Monday, February 22, 2010

Seems like it's been a lot longer than it has.

Even though I've only had a few days longer of a break between posts, it feels like I've been away much longer. Perhaps that is because I have two Sai sightings in recent memory and since Sai sightings are usually so rare, it just feels like those couldn't have possibly happened so closely together. Anyway, a bunch of stuff has happened so I'll try to get right to the post while mom and Kathryn finish watching their crappy tv shows so I can start watching 24.

I got to bed at about 1:00am even though I had to get up at 4:00am. Until he went to bed at 11, dad regularly had something that brought him downstairs when he would remind me how early we were leaving. I decided that no matter how much sleep I got, I would be angry in the morning because I was being woken up at 4am. For that reason, I decided to stay up until 1am playing Mass Effect 2. It was well worth it. The plane ride to Portland was nice as was the one from there to the airport in California. We made our way over to the park and hung out there until about 10pm when we went back to the hotel (which is early for us when we're at Disneyland) for sleep.

We had the same routine, going into the park and riding rides. We found out they're making a sequel to Star Tours which I hope will be nice. It's going to be 3D and involving pod racing. I hope they don't totally scrap the original, I would be really sad. Also, while we were there, there was a cheerleading convention going on in town so there were many hot high school age girls ("I keep gettin' older, but they stay the same age") and I got some looks from some of them and sent some right back. Not to sound cocky, no conversations actually came about. I did see a girl though wearing a Captain America shield logo on her shirt. I almost ran after her to ask her to marry me, but I decided it would have been awkward. Probably should have done it, she was fairly attractive. Also, realizing I had forgotten to tell Doug I was going to be gone, I decided to email in sick which turned out to be true as I got really sick from stupid kids that hadn't yet learned how to cover their own coughs. On a bus ride to the park once, there was a Scottish family riding the bus with us and an American guy making small talk with them. He was a total noob though as he started talking about how his parents were going up to Scotland and he told his dad only one word "Jameson." I facepalmed at that because anybody knows Jameson is IRISH whiskey. The three of them said "That's Irish!" He didn't seem to notice because after that, he mentioned Guinness, which somehow IS EVEN MORE IRISH THAN JAMESON. I facepalmed even harder at that comment. Overall, it was a pretty fun time there and I can't wait to go back especially now that I know about the new Star Tours and the fact that they're bringing back Captain EO (wikipedia it if you're interested).

We were in the parks until 2pm and then we had to go catch our flight home. We made it back around 8. I got in some homework and went to bed even though I had a really strong feeling that I shouldn't go to macro the next day.

Turns out once again, I shouldn't have ignored my strong feeling. It has a perfect track record. Macro was cancelled, so I just spent the morning doing nothing important until French. Jazz went well, but it was kind of hard to play while my nose was clogged up. It was easier while I was playing French Horn though. While I was playing it, our improv professor stopped by and saw me playing and said he really wanted me to come play in the improv class using it, so I'm going to tomorrow. I had the same problem in improv.

We had been plagued by absences in the trumpet section all week apparently and that day was no exception. On Tuesday, there were 2; on Wednesday, there were 3; on Thursday, there were 4; and on Friday, we were back down to 3 (bare in mind we have 6 trumpets now and there has been only one day the whole quarter when all 6 of us have been in the same room). It was a sight reading day, which was pretty cool because it was really casual. I busted out some high C's which was surprising because I didn't know my range was that secure up there, but it was nice to find out. After that, I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch and then we ran some errands and I came home. I spent some time playing Guild Wars with Steven, but then we got bored (vanquishing an area with 400+ enemies will do that) so I decided to play some Mass Effect 2. My xbox had other plans unfortunately. I got the red ring of death for the second time and just my luck, the warranty was up a few months ago (I guess it doesn't get renewed when you get a new one (don't get me started on that even)). I determined with no warranty to void, I could try whatever I wanted because I wasn't about to spend $150 to wait for 8 weeks when there was a chance I could fix it for free. I used the towel trick which I learned about the first time I got the ring. It worked and the xbox is going fine for now. At the very least, I wanted to limp it through the end of Mass Effect 2 (which has worked) so now I'll see how much longer it works for, but then I'll just figure out a way to get rid of it.

I got to play some Mass Effect 2 before going to frisbee. We got stomped by some high school teams which was pretty embarassing, but it was nice to be playing. I didn't get much playtime in though because I was still sick and was getting tired really fast.

I spent more time playing Mass Effect 2. We went to the Globetrotters as well which was cool. After that, more homework and more Mass Effect 2.

I had to make up my Econ test from the previous week which I did after school. After that, I had no homework due tomorrow, so I beat Mass Effect 2. I really liked the game and I'm starting my second playthrough now. Band was uneventful. Our guest soloist showed up and all the older ladies were really giving him the eye which was kind of strange. Now it's late and I'm going to go to bed. I took a break to watch 24, so it's actually almost 11:00 now. I'll post a quote post this Wednesday I think. Sorry, this post seems like it was kind of boring, but I'll try to make more interesting ones from now haha. Peace out.

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