Monday, November 09, 2009

This week was busier so hopefully the post will be more interesting

Well this week was certainly more eventful than the past couple of weeks have been. Perhaps I shall actually have a post this time that deserves some comments. I'll also be making a quote post tomorrow, so check that out too I guess.

We had band and it was our last regular rehearsal before the concert, so we were wrapping things up. I finally got to try out my new mouthpiece and it was really good for most of the songs, but there were some screechy high parts that it didn't help on so I used my older one for those during the practice and during the concert as well.

After school got out, Steven, Chris, and I decided to go look for Sai. Eventually, he and Danny McCoy snuck up and ninjaed us. It was cool to see Danny again and it was cool that we didn't have to awkwardly exclude him because he left on his own. After that, Sai and I picked up some cake supplies and went home to make the cake. See the post below for quotes and things about it. During the cake baking process, we played some Halo and some Left for Dead 2 demo. I liked it, but I still think that there's no way I'll buy the game for the price they want because I would only play the campaign anyway. Around 6, Ahmad, Ben, and Ashley came by and Stashley formed and left. Then Sai helped Ahmad and Ben on programming homework for an hour or so then they left after Sai got an email from his brother saying he should probably call home (he must have been in trouble for staying out so late without warning).

We had the second day of our movie in French. It was actually a really good movie. The teacher even decided to postpone our test back yet another day from now Thursday and Friday to Friday and Monday. After school, I did some quick studying, then I had to go to frisbee. Fortunately since I was busy, only 2 people showed up so we had a quick throwing practice then just called it a day since 2 people don't really make for a good practice. I studied a bit more, then had to go off to SCC at 5:00 because I promised to help the drums load and move their equipment.

I met Kezia and Dan and a couple of other people there. Ken took us all out for Taco Bell since we were all feeling like it and he even paid for it which was really nice of him. After we got back, we loaded the truck. Dan decided to carpool there with me since I had to come back by SCC anyway. On our way out, one of the other drummers was backing out of his space and accidentally came way too far. He wound up being the first victim of the army hitch. On one hand, he didn't deserve it because he's cool and he's a pretty nice guy, but on the other hand, damn the army hitch really pwned his bumper. The dent was a lot bigger than I thought it would have been. Anyway, that was rather funny and Dan and I laughed about it all the way to the concert hall. The dress rehearsal went well and then I came home to study a bit more before going to bed.

We had our psych test. Each psych test, I always study one thing more than I should and it never comes up. This time, it actually did. I was quite happy. I wound up doing the exact same as I did on my first test though, so whomp whomp. I got my first assignment back and I thought I got 2 points for turning it in early, but it was only 1 so I'm debating whether to do that with the next one. It's due next Monday, so I might want to get started on it here soon if I plan to. In French, we finished up the movie, but I had to leave early to set up for the jazz band concert in the pub. We sounded as good as you can for performing in what is essentially just a giant cube. It sounded like hell, but we kind of made it work. That night, we had the concert. It went pretty well because I was able to hang out with the girl trumpeter that I stand next to in jazz band for a while and then Dan right before we went to set up. The concert went well and I got home to study for some French. Then I realized that I had forgotten to do the homework for the next day, so I stayed up later than I usually like to to finish it. Also during that time Darren messaged me on facebook to ask if the girl I stand next to in jazz band was single. I presume he wants to ask her out which sucks because I was thinking about doing it (though admittedly I was far off of it because I don't want her to say no then we still have to stand next to each other every day). Anyway they haven't been in the same room since that point, but I'm curious to see him try because I think he'll get rejected, but I want to see someone else's style of picking up chicks. Who knows, it could be a good learning experience.

I got up a bit early to meet with my Econ professor about switching to an AA degree for Economics instead of what I'm currently going for which is business. I wound up waiting about half an hour, but I got to see my math professor from last year, which was cool. She told me some stories about her playing french horn beause she didn't know I had played it and she saw me holding it. Eventually, I got invited in and there were some students in there asking n00b questions and since the professor said I was one of his best students, I figured I was qualified to help one of the students there that was having problems. It was nice to get to show off that I'm learning in front of the teacher and I was able to put what the lady was asking in plain terms.

After they left, we checked out the track I'm on and it looks good. I now don't have to take accounting which is a HUGE BONUS. We both agreed how we hated how tedious accounting was. I think I'll enjoy being an accounting major provided I can get into the UW. It's looking good now though, so hopefully it works out. The meeting made me miss psych, but I snuck in at the end to figure out how I did on the test. I then went to French and IT WAS CANCELLED. I stayed up late for nothing. I didn't have it so bad though. The guy that sits next to me said he missed his bus and then caught a later one and sprinted from the stop to get to the class just in time for our scheduled test time and then he saw the sign and just collapsed on the door in frustration. I spent the next hour just doing not much until jazz band started. We got a cool new song and there was an old almuni trumpet player there. I guess he left SCC to go to North Texas University and got in the 1st jazz band (REALLY big deal). He stuck around to play with us and helped us get better on a couple of our songs which was really awesome. The girl was gone so she missed out on it, but meh, her loss.

After school, I was happy to be done with work for the week. I finished up all of my weekend homework, then played some left for dead 2 demo with Steven, Davis, and Sai. After that, I watched some of V (the series premiere first, then the movie from the '80s after that) and then went to bed.

I started playing Fable. It's really fun. After that, we met grandpa at Costco for lunch, then we took him back here to watch the last half of the husky game, then we took him home. That night, I watched more V.

Not having much homework left, I played some Fable then did it quickly. I then spent the rest of the afternoon working on the Terran Theme after football ended for the Seahawks. I spent a lot of time on the terran theme and it's coming along nicely.

We had our tests today in French. While asking the teacher to repeat a question, I accidentally said por favor instead of si'l-vous plait. In my defense though, I said por favor with a flawless french accent. Luckily we weren't being graded on asking to repeat a question, so no problem with that. Jazz band went well and then I came home and Steven and I watched Stargate. Now I don't have much homework so I'm going to go ahead and get back to the terran theme.

Until tomorrow, then until next week, peace out.

1 comment:

Davos said...

You should have fucking told Darren something about that chick's "boyfriend."
You have to decide: will it go better for you if you are the first one to ask her, or if she rejects another guy first? Because she will reject Darren, unless he has changed a lot.