Monday, February 01, 2010

There's no such thing as 2 much Mass Effect

Well last week certainly dragged on and on due to the fact that I had Mass Effect 2 staring me down all week. On Friday though, I finally cracked it open and played it all night long. And we knew it was special because we waited. Anyway, last week was also busy due to poor time management, but this week looks like it shall be much better in that regard. In other news, you may have read on Steven's blog that the frisbee team for Shorewood is not happening this year due to lack of turnout at practices and lack of people actually paying. Well last night, we got an email from the captain (who hadn't even paid himself (that's how undedicated this team is)) saying that they had until Wednesday now to get their shit together so hopefully there will be a team otherwise Steven and I might have other coaching opportunities available. We'll have to see. I would really like an excuse to get out of Victoria though.

Right after making the post, I kept going on my homework. I had left way too much for that night and I wound up having to stay up late to do it. In band, nothing much happened, but it looks like our next concert will be fairly easy for the horn section which is nice because last quarter we had some real chop busters.

I skipped the lab for improv (since we only need to go to one a week) and hopped on over to Best Buy to pick up Mass Effect 2. On my way back, there was nobody there for frisbee so I went home and spent the rest of the afternoon doing just homework.

We had a test in macro and I forgot my calculator so I made a lot of percentage calculations by hand (using what I knew off the top of my head to get close to what I thought the answer was). Fortunately, Tim showed up late and let me use his calculator to check my calculations. After classes, I had some free time which I used to play some Guild Wars with Steven. I spent most of the day doing homework though.

After the busy week I had had, I decided to skip Macro since we just had a test the previous day. I then had to skip French as well, but it was just going to be an unimportant day anyway. I showed up for Jazz Band, then went to the improv class and it was pretty fun because only a few people stuck around. After that, there was no frisbee since it was a finals day for Shorewood, so I went home and did some quick homework then hopped online and did more Guild Wars with Steven.

Doug had something going on, so I only had one class that day. I went to French and then hurried home and played Mass Effect 2 for several hours. It's even better than the first one. I'd say more, but I don't want to spoil anything for Eric so if you want to know, you can ask me in person. At around 6, I met up with my grandpa and my aunt at her house and we went to go to my cousin's birthday party at her new house in Federal Way. It's a nice house and they(my cousin, her brother, and her boyfriend) have all been working on it themselves and they've done a very good job so far. After we got back home, I played more Mass Effect 2 until it was late.

I played Mass Effect 2 until Eric texted me reminding me that there was a double header I was supposed to go to. They had no subs when I got there an hour and a half late. Shortly after I got there, Jasmine dislocated her finger and had to go home so the remaining 6 of us played the next team in a 5 on 5. It was the team we played over the summer where we were a man down and I messed up my ankle when I stepped in a sprinkler hole. Steven and I had wondered if we would have beaten them if we had had a full side and maybe some subs. After playing them again, I know we definitely would have. After that, I headed straight home and spent the rest of the afternoon playing Mass Effect 2 of course. Eventually, I got kicked off the TV, so I played some Guild Wars/semi watching proleague with Steven via his livestream page. His "first recording" is pretty good because it was of us (with voices) playing a dungeon that was really ridiculously hard and it was late at night so lots of yelling and funny moments like "He's not stupid now, he's not stupid now!" and the final boss being ressurected.

I played Mass Effect 2 until lunch, then I ate lunch and spent the time up until the pro bowl doing homework. I have never really watched the pro bowl for the whole duration and I realized why last night. It's a huge joke. I was productive during it though, doing a lot of French homework, fully cleaning my keyboard for the first time in 8 years, and fixing my watch. We had dinner with grandpa after that and then we came home and I finished some homework and went to bed.

We had homework assigned last Thursday in Macro, but since so few people showed up today, we got extra credit which will at the very least cancel out my missed assignment so yay, I dodged a bullet there. We had a somewhat easy French test and a sectional in Jazz Band after that. Now I'm here and I will do some homework and if time allows, hopefully some Guild Wars before band. Steven found a way to make good money now that Wintersday is back for a week and since we have mostly figured out what titles to max, I now have a better idea of what kind of funding I will require and it is more than I have, so I'm looking forward to making some good bank off of this.

Until later, peace out.

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