Monday, November 23, 2009

Whoa it's-a Monday, time-a for an up-a-date!

I think I'll give credit for that title to Mario. I was playing it a little this weekend for some reason. This last week was good because I finally figured out that I don't need to show up to psych every day and also since I got some good gaming (by myself unforunately) in. I leave tomorrow for Sunriver again, so that is unfortunate because I will once again not get to hang out with Davis during break, but then again, he returns in a couple of weeks anyway so it will work out. Someday also maybe Davis and Steven will be up for vanquishing again. I tried some discordway and it worked fairly well except for groups with multiple healers, but whatever. I'll just get going on the week now.

I got the form from Ken in band and it looks like more than 5 people also took it (he can suggest a limit of 5). I don't want to get too cocky, but I think my chances of being in the top 5 are good [knock on wood there] and I really hope that either just I wind up going or just me and the girl and then epic threesome happens because as Orion put it, "you would be perma winner of everything." Enough about that though. The combination of my new mouthpiece (specialized for lower parts and stuff like that) and the high horn parts I'm playing (the guys in the section decided they wanted me to do all first parts this year) that band for the 2 hours straight we practice really kills my chops, but it's a good workout I suppose.

I skipped psych because it was a lecture day. In French, we had a group workday and our group is doing a project on food, so we brought a lot of food. I tried a baby pickle and it was really sour and terrible (especially since I ate it in one bite) and even Foie Gras! I can see why people get it confused with cat food. There was other weird stuff there that we had all brought, but I won't go into detail with it because it is not very exciting. The cheese was good, but me and the pretty Dutch girl that sits in front of me agreed that Dutch cheese was far superior. After school, I did a lot of homework after first getting a much needed haircut. If it gets that long again, I might need to start tying it back.

I skipped psych again because I knew there was again no real point to showing up. In French, we did not have a workday again, so no great feast, but when I got home, I didn't have much homework so I got some good skill hunting in. I actually heard from Steven for the first time that week during the hunting.

There was a psych test which I think I did adequately on. After that, there was no French (of course it had to be the day I had to show up for psych...). Fortunately, the room was left open so I was able to sit in it while I did my homework. More skill capping after school ensued.

I had to show up to psych again to turn in my optional homework because I want to water down my test grades as much as I can, just in case. In French, we didn't get a lot done because we spent the whole class correcting homework. In Jazz Band, our lead saxophone player showed up to watch us play which was cool because I hadn't seen him since last year. After class, the lead trumpet player and I talked about my trumpet situation. I'm currently looking for a less basic beginner model. Also, recently I noticed that I've been buzzing when I use first valve and sustain a note. Since it started happening shortly after my new horn mouthpiece came, I figured I screwed up my embouchure somehow, but the guy thinks that perhaps my trumpet has a hole in it because he knew a guy with a similar problem. Well I kind of hope it's the hole actually because that will get me off my ass and looking at trumpets more. He's bringing in 2 this week for me to try out, so that's really nice of him. I tried one today and it was an Old Olds (Too Old). I thought it was okay, but I wonder what he's going to have me try tomorrow. Hopefully it helps me get an idea of what I want so I can shop around during winter break. After school, I came home and did homework, then got down to 5 elite skills.

Having 5 skills left to cap, I did that and then enjoyed my 2 new titles (elonian skill hunter and legendary skill hunter). I'm at 14 titles now. After that, I played some Fable until I beat that, then I was going to replay Assassin's Creed, but I remembered my cousin still has it, so I decided to play The Force Unleashed instead. So recently, we've been cleaning out the downstairs, leaving us a mess on the ground. We moved that big brown bookshelf in the back of the basement tv room into my computer room, so there was a mess all over the floor, which was nice because it prevented Kathryn and her friend from comandeering the downstairs at 10:00 and kicking me off the computer which is very inconvenient. Also, while we were cleaning, I decided that I have a lot of old xbox games that I have played through so many times I will most likely not do so again. I finally started using Goozex. I've already sent 2 games out (well I'm putting them in the mail today, the post office was closed until today). I think it will turn out to be pretty good for me and it will definitely save me money on newer games. I think I might get M:UA2 by this method.

I did some micro homework, then went to my aunt's house to move stuff to my grandpa's storage at his place. We then took him to dinner, then I brought him back and Kathryn and Dad headed home.

I skipped psych to do micro homework because I won't get time to do it tomorrow. In Jazz Band, I got to try the trumpet the guy brought in and it was okay. Doug set us up backwards for some reason and I played badly because I was so confused by that the whole time. Now I've got more homework to do, then band later tonight, then school then I leave tomorrow. I hope everyone that got to go to the Spike and The Impalers/ZZ Top concert tonight enjoys it, I wish I could go. I also will miss getting to actually watch the Texans play tonight, but that's the cost of possibly getting to go visit Rachel I suppose. I hope the Texans game is really boring and uneventful, but only because I don't want Orion and Eric to get a lot of fantasy points off the game because I really need to start pulling out some wins since I'm so far behind.

I probably won't have internet this weekend, but if I do, I'll maybe get online and talk. I won't be able to play any videogames. Ok well peace out until next week.

1 comment:

Davos said...

BALLS on your absence!
Also, hopefully BALLS on visiting Rachel (lulz).
Also, YES on a huge GOW party with the Asians over Christmas break.
(I suggested that one myself)