Monday, February 16, 2009

These three day weekends throw me off.

Well I might not have posted today if not for the fact that I seem to operate on a strict schedule week by week, so if I forget to do something, I will find myself sitting around until I finally remember. Such was the case just now. I was sitting, thinking to myself, there's something I'm always doing right now and I finally realized that it was time to make a new post. By the way, I'm pretty sure you will be reading this Orion, so I was going to let you know that one week from Tuesday will mark 2 months since an update from you. I hope you can get back into the regular posting that you hoped to achieve. (It's the last paragraph of the post). There, now I have linked to Orion's blog. What sort of backwards world have we stumbled upon now? Ok well anyway, I do believe it's time to go into the week for what hopefully shall remain a fairly short post.

I messed up my solos in Band, but it was no big deal because we have some time left before the concert and it was just some fine tuning things that I missed that will help me sound better. Annoying girl was yet again not there. Much happiness ensued.

I had a lesson on trumpet and I got to some higher notes, which was pretty cool. After that, I learned that the recording software I had gotten for free put an audiostamp or whatever it's called onto saved recordings, so that one was useless. I later found out that I had not downloaded Audacity, so I went to go download it.

We had a really bad rehearsal as a group in Jazz Band, so Doug took away two of our harder parts, which sucked because they were cool songs, but I have a feeling we will see them again and for now, the workload is tolerable again. I was having trouble learning 4 new songs for that class and all the ones for regular band.

I guess taking away the two songs worked because we had a really great Jazz Band rehearsal. Unfortunately, one of our trumpet guys had a gig so we did not play after school for a while. I used the time to go home and play some Metroid Prime. The controls still anger me, but I am getting used to them.

I stuck around after Jazz Band to play with the two guys in the trumpet section and our lead alto player came and played with us on his Soprano, so that was pretty cool. I had to leave early because of Sai's party. I met him and Steven at Red Robin (I know, we always seem to wind up there...). Later we caught up with Albert, Tom, Oliver, and Jennifer. Then Amanuel showed up around the same time Ben and Allen showed up. We all ate some dinner and Sai paid for it, which was really cool. After that, we went bowling and Steven and I still need to have an epic battle to decide who is better. On a side note: I noticed that Wii Bowling kind of does help me at bowling. My scores were much better than they were during my lifetime sports days. After bowling, Steven and Ashley quickly balled out for reasons unknown (but the next day WAS Valentine's day after all). We all split up from there. I took Amanuel to Abaneezer's house and Sai to his own house, then I went home myself.

I spent St. Valentine's day alone for the 18th consecutive time. I decided that I will try to make this my last St. Valentine's day ever, so that I can stop calling it St. Valentine's day in a vein attempt to make it seem like a religous holiday instead of what it technically really is. Pending my trip in March, this may be an attainable goal. If the trip winds up not happening, then perhaps I shall have to try harder later in the year.

I helped Kathryn get less n00b at tennis and then we went down to SPU to pick up my cousin (the one that is my third cousin once removed(the hot one)) on our way to Kent for a belated birthday celebration for my cousin (first cousin).

Ok pause here, I have to get something out of the way.

Dad's job:
So dad helped start that bank in Bellevue right? Well long story short, the economy really made it suffer. It wasn't that the bank was making stupid choices, it was actually set to do well. The people in the bank just became afraid and the bank was making less money, so they had to cut back. Dad and the CEO decided that dad's job could be deligated to 4 other people for less money, so dad, along with some other lady, got laid off. That was back in November. In December, he signed on with Union Bank of California which is this bank from California that's expanding north up to Seattle. In a paper in San Francisco, I guess UBOC was described as a bank that didn't take the stupid pill. Basically, it's referring to how UBOC is doing well despite the bad economy. Since this is a big bank, (like US Bank, but regionalized) dad has to go on business trips again, but unlike US bank, he now goes fun places! Most of his trips are to SoCal and Las Vegas. He actually has a trip to Vegas while I'm hoping to be in Sacramento. He also has a trip to Anaheim (home of Disneyland) this weekend. Anyway, another long story short, it worked out that our family could go to Disneyland this weekend for the price of just airfare, which we found for quite cheap, so we jumped on that opportunity, so from Saturday-Monday morning, I will be in Disneyland. I get back just in time to go to Jazz Band on Monday morning. So anyway back to the story...

Somehow the topic of Disneyland comes up and my cousin for who we were celebrating the birthday said she was looking at going soon, so we invited her along, so my cousin is now coming with us. Also, I guess one of Kathryn's friends lives down there now, so we're going to meet up with her family, so it will be a big group, but dad and I will still make sure we get the most rides in because dad and I have uber micro at Disneyland (the only place my micro is uber).

I helped Kathryn get a little less n00b at tennis again. After that, I played some more Metroid Prime. I'm about 50% on the progress that it tells you at the start. It's been about 10 hours and I'm still in the high 40's. I think it may last at least 24 hours, which is a pretty good time for an FPS/Adventure game like this.

Ok well other than that, not much has been going on. Hopefully I can get this song recorded soon so I can get back into Starcraft. I haven't done a lot of PC gaming recently. It's odd. Ah well, peace out for now.


Davos said...

Stashley "balling out?" In more ways than one? LOL!
Damn, I missed Sai's party. We will have to do some pwnage stuff when I get a chance to come back (actually two weekends from now I will try to come back).
Homework for the UCB Starcraft course is up, and it's HARD!!!!! I need to ask Steven for all the answers.

caliting: what you do when you want to talk to a pretty girl somewhere but you just can't get the nerve.
"Dude, what are you doing here in the back of the ballroom?"
"I'm caliting that chick over there."
"Aw, sucks for you bro."

Oreo said...

so i must be missing something cuz the "caliting" thing means absolutely nothing to me...

in other news, david, that may be enough to get me to post. and i love the irony of you linking to my blog.