Monday, January 12, 2009

My knees still hurt from the weekend, but I'm glad I did all that I did.

So yeah I had quite a busy weekend. I was pretty much walking or driving, so my ankles were a bit sore after a while, especially because of the long drive. Anyway, I think I'll just go through my classes, then get into the weekend, then the football post tomorrow. Aaaaand break.

Math 111: 9:30-10:20:
Math 099 and Math 111 together are very similar to a year of Math Analysis so it's probably good that I wound up like this because I had a year of no math to forget all I had learned. I'm really happy I got the same prof. for math that I had last quarter because she is really laid back and really nice. I'm going to be gone for my cousin's wedding over the midterm, but she's letting me make it up when it works for me. I decided before I left because the information would be fresher in my mind and because it wouldn't be fair to get a few extra days to study. That class was really full at the start. We had 37 desks with tabletops on them and 39 people showed up on the first day. Since then, the number has dwindled to a mere 17 today. Many people just don't get the math and it moves to fast for them so they leave. It's funny because we've only done review sofar. Anyway, I like how the class is going and I think I will pass it just like 099.

Great Works of Asian Literature: 10:30-11:20:
I like telling people I'm in this class because it makes me seem cultured. I actually took the class because my english professor from last quarter who I really liked was teaching this. After I signed up, I found out that this guy I hung out with in english last quarter was taking it as well, so that's cool. A girl that sat near us in the class is also in this class, so the three of us plus one of the guy's friends sit in our little corner. The class has a lot of gamers in it not surprisingly. One funny moment was when this tall guy with really gothy clothes, chains hanging off them, tattoos on his hands, a slicked back mohawk, and a goatee showed up in class late one day. It turns out that he is actually a really cool guy and he always strives to make at least one person laugh each day, which I think is really cool because I try to do that as well. The class is really cool though and it's nice to have a professor I get along with.

Jazz Band: 11:30-10:20:
It's the same as last quarter. We got a new saxophone player and our alto 2 moved to bari and we have a full time trombone now, so things are getting better. It's still fun and I've started hanging out after class sometimes with the trumpets to just play since I don't have a class anymore afterwards. On Tuesdays now, I'm getting private lessons, which will really help me with my range, so I'm excited for that.

English 102: Online:
The professor for this seems cool, but I doubt I'll ever really meet him. He said at the start that we only really need to check 3 times a week, which works for me because english isn't that hard. I like that I now don't have to sit in a classroom pretending to learn the same thing I've been learning for the past several years. It's going to take more motivation to get work done than in other classes, but I doubt I will have a problem as I can be very motivated when I want to be.

Band: 7:00-9:30 Mondays:
Well before, we had 8 French Horns, which was ridiculous. Anyway, I was liking being the youngest in the section by 25 years or more. I was still somehow fitting in and all the people in the section were a lot like me, very laid back. Last week, this girl who's a shared student from the UW comes in with a Mellophone because her horn was gone for whatever reason. She immediately is thought highly of because she can play the mellophone. I was just sitting there like That's not impressive at all. Playing horn in high school means you have to play mellophone as well. All french horn players can play at least two instruments because they have to play the mellophone for marching. Anyway, she is really type A and has a bit of a prissy attitude and when we stuck her on third for her first day, she seemed a little pissy about it. She needs to learn that not all people play first part on all songs. We switch around in this band. Also, I don't even know why she's here. She complains about the conducting, which isn't great, but none of us care. I wanted to tell her that if she hates it, she can go back to the UW. I don't know why she felt the need to come here. My current thought is that she maybe didn't get accepted into the school of music. If that's the case, then that would be hilarious to me since I did get in. Anyway, maybe she'll just go away after the quarter or sooner and things can get back to normal.

So when I came in on Monday, Dan (my new best friend (the joke behind it is a long story)) said he heard from Nikki (one of the Stanwood girls) that Orion and I were planning on coming down to see them this week. I told him we didn't say this week, but we would come down with him on Friday since he said he was going to go there as well.

FAST forward (for you, Orion) to Friday after school. Before I leave, Dan tells me he won't be there until 8:00 since he lives in lake stevens. Orion and I went down early anyway, but decided to stop in Seattle first to see if we could find Orion some football shoes for frisbee. We parked about 8 blocks north of where we caught the bus coming back from PAX an walked to NikeTown. After spending 2 minutes in there, it was apparent that their selection was severely lacking in pretty much every department. We decided to get the full use of our two hours we paid for, so we walked around Seattle. First, we went to the fountain you can walk through where the carousel is in the wintertime. On the way there, we came across a lot of punk rockers. They were congregating near the fountain. Orion said "I wonder why they're all here." I was wondering as well. Just as we passed the group, we heard "Hey David!" and looked around to see Adam from frisbee coming at us wearing a fuzzy jacket. It was nice to catch up with him slightly even if he was smoking and a girl came and borrowed his cigarette at one point. It turned out they were all going to a rave. After quickly finding an excuse to leave, Orion and I did. We walked through that fountain which I had not done in a while. It was cool. From there, we went to see the hammering man. We did that and then we went to see some cool steps that were actually lame. We also passed a guy wearing a long coat and hat coming out of a burlesque house. We also went down through pike place market, then back up to the convention center before heading back out to the truck.

After that 1.5 hour walking adventure, we headed off to the UW. After wandering for a bit, I found a parking spot that gave you the option of buying 1, 2, 3, or 10 hours of parking. If we had gotten there 2 hours later, it would have been cheaper, but we had to pay for the 10 hours, which we surprisingly used 8 of. From there, we walked over about 2 blocks to the UW. Going off a memory of a map I had quickly glanced at about 2 hours before, I led us around the UW thinking I was going the right way. I actually was right up until the end, then I led us astray. If I had not turned when I was supposed to go straight, we would have made it to the dorm Nikki was in after only 10 minutes. Instead, we proceeded to get way lost and spent an hour looking for the dorm she was in. It was epic fail. We did see Terence though, which was cool. Finally, we were able to meet up with her, then we called Lucy for some reason and found out she was in her room with Erika, Allison, and Kayla. We decided to go see them since Orion wanted to. I didn't really need to see Erika and I didn't particularly want to ditch Nikki, but she had a friend there, so we went. I didn't realize how much I never talked to them until we got there. All four of them were in bed together and they all climbed down so say Orion. Being quickly forced out of the circle, I stood in the background with Lucy's roomate, who seemed pretty cool because she was unboxing a box so that it would take up less space in the recycle bin, which is something only cool people do. Kayla actually did say hello to me, but awkwardly as she passed me on her way out the door. I was glad we were only there for about 3 minutes because it was really awkward for me. After that, we walked Lucy up to the campus so she could meet up with her religion buddies for some bible thumping. On the way, we saw the asians crossing the street, so Lucy yelled "HEY ASIANS." It was funny because they all turned around, looking confused, then actually saw who it was and waved at us. After we parted ways from Lucy, Orion and I went back to Nikki's dorm and saw Chung on the way.

After that, we met up with Drew and some of his friends for dinner where Alex and Willie happened upon us. They wanted to hang out, but since we were there to see the Stanwood kids, we had to tell them we couldn't. I felt like a dick after seeing Alex's face, but we will come down to see the Shorewood kids this week. After meeting Drew's roomates and other friends, we went back up to his dorm to check it out. After that, the rest of the Stanwood girls showed up and we all went shopping for some reason. We did find some cool stuff, but cool in the sense that it was something funny written on a shirt or whatnot. After that, it turned out Dan was going to be late, so we hung out in a living room area in a dorm for a while. When Dan and his friend got there at 9:00, we all went to go bowling, but the lanes were all being used, so we played pool and ping pong. It was pretty cool. Orion and I left sometime between 11:00 and midnight.

I got up on time, but did not linger around because I had to leave at 10:00 because Steven, Orion, and I were going to Ellensburg to see Davis. We got through the pass with no trouble. When we got there, it was quickly apparent to us how much there was not to do. We hung out with Davis for a while and got the full tour of campus including their really nice music building and their really cool music library. We saw a statue of a pencil (apparently), the mobile fortress (psych building), the strange radar dishes, and the zombie defense palace. We also got to meet the many cool characters that live on his floor. We hung out with John a bit and he was a really cool guy. He took us to see the junk shop, which had some cool junk in it. I should have bought some of those $1 seahawk unwashed practice pants. Who knows who's herpes I could get? It was a pretty cool time while we were there, but we had to leave after a while due to a lack of things to do. Luckily, we did not leave later than that because we got stuck in some bad snow over the pass. I almost ran out of gas because we were forced to use the brakes a lot and almost all of the exits were closed for 50 miles. We finally pulled into a gas station about 7 miles ahead of North Bend at 0 miles to empty (which is actually 5 or 6 miles (it warns you early, which is actually a good way of doing it)) That was the only problem. As we passed accidents and as I could barely see out the window, all I cared about until that point was whether we would run out of gas. After that, the snow quickly turned to rain as we went down the mountain and it no longer was a problem. After that, I came home and watched football, then Orion came over to watch the Titans game. It was only the second half due to a technical error by the machine I had recording it.

I watched football all day. It was nice to not have to use my feet and I got a lot done on Morrowind. I'm getting close to being the highest rank in all the houses and I'm now almost level 60.

Well that's it for now. I would probably post about today, but I just did that whole weekend post, so I guess I'll spare you. Have a good day until tomorrow, or a good rest of the week if you aren't reading until next week.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

all I have to say is that we should only have paid 6 dollars for parking.