Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well I'm very happy that the Patriots were eliminated, but I'm disappointed the Jets had to win. I also was hoping the Steelers wouldn't make it, but oh well. I'm not doing so well this year, currently I sit at 4 of 8 correct picks. That means I've been no better at selecting winners this season than your average coin. On the plus side, a lot of announcers have made the same mistakes I have, so that makes me feel better haha. Only down to two games this week, then off to the pro bowl and the superbowl.

Packers at Bears: Packers by 14 points:
The Bears put up a worthy effort against the Seahawks and crushed the worst team to ever get into the playoffs. Enough about that though, the garbage time really showed the Bears' weaknesses to the other teams. The Bears played seemingly well until the fourth quarter, before that holding Seattle to just 3 points. In the fourth quarter, the Bears started slacking a bit, allowing 21 points in a single quarter from the Seahawks. Aaron Rodgers is a huge football nerd and does his homework. He is going to be watching that quarter over and over and he'll know exactly where to get the ball by knowing what Bears defenders are weak in what areas. On top of that, the Packers are really hot, they beat the number 1 seed after all. I'll be rooting for the Packers in this game and in the Superbowl, regardless of who wins the AFC game (I don't particularly like the Steelers (sick of seeing them win Superbowls) and I REALLY don't like the Jets (sick of seeing them...period)).

Jets at Steelers: Jets by 3 points:
Both number 6 seeds beat the number 1 seeds last week in big surprise games. I think that we'll actually see both 6 seeds in the superbowl for once. I'll be rooting for the Steelers in this game because I hate them less, but I think after what we saw last week with the Jets beating clearly the best team in the league this past season, there is something to fear from them there.


Oreo said...

don't worry david, you're still worth more to me than the average coin even if you can't pick football outcomes better than it.

Eric said...

I'm thinking same except steelers over jets. I usually hate the steelers too but this season I really hate rex ryan. Plus I think the steelers are just overall the better team.