Monday, June 21, 2010

Two thousandth post? What?

Well who knew. I guess this is my blog's 2,000th post. I didn't even notice I was getting close until just now I was going to make the post and it said 1,999 posts. That's pretty cool I guess. Well it's been almost two weeks since summer began and I last posted. I have really filled that time with a lot of stuff. Hopefully the post will not be long as I think it is going to be. While I won't post day by day, know that I did one of these things (if not more than one) each day since the last post. I apologize in advance for how simply worded this post is, I'm making it in a bit of a hurry.

So I've gotten a bit further into warhammer 40k now. I have an army and it is all painted up and ready for the tournament this summer. I don't think any of you are particularly interested in hearing about it, but I will say that you should not worry, I am not becoming THAT nerdy, I still will choose DnD and videogames over warhammer.

Lucy played with us in our first session and it went really well. She plays a little like Sai and Steven and I which is pretty entertaining. Another cool thing she did was get us twice the money we were originally promised from doing a quest. Aside from that, our new characters are pretty entertaining. I am a neurotic alchemist and in the two sessions we have had so far, I have been to jail twice. I enjoy the use of bombs and I bust them out rather frequently. It is not all great though as I almost killed Steven and I the other day by having a bad bomb throw. Fortunately we both have high HP, so we survived an explosion that fell right at our feet.

Grandpa and I went to Costco a couple times and then we began work on cleaning out the shed yet again. We never really did complete it last summer and my aunt really wants all the crap gone. I must say, he's doing really well with throwing things away. Since I have a very similar personality to him, I know how attached he can get to the crap in the shed, even the stuff he hasn't seen in about 15 years. I spent a couple afternoons on that shed and recently did a small dump load of 300 pounds. We also had a party for my aunt last weekend. We got to see my cousins' house again and it is really coming along. They got it for cheap, but they had to make a ton of repairs and they're still working on it.

I finished the Saboteur which was too bad, I really liked that game. Recently, on the PC, Steven showed me the Typing of the Dead. It's a really silly game, but at the same time, it's pretty entertaining. I spent a lot of time playing it. I think we should cosplay for it at pax. Speaking of cosplay...

Star Wars Concert:
So Davis and I went to Star Wars in Concert in Spokane this past Saturday. Not only did we do that, we wore HOMEMADE JEDI ROBES!!!11 to the concert. I guess Davis thought more people would dress up, but I was pretty sure not a lot would. Not a lot of people that were not children dressed up. The fact that we were probably the oldest guys dressed up in the area was quite nerdy and quite awesome. Pics are below by the way, I think I forgot to mention that earlier.

College stuff:
I got my grades back from SCC, I graduated with over a 3.5GPA! That means my GPA has improved by .5 since high school. I was pretty happy even though I know I probably could have done better. Either way, I now will get good money off for Seattle U. The extra couple thousand dollars over the UW tuition will be worth it for the guarantee that I will get in the classes I need to graduate in 2 years. I really needed that since I am doing law school for 3 years after my BA degree is finished. Also, at Seattle U, they don't let class sizes go over 40 students (except maybe band classes), so that will be super awesome. I went and met with a counselor last week because i had to. The Administrative desk girl was about my age and she was pretty cute and shy as was I since she was cute. My parents later told me she was blushing and they think she liked me (yeah Davis, my parents really seem to want me to hook up with some chick). Anyway, the counselor I went to see was really cool. She had about 15 opened 12packs of beer in her office left over from a senior party. She was pretty hip and not all uptight like I thought she would be (since it is a jesuit school after all). I think I'm really going to like it at Seattle U and I might even stay there for law school unless Keir and I both get into the UW. In that case, I would probably go there.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things here, but that's fine. This post is getting pretty long anyway. I need to start taking notes between posts so I don't forget so many things. At any rate, I'll be gone this week and I will get back late at night on my birthday (I expect so many facebook wishes! (nawt!)). We'll have to do something after I get back. If not for me, at least for Davis' big 21st. Perhaps a possible LAN party again soon?

Ok well I'll let you get back to whatever you were planning on doing, peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Interesting that you just got introduced to Typing of the Dead as Boram (the girl who is subletting Max's room in our apt) also recently got introduced to Typing of the Dead by her boyfriend.

Also, good to hear you're seeing women at Seattle U since aren't the Jesuits all about the dudes?