbox live.

It was Steven's birthday, so I went to tell him happy birthday in person. After school, I gave him a present in Guild Wars and wished him happy birthday in the videogame world. After he left to go to a movie with Ashley, I went to wish him happy birthday via facebook, thereby creating a trifecta of happy birthday wishes. After that, I went to see Slumdog Millionare which was really really good and I hope it wins the oscar for best picture. It's nice to see original ideas nowadays. After that, I tried to watch Next with Nicholas Cage, but it was too damn boring and the whole movie was like that scene in Pure Pwnage where he keeps thinking Tagi is going to kill him, so I fell asleep.

I took the day off because I needed it even though I knew that I would have to start work on two essays and complete one the next day. I spent the whole day playing Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon. I don't think Xbox magazine was right to call it a franchise suicide. What's the matter xbox magazine? Did Destroy All Humans not take out enough ads in your magazine? It's nice to see that that magazine is selling out and that I'm not going crazy. I would cancel my subscription, but I still like it because it also announces new games, so I just read that instead of the ratings.

I got a whole 4 page essay completed and did half of another essay. It was a very boring day.

Well it was a pretty plain school day. I am sick, so it wasn't really a good one, but hopefully I will get better by Wednesday. I don't want to go to band today because that stupid girl is going to be in our section again, but it will be nice knowing that no matter how much she annoys me, at least the whole section doesn't hate me.

So yeah I'm going to be gone from Wednesday to Sunday, but I'll talk to everyone later. There will not be a things I hate this week, but on the bright side, that means I will definitely have to post one next week. I'll do my football post tomorrow. Ok well peace out.


Eric said...

lol of course they're is a ton of noobs on xbox live. pretty much there will always be more noobs then pros in fps games, cause most noobs do not know that you do more damage if you aim at the round thing on top of another player's shoulders.

They need a new episode of pp

I remember a few years ago when xbox mag was actually good. Now I'm pretty much the same as you, checking out the previews.

David said...

Yeah up until the recent months, I always agreed with the reviews, except for Ford Racing 3. Don't hate, it was a good game.