Monday, February 09, 2009


The title refers to a lolcat photo that has something to do with a minor story later in the post in case you were wondering. Also, I realize that I have not posted pictures. I forgot, so I'll get them up this week. Because the days have started flying by and blurring together, I will do this week's post in the other format because frankly, most of the days would otherwise consist of "I went to school and came home and did something until going to sleep."

School has been going well. Math is not too challenging. Asian Literature has not been boring. Jazz band has been getting better since I am getting slowly better at trumpet again. Concert band has been doing well too because the stupid annoying girl has not been there in 2 weeks and I got all her solos in the song she had them on last week. I did well on most of them, but on the last one I forgot to play an Ab and I hit an A and it sounded really messed up, but this week (today) I will do much better on them. Aside from that, the quartet I play with on Thursdays (4 trumpet quartet) is going to start meeting again now that all of us are here again and our lead guy is writing a version of electric avenue (youtube it) for us to play and he says I should play lead on it, which will be cool.

Videogame stuff:
So I've been beating some games, I just finished up Destroy All Humans 3 and it was pretty good. On Sunday, Davis, Sai, and I went to go to Toys R Us to get Shaymin and that was pretty cool. I now have 2 pokemans in Pearl! I feel so accomplished. After that, Davis suggested I borrow his Gamecube for a while since he isn't using it and he gave me 5 games for it, so I have some new games to play through. Also, he let me borrow fire emblem, so that will be cool too. I still have to finish Justice for All before I start that though. I thought about it though and I realized I haven't played much videogames recently. Between last monday and last friday, I played 2 hours of Starcraft with Steven and that was it. I haven't really been doing anything big to keep me away from it either. I just haven't played that much.

What I've been doing:

Well I've actually been writing out a bass tab and learning the piano part for The Fragrance of Dark Coffee (Godot's Theme song from Phoenix Wright 3). Learning the bass part has taken a lot of time since I suck, but I'm close to recording, though the quality will be crappy since my mics are not the best for recording instruments. I did get Audacity though so it helps give it a slightly better sound. It's like photoshop for music. Hopefully I'll have that all done soon so I can get back to training at Starcraft.

Ok that's it for the post. I'll see you all sometime soon hopefully for whatever reason. I just need to hang out with people. Perhaps Steven and I should go to the UW someday or something. Ok well Peace out until next time.

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