Monday, April 06, 2009

RIP Sai: The Movie

If you're confused on the title, fear not for I shall enlighten you. If you recall, near the end of junior year, the elections for senior class officers came up and Sai was running for vice president. Sai, Steven, and I decided to make a video for sai in which he gets blown up by a firework, taken away in an ambulance, then escapes from the ambulance because "nobody can kill me I am invincible!" From there, he puts on goggles and plays 2 games of dolphin olympics at the same time. After that, he defeats Steven at risk multiple times (though when we were rolling the dice, the wrong side was always winning, making for some funny rolls). Finally, he kills Steven and the cameraman before going on to the credits to "play" (it actually fooled Zach for a while) the solo from Stairway to Heaven. In that solo is the last known video recording of bubble fish (also RIP). Recently, I recieved an email from google telling me the video was blocked because it was flagged with copyrighted content. After a lot of thinking, I finally figured it was probably from the Stairway solo. Now the really sucky part is that the video was made on my school craptop, so the only copy of the video that exists is online. I can no longer access the video to download it, but it is still on my account and nobody, not even myself, can view it. I'm working on trying to get google to let me download it somehow, but no such luck yet. Hopefully it will not be lost in the void.

Ok anyway, time to get onto the week. This time, I think I'll just post about different things instead of day by day because it's nice to have some change once in a while.

So the latest on PAX is that I cannot pay for the 10 people. I don't have a credit card and my parents weren't too keen on the idea of putting down that much money because we are also financing the fixing up of my grandpa's house, my aunt's house, and moving my grandpa, so we aren't in a good financial position to put down money for pax as well. If someone has a credit card and is willing to spot us all the 400-500 bucks to get in, it would be much appreciated. We have to order all 10 at once to get the group rate ($5 off). If nobody takes it up, we might as well just take the $5 hit and order our tickets normally. I really don't care either way because hell it's 5 bucks and I know I will get my money's worth either way.

Ok now onto the week's events, starting with my new classes.

Business Law 9:30-10:20 MTWTh:
I was really looking forward to this class, but I didn't really realize what I was getting into. Since this is a class required for business students, it's more geared around laws that businesses will encounter, rather than court proceedings. Also, our professor got rid of a bunch of case briefings we would have done that supposedly take about 20 hours overall. Instead, we are required to do 15 hours of service learning. Service learning means you work at the food bank or something and tell about how it reflects the law. This really sucks for me because I joined the class hoping we would get a lot of case briefings since I enjoy those, but unfortunately, I am a lawyer in a class of entrepreneurs, so epic fail there. I'll get through the class, but it won't be as fun as I thought it would be. Also, there's this really nerdy guy in the class that is the kind of nerdy where he talks like a dick (condescending and stuff) to everyone. I hope that in our mock trials, I either get paired up with him to make an unstoppable force of pwnage or I hope I get pitted against him so I can wipe the floor with his ass.

Business Calculus 10:30-11:20 Daily:
Of this class, 1/4 of the people are people that were in my last math class, 1/2 are in my business law class just before this, and 1/4 are people I've never had class with before. I got the same math teacher I've had all year, which is really cool because she's one of the best math teachers I've ever had. This calculus stuff is all new to me (good to finally be seeing things in math I don't recognize), but now that I understand all the stuff I did not back in high school, I'm more confident about calculus now. I think I can pull of a good grade in this class.

Jazz Band 11:30-12:20 Daily:
Doug is on a sabbatical learning about the physics of sound so that he can make a new class at SCC, which imco sounds like a totally badass class. In his place, we got this Sisko guy who Davis had said was a cool guy and he really is. I'm actually learning about chords now and everyone else seems to really like him. I was the only one that didn't hate Doug apparently. It's because I'm used to Harshman, so nothing fazes me anymore. This new guy though is a trumpet player, so our section is getting better. It's going to be a good quarter. Also, we've been practicing hard because we have that contest in Dallas a week from Saturday. It's going to be very cool.

Intra-American Studies Online:
This class is a good class for me because we're learning how to be tolerant all quarter. Unfortunately, I have to do 4 hours of volunteer work, but I might be able to count my service learning for that and Steven's probably going to do some with me, so that will be cool. The thing that sucks about the class is we assume a Monday-Friday work week, but it ends at 11:55 am on Friday, when I am still in class. Basically, that makes Friday useless for that class, so that's going to be a hassle all quarter, but on the plus side, I guess it's one less class I have to worry about those days.

Concert Band 7:00-9:30 Monday:
It's pretty much the same. We have an all new Alto Sax section except for that one older guy and Steve is no longer in the band, but I still have people to talk to. For Victoria, I found out Dan and I will be roomates, which will be epic. Darren, Eric, and someone else wanted me to room with them, but I knew from Ken we were trying to get 2 people to a room, so I was like screw that, (but more politely) and I'm sharing a room with just Dan. Our new songs are okay and that stupid girl has still not returned so I am happy.

Ok well that's my class list. Now for things in real life.

Steven got me into Runescape. It's actually pretty fun I must say. Well most of the time at least. I still have a long way to go until I'm a competent player, but I'm working on it. It also helps to have a friend in the game who's richer than God. Also, Steven showed me a cool song from the game that leads into my next section.

Sea Shanty 2:
So I heard this song in Runescape and I liked it, so I decided to make it using Noteworthy Composer 2 (I have a free 30 day trial version that I've had for 120 days and I think I'll have it as long as I want). It was a good way to familiarize myself with the program and I'll probably post the video to youtube or something this week. Now that I've done that, I kind of want to do a LoZ ocarina medley or something. Of course eventually, I want to take on the Terran Theme as well, but that is a ways off.

Grandpa's House:
We spent the day there on Saturday. I helped Grandpa clean stuff out in the backyard while the other three cleaned out a whole room full of old paperwork and stuff. It was pretty fun to clean the backyard even though I munched it up a bit when I had to use an axe one some large items.

I beat Phoenix Wright 2 and I liked it pretty good. Now I'm on Fire Emblem and that game rocks. I'm going through it very fast and I hope it lasts a long time because it is surprisingly very fun.

Possible UW visit???
Dan and I were talking about how we both haven't been to the UW in a while and he suggested we go sometime. He's gone all this week and our trip is next week, but eventually we will probably show up so I might wind up calling Lucy so I'm not alone with Stanwood kids when we're there.

So yeah all is good. The first week of the quarter is always hectic trying to get things figured out and catching up where I can. Luckily, things look like they will settle down after the jazz band trip because a major time eater right now is practicing for that. I'm looking forward to that trip for the experience and for the peace that shall ensue thereafter. Anyway, happy easter coming up and don't let rabbit robot attack us all.

Peace out.


Mr. Manager said...

If only my credit limit would go so high. Happy belated blog birthday btw, they grow up so fast. Good luck with your classes. Also, Phoenix Wright, F**K YEAH!

Oreo said...

i hope you're playing a GBA Fire Emblem, not the DS one cuz that one sucks balls.

David said...

I'm playing the GBA one on the DS.

Eric said...

Man that blows, that we lost sai the movie. My suggestion about pax is that we all pool in our money, and buy one of those visa gift cards and we can use that. Either way I'm fine with it being 5 bucks more lol. playing runescape now eh, that game...... the first thing I did was get my fishing level to watever the highest level it was for non members which I think was spearfish or something. haven't played that game since last year actually....

blitzmoose said...

Ok! over the summer to make up for the loss of Sai the Movie we will make to Kill a Mockingbird 2: Revenge of the mockingbird or something equally awesome.

Oh and I will do the credit card thing if my credit limit is good enough. I also want to come to PAX, but I don't think I said anything about it, but yeah definitely going. We should also get a hotel or something there.

Also, do you want a pure ranger, wizard, or fighter? or some horrible mage-fighter mix?