Monday, November 16, 2009

I have made a mistake

Which I will get to later! First I must go through the week. Last week was pretty good, but the weekend went by really fast which is too bad. Hopefully this coming weekend shall be a bit slower. I did enjoy the pwnage football day yesterday though specifically the Colts last minute stomping of the Patriots (I just like seeing Belichick and Brady fail). In other news (a shoutout to Orion here), this weekend, my grandpa's place was having an outing to go up to Chuckanut Drive which we drove by on our way to and from the Bioshock event this past August. Ok now that the shoutout has been completed, I shall commence talking about the week.

In band, Ken told us that this honor band thing was definitely on (school pays for travel, accommodations, and food!). How it works is it's a community college type thing for community colleges in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah (possibly Arizona too). Anyway, the turnout must be really low for this because each conductor gets 5 selections. There are set spots for each instrument in the band (they will take X number of trumpets, X number of flutes, etc.) Anyway, I'm pretty sure that when I sign up, I will be first on Ken's list because he told me he really thought I should do it. So provided that works out (I sign up tonight), I will get to go see Rachel. Now the problem is other people in the band (ones that might want to hang out/tag along with me while there) showed interest in this as well so I can only hope that their instruments are not needed or that Ken does not come up with some picking strategy to ensure they also attend while still making sure I do. I also made the foolish mistake of blurting it out in conversation with the girl that stands next to me today. I was just making light conversation and I inadvertently piqued her curiosity and now she wants to do that. She's cool and all, but this trip was about going to see Rachel, so to be slightly mean here, I hope she doesn't make it (otherwise it will be awkward for me to hang out with both her and Rachel at the same time (hmm, actually this has really awesome potential now that I think about it)). Anyway, more on that to come next week.

I was super psyched (coincidently, I skipped psych) for the midweekend. I only showed up to my second two classes and they were rather uneventful. In Jazz Band, we did some strange sectionals and our section + Darren (he had nobody else in his section that day and he had similar parts to us) got to go to the dungeon (a cool room downstairs that is not well soundproofed and thus makes the teachers down there angry (but it's not our fault, it's the music building, stop teaching a speech class there!)). After that, I came home and finished the Terran Theme. There's still a part I want to tweak though when I get the time. Also, I need to find a program that records audio and video. I have one now but I don't know if it works right because I don't know how to use it.

I got up at 9 to go to a Boy Scout thing at 10. I promised Red I would because I was intrigued at the thought of a Boy Scout event starting after 7 or 8 am. It was a dedication of a memorial at the UW, so I got to march in a parade. I was even on the 10:00 news that night walking by the camera. It was pretty lame and it took so long that dad and I just bailed early. After that, I spent the rest of the afternoon just doing homework.

I made the mistake of coming to psych and being there alone. It was a really boring day after that. In Jazz Band, since the girl that stands next to me was gone (someday I'll actually start referring to her by her real name), the four of us guys pwned up some songs. Doug liked how we were sounding and in typical trumpet section fashion, we attributed it to her absence. That's the reason I like to show up every day, haha.

I met my grandpa at Costco for lunch, then I took him back to my aunt's house so that he could sit and see the cats (all your base are belong to us!) while I moved some boxes in from the pod containing mostly books. After that was done, I took grandpa back to his place then went over to the mall to meet Sai. We got Arceus together so that we wouldn't be really awkward/pedophiley looking. Unforunately some bearded guy was working the gaming section, not that mythical 919 with the glasses. I'm starting to wonder if she's just a figment of my imagination, though I don't have reason to believe she doesn't exist because that was the first time I had been to Toys R Us since I had seen her. After that, Sai decided to come back here so we could take my Micro exam together since I already knew all the answers and for some reason we thought it would be entertaining. After that, we played some Contra, then he had to head back home.

Kathryn and I took the train to my grandma's house down in Vancouver. She had bought a new Camaro and no longer needed her old Monte Carlo, so she was giving it to us since the Breeze is slowly dying and mom will need a car. Anyway, the train ride was uneventful. She let me drive the Camaro and it was pretty awesome. Not Mustang awesome, but general muscle/sports car awesome. We went to see the men who stare at goats. It was pretty good, but I can see why it got panned.

We drove back from there and I made pretty good time since I was in a relatively fast car and since it was rainy and the middle of the month meaning there were very few cops out on patrol. After we got back, I had football on while I did homework and I enjoyed watching Bill Belicheat and Shady Brady fail.

I came to psych alone again which was unfortunate, but less so than Thursday because I had to turn in something anyway. After that, it was a group project workday in French. Well we thought it was at least, she changed her mind so all the food we brought had to just sit there for the class. Then in Jazz Band I accidentally spilled the beans about the honor band thing. If she winds up going, I am really going to hope for an epic threesome. If not, oh well, I don't feel bad about ditching Eric and Darren for Rachel. Quote post tomorrow and then until next week, peace out.

1 comment:

Eric said...

yes you should definitely make your goal now to threesome. At first I thought you meant just plain old men who stare at goats and then realized it's a movie probably. I also enjoyed watching the patriots fall to the almighty Peyton Manning.