Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Econ Professor being cool:
Bob: Now you can go out and party and all that on weekends and in the short run you can maintain that with coffee, energy drinks, methanphetamines...

Bob: Wow they sure like to keep this room hot, huh? How's about I rip off my shirt now and show off my supply and demand tattoos?

Bob: The one nice thing about being congested is I get to enjoy one nice day of being a very sexy baritone. Ladies, try to restrain yourselves as I give this lecture.

Me: Ok do we want to vanquish in Elona or EotN?
Steven: idc
Me: Oh no, not this again.
Pick a vowel.
Steven: y
Me: God damnit, Steven.

Me: PAX is getting really crowded though at the rate it's growing.
Steven: Yeah, they should have it in 2 locations in the same weekend, like two different buildings.
Have that card game shit somewhere else.

Me: I gotta catch up with you here
Steven: Don't worry, it's not a race.
If it were a race, I would have won by now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Seems like it's been a lot longer than it has.

Even though I've only had a few days longer of a break between posts, it feels like I've been away much longer. Perhaps that is because I have two Sai sightings in recent memory and since Sai sightings are usually so rare, it just feels like those couldn't have possibly happened so closely together. Anyway, a bunch of stuff has happened so I'll try to get right to the post while mom and Kathryn finish watching their crappy tv shows so I can start watching 24.

I got to bed at about 1:00am even though I had to get up at 4:00am. Until he went to bed at 11, dad regularly had something that brought him downstairs when he would remind me how early we were leaving. I decided that no matter how much sleep I got, I would be angry in the morning because I was being woken up at 4am. For that reason, I decided to stay up until 1am playing Mass Effect 2. It was well worth it. The plane ride to Portland was nice as was the one from there to the airport in California. We made our way over to the park and hung out there until about 10pm when we went back to the hotel (which is early for us when we're at Disneyland) for sleep.

We had the same routine, going into the park and riding rides. We found out they're making a sequel to Star Tours which I hope will be nice. It's going to be 3D and involving pod racing. I hope they don't totally scrap the original, I would be really sad. Also, while we were there, there was a cheerleading convention going on in town so there were many hot high school age girls ("I keep gettin' older, but they stay the same age") and I got some looks from some of them and sent some right back. Not to sound cocky, no conversations actually came about. I did see a girl though wearing a Captain America shield logo on her shirt. I almost ran after her to ask her to marry me, but I decided it would have been awkward. Probably should have done it, she was fairly attractive. Also, realizing I had forgotten to tell Doug I was going to be gone, I decided to email in sick which turned out to be true as I got really sick from stupid kids that hadn't yet learned how to cover their own coughs. On a bus ride to the park once, there was a Scottish family riding the bus with us and an American guy making small talk with them. He was a total noob though as he started talking about how his parents were going up to Scotland and he told his dad only one word "Jameson." I facepalmed at that because anybody knows Jameson is IRISH whiskey. The three of them said "That's Irish!" He didn't seem to notice because after that, he mentioned Guinness, which somehow IS EVEN MORE IRISH THAN JAMESON. I facepalmed even harder at that comment. Overall, it was a pretty fun time there and I can't wait to go back especially now that I know about the new Star Tours and the fact that they're bringing back Captain EO (wikipedia it if you're interested).

We were in the parks until 2pm and then we had to go catch our flight home. We made it back around 8. I got in some homework and went to bed even though I had a really strong feeling that I shouldn't go to macro the next day.

Turns out once again, I shouldn't have ignored my strong feeling. It has a perfect track record. Macro was cancelled, so I just spent the morning doing nothing important until French. Jazz went well, but it was kind of hard to play while my nose was clogged up. It was easier while I was playing French Horn though. While I was playing it, our improv professor stopped by and saw me playing and said he really wanted me to come play in the improv class using it, so I'm going to tomorrow. I had the same problem in improv.

We had been plagued by absences in the trumpet section all week apparently and that day was no exception. On Tuesday, there were 2; on Wednesday, there were 3; on Thursday, there were 4; and on Friday, we were back down to 3 (bare in mind we have 6 trumpets now and there has been only one day the whole quarter when all 6 of us have been in the same room). It was a sight reading day, which was pretty cool because it was really casual. I busted out some high C's which was surprising because I didn't know my range was that secure up there, but it was nice to find out. After that, I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch and then we ran some errands and I came home. I spent some time playing Guild Wars with Steven, but then we got bored (vanquishing an area with 400+ enemies will do that) so I decided to play some Mass Effect 2. My xbox had other plans unfortunately. I got the red ring of death for the second time and just my luck, the warranty was up a few months ago (I guess it doesn't get renewed when you get a new one (don't get me started on that even)). I determined with no warranty to void, I could try whatever I wanted because I wasn't about to spend $150 to wait for 8 weeks when there was a chance I could fix it for free. I used the towel trick which I learned about the first time I got the ring. It worked and the xbox is going fine for now. At the very least, I wanted to limp it through the end of Mass Effect 2 (which has worked) so now I'll see how much longer it works for, but then I'll just figure out a way to get rid of it.

I got to play some Mass Effect 2 before going to frisbee. We got stomped by some high school teams which was pretty embarassing, but it was nice to be playing. I didn't get much playtime in though because I was still sick and was getting tired really fast.

I spent more time playing Mass Effect 2. We went to the Globetrotters as well which was cool. After that, more homework and more Mass Effect 2.

I had to make up my Econ test from the previous week which I did after school. After that, I had no homework due tomorrow, so I beat Mass Effect 2. I really liked the game and I'm starting my second playthrough now. Band was uneventful. Our guest soloist showed up and all the older ladies were really giving him the eye which was kind of strange. Now it's late and I'm going to go to bed. I took a break to watch 24, so it's actually almost 11:00 now. I'll post a quote post this Wednesday I think. Sorry, this post seems like it was kind of boring, but I'll try to make more interesting ones from now haha. Peace out.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Special Friday Edition

Well hello everyone. I wonder how many of you are actually reading this before Monday. If you're reading this on Monday, fear not, I shall be back on my regular posting schedule next week. The reason I'm posting today is because tomorrow we're heading out to Disneyland for a few days because once again we found a way to go there for dirt cheap (excitingly cheap!) and we'll be there until Wednesday night. So as not to screw up my schedule too much, I'm going to just have a long week and post the following Monday after I get back just to make it easier. Ok well now I'm going to get on with the post because it's going to be short and I have some stuff to do today.

I had that math midterm. I got there and finally met my arch nemesis of the quarter, my math teacher. Actually, he looks like a somewhat older Gus Sorola of RoosterTeeth (he's the dude in that picture btw if that wasn't obvious already). After that, I went to band and got there a couple minutes late. I had my dinner (some bread) in my pocket and I ate while playing which was probably not the best decision, but I was careful not to blow too many crumbs into my horn.

I celebrated the fact that I had no immediately due homework by playing a lot of Mass Effect 2.

I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch and then we went to do some more grocery shopping after that. When I got home, I did some homework, then played Guild Wars with Steven for a bit. While I was playing, dad came down and presented me with... bum bum bummm MY LOST BOSTON CD!!! I was so excited, it is one of my favorite CDs that I own (and has my favorite song of all time on it) and it's been missing for over a year. I guess he found it in the case for the soundtrack to The Lion King which brings up a few questions:
1. Why was my Boston CD in the case for the soundtrack to The Lion King?
2. Where is the soundtrack to The Lion King?
3. Why do we have the soundtrack to The Lion King?
4. Why was dad looking for the soundtrack to The Lion King?
Anyways, I was happy to have that CD back at long last and it made my night.

We had the second day of midterms in improv and I did rather well. I had done well on Tuesday, but this time around was more fun because I was less nervous. Also, to teach a lesson about how you don't need every instrument present to cover every part, the professor called up the five horn players (4 trumpets and a sax) to play a song and we figured out who was soloing, who was doing the bassline and all that and I had a pretty good solo on it (well it was good for me at least). The bassists found it funny when our bassline players were running out of breath. After school, I did some homework and then some Guild Wars.

I had one class which was nice, but I also had homework to do. After doing it, I left this post open and I don't know how early I started it, but I'm looking right now at the clock and it's 9:10, so it will be interesting to see the timestamp when I post to see when I started it. Anyway, I went to the mall with Sai to get the discolored Pichu so that when I get SoulSilver, I can get deformed Pichu! After that, he and Steven came back to my house and we played Brawl for a while and stopped aroung 8. Now I'm about to finish this post and play Mass Effect 2 before having to pack and go to bed to wake up early tomorrow (6am flight :/). Until later, peace out.

Monday, February 08, 2010

The Saints Came Marching In

That was quite a good game yesterday up until the last few minutes when it was obvious who was going to win. Both teams had a great season, but the Colts already have a recent Superbowl championship under their belts, so the Saints deserved this one. Congrats to them and all New Orleans fans, hopefully as a Seahawks and Texans fan, I will someday get to see one of those teams get a Superbowl win. This week, during the week, I might say I played Guild Wars when what I mean is I did a repeatable quest (in Guild Wars (about a 2.5 minute loop of actions)) over and over to get a lot of things that will be worth good money in the future. I guess I'll just get on with the week and I'll keep it brief because I should study for my math midterm today.

Band was rather uneventful. Ken even decided to cut this one really annoying song from our concert, so that's going to be even better.

I spent most of the day doing math homework, but I had time for some Guild Wars later in the day.

We found out that only one person brough Suckol the money this week, so despite the reminders, the team was just not motivated and there will be no SWUF this year. It is very unfortunate both because I wanted to be able to get some good playing in this spring and I will now probably wind up going to Victoria. The Victoria part isn't so bad though because I found out Mike from jazz band might go with his own band as well, so that would be cool. Also if I go, I can hit up Lyle's Place to get some CDs for cheap. After school, I played a lot of guild wars.

Chelsea was finally back. She had been gone for about a week and a half, so it was good to have her back, but unfortunately our two lead trumpets were gone, so it was the fantastic four for that day. I did some homework early, then played a lot of guild wars for the rest of the night.

It was just the four of us in jazz band again. There were technically only 3 trumpets though because I was on my horn the whole class that day. It was a nice change of pace from playing trumpet all class. Doug also gave me a part for trombone (that's what I play on most songs except the one where I have the alto flute part) and I had to transpose it in my head as we went. I did a lot better than I thought I would especially considering I was transposing and switching it from bass clef up to treble clef, which I guess isn't a terribly big deal now that I think about it. I did some guild wars after school, but got bored of it since I had been doing it all week, so I took a Mass Effect 2 break, then came back to guild wars

I woke up too late to go to frisbee with bothell, so I just played Mass Effect 2, then did some guild wars until we left for the Billy Joel and Elton John concert at Key Arena. It was originally going to be in November of last year, but Elton John got sick and they had to postpone. Billy Joel actually apologized during his set though, which was nice. He had a better set all around than Elton in my opinion because he actually talks to the audience and warms you up with jokes. He also did a nice little treat for the Seattle fans by playing some Hendrix for us. I thought that was pretty cool. Overall, it was an awesome concert and the 3 hours (yes really) flew by. It was really loud though and I went to bed with my ears ringing quite loudly.

I spent the morning playing Mass Effect 2, then I decided to keep playing because I had had enough of guild wars for the week. I went over to grandpa's place for the superbowl because they have a little theater there with a big projector. We also celebrated my aunt's 60th birthday while we were there. It was a cool game and I'm happy for the Saints, but it's too bad the Colts lost because they're my 2nd favorite team. After we came home, everyone went to bed, but I stayed up to play some more Mass Effect 2 because I had already done all my homework.

We only had the three amigos in jazz band today because Chelsea was gone along with the other two guys, so the songs we played we only had 3rd and 4th parts for. There was one song though where I had a 5th part and one where I had 2nd, so without the lead, we were hanging out naked there in the section. It was funny to realize how loud the lead is playing usually. Now I have a math midterm coming up in a few hours, so I gotta get studying. Have a good week everybody.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hey I just remembered today that I need to make a prediction for the Super Bowl. I am quite happy because I got both my team predictions right last week and that means I got my initial prediction right that I made back in December (although come on, it was a pretty easy call with these 2 teams). Anyway, here goes my pick.

Saints vs. Colts: Colts by 7:
Last year's superbowl was a good offense vs. defense game, but this time around it's offense vs offense. Now I'll be rooting for the Colts, but the Saints sure deserve the win and I wouldn't be sad if they won, but I think the Colts just have more offensive power than the Saints do and the Colts might have some problems with the Saints offense, but their defense can be up to the task especially if the offense really goes all out and gets a lot of points on the board.

Monday, February 01, 2010

There's no such thing as 2 much Mass Effect

Well last week certainly dragged on and on due to the fact that I had Mass Effect 2 staring me down all week. On Friday though, I finally cracked it open and played it all night long. And we knew it was special because we waited. Anyway, last week was also busy due to poor time management, but this week looks like it shall be much better in that regard. In other news, you may have read on Steven's blog that the frisbee team for Shorewood is not happening this year due to lack of turnout at practices and lack of people actually paying. Well last night, we got an email from the captain (who hadn't even paid himself (that's how undedicated this team is)) saying that they had until Wednesday now to get their shit together so hopefully there will be a team otherwise Steven and I might have other coaching opportunities available. We'll have to see. I would really like an excuse to get out of Victoria though.

Right after making the post, I kept going on my homework. I had left way too much for that night and I wound up having to stay up late to do it. In band, nothing much happened, but it looks like our next concert will be fairly easy for the horn section which is nice because last quarter we had some real chop busters.

I skipped the lab for improv (since we only need to go to one a week) and hopped on over to Best Buy to pick up Mass Effect 2. On my way back, there was nobody there for frisbee so I went home and spent the rest of the afternoon doing just homework.

We had a test in macro and I forgot my calculator so I made a lot of percentage calculations by hand (using what I knew off the top of my head to get close to what I thought the answer was). Fortunately, Tim showed up late and let me use his calculator to check my calculations. After classes, I had some free time which I used to play some Guild Wars with Steven. I spent most of the day doing homework though.

After the busy week I had had, I decided to skip Macro since we just had a test the previous day. I then had to skip French as well, but it was just going to be an unimportant day anyway. I showed up for Jazz Band, then went to the improv class and it was pretty fun because only a few people stuck around. After that, there was no frisbee since it was a finals day for Shorewood, so I went home and did some quick homework then hopped online and did more Guild Wars with Steven.

Doug had something going on, so I only had one class that day. I went to French and then hurried home and played Mass Effect 2 for several hours. It's even better than the first one. I'd say more, but I don't want to spoil anything for Eric so if you want to know, you can ask me in person. At around 6, I met up with my grandpa and my aunt at her house and we went to go to my cousin's birthday party at her new house in Federal Way. It's a nice house and they(my cousin, her brother, and her boyfriend) have all been working on it themselves and they've done a very good job so far. After we got back home, I played more Mass Effect 2 until it was late.

I played Mass Effect 2 until Eric texted me reminding me that there was a double header I was supposed to go to. They had no subs when I got there an hour and a half late. Shortly after I got there, Jasmine dislocated her finger and had to go home so the remaining 6 of us played the next team in a 5 on 5. It was the team we played over the summer where we were a man down and I messed up my ankle when I stepped in a sprinkler hole. Steven and I had wondered if we would have beaten them if we had had a full side and maybe some subs. After playing them again, I know we definitely would have. After that, I headed straight home and spent the rest of the afternoon playing Mass Effect 2 of course. Eventually, I got kicked off the TV, so I played some Guild Wars/semi watching proleague with Steven via his livestream page. His "first recording" is pretty good because it was of us (with voices) playing a dungeon that was really ridiculously hard and it was late at night so lots of yelling and funny moments like "He's not stupid now, he's not stupid now!" and the final boss being ressurected.

I played Mass Effect 2 until lunch, then I ate lunch and spent the time up until the pro bowl doing homework. I have never really watched the pro bowl for the whole duration and I realized why last night. It's a huge joke. I was productive during it though, doing a lot of French homework, fully cleaning my keyboard for the first time in 8 years, and fixing my watch. We had dinner with grandpa after that and then we came home and I finished some homework and went to bed.

We had homework assigned last Thursday in Macro, but since so few people showed up today, we got extra credit which will at the very least cancel out my missed assignment so yay, I dodged a bullet there. We had a somewhat easy French test and a sectional in Jazz Band after that. Now I'm here and I will do some homework and if time allows, hopefully some Guild Wars before band. Steven found a way to make good money now that Wintersday is back for a week and since we have mostly figured out what titles to max, I now have a better idea of what kind of funding I will require and it is more than I have, so I'm looking forward to making some good bank off of this.

Until later, peace out.