Monday, November 02, 2009

I'm calling it now, Texans and Saints in the Superbowl

If I'm right, I'll look really smart now come January. Anyway, how's about I get going on last week. It was Halloween week for Guild Wars, so not much happened outside of doing things for that. I'll just hop right into the post now since I don't have anything interesting to say for the intro.

I'm overlapping a bit since my post was done late, but Steven and I did some discordway and found it is a very effective way of vanquishing. Of course, when we vanquish with Davis, we'll most likely do the more challenging method that we regularly use. Discordway is awesome though because it is designed to pretty much rape everything really quickly so our only problem is figuring out where we've been in an area.

I tried to do as much homework as I could, then Steven and I ran some more discordway. We got a couple more areas done rather quickly. After a while, Ashley came to his house and then our vanquishing stopped soon thereafter. It was no matter to me though as I spent the rest of the afternoon farming ToT bags and watching TV.

We had a sectional day in Jazz Band and the trumpets got a special sectional with Doug. I was able to get the high notes in my part though luckily because I didn't want to have to give the part up because it would be inconvenient for whoever got it. After school, I did more ToT farming and some homework.

I woke up and had a really strong feeling that I would regret showing up to Psychology. I decided it was probably just because I was figuring out all we do is take notes. Steven and I arrived at the class only to discover it had been cancelled for the day. D'oh. Steven went to the library to print something, then we both went back to his house so he could show me a successful chaos plains run. After that, I headed back to SCC for Jazz Band.

My French professor emailed the class the night before telling us that class was cancelled. I planned on skipping psych then so I wouldn't have an hour break, but Steven reminded me an optional assignment was due, so I showed up. After that, he and Ben(Tim), and I went to the library and Tim went somewhere and Steven and I did some studying for some classes. After that, we had our recording day in Jazz Band with a pretty weak turnout, so we just wound up rehearsing mostly. After Jazz Band, I came home and packed and we left to pick up Kathryn at school and then we picked up dad, then we headed down to Vancouver for the concert that the three of them plus one of Kathryn's friends were going to. We met my grandma at our favorite restaurant there, then they went to the concert. Grandma and I went back to her house and watched Watchmen and then I watched Stargate after that.

We had to get an early start to get home on time since Kathryn's friend had to set up for the carnival at Syre. We got home in fairly good time, but not a record for me though I was going fast the whole way. I spent the rest of the day doing some farming of ToT bags.

We met grandpa for lunch and the end of the Seahawks game. After that, we went over to my aunt's house to move some furniture around as well as take some garbage out. My uncle took a lot of stuff for my cousins which was good because we are really needing to clear out space. After that, I came back and did some French homework.

I remembered we had a psych test, but it got moved back a day, which was nice. Then, our French professor decided to move our test back to Friday instead of tomorrow, so I'm a pretty happy camper right now. I have band 3 times this week, which will kind of suck, but it won't rob me of too much time, so it should be fine. Sai's coming tomorrow, so that's also going to be cool. Now I'm going to try to finish as much of my homework as I can before band so I have more time to study/do nothing during the week.

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