Monday, January 29, 2007

Sick and I'm still posting

All right, so this weekend went about the way i thought it would. About 80% of the time, I would rather have been sitting at home cleaning out my earwax with a power drill. Bare in mind, I'm counting today in the 100% of the weekend. It makes sense right? No school today. So on saturday, I had to get up early for the 6th day in a row to take the SAT. Our instructor scared me a little, but the test was ok. Not really hard, but not the easiest test I've ever taken(that means you, WASL). So anyway, after the SAT, I came home and ate lunch. Then dad dragged me out to the confirmation thing. Going there was cool because we got to the ferry and missed it by 5 cars. So that was a delay, plus only one ferry was going. When we got on the ferry, half an hour after we planned, it didn't move for another half hour for some reason. Case in point, we moved the car about 100 feet in an hour and a half. We got off the ferry at 4:00 and went straight to the place, which was some kind of christian retreat hotel cabin wierd thing. Like a nicer camp orkila. We got there at 4:50 and I hid my watch(they forbade them for some reason, but I would not go a weekend without time). So we got there as the whole group was coming up our way and when people passed me they would go "oh no another person." I found out it was because they were playing this game where everyone stands on some elevated wood planks and has to reverse the order of the line without stepping off. Lot's of personal violation, to paint a picture for you. So everyone had barely fit, much less add me. I was near the end, so I went second and then waited the whole time. I'll just say I got to know Josh behind me again(very awkward) and Julia in front of me. It was one of those don't get a boner times you know. Like what we all talked about with Keir. It would have been awkward. So that night, there was too much praying. Just as we were about to go to bed, Joy(leader lady) did this candle thing and people had to come up and say a prayer for someone anywhere. It took half an hour and it was really stupid. I finally got to bed at 11:30, but all the other guys went on an adventure and had a party in one room while I slept I guess. They woke up girls in their cabin, but not me for some reason. I guess I'm don't wake easily. Everyone complained about the food while I was there, but I have been to Parsons and lived off their food. This stuff was pretty good. On Sunday, we all packed up and went to this church for service and got there late. It was a nice church. In dad's car coming back from the retreat was Julia, Maggie, Alisha, Kathryn, and some other girl I didn't know and of course your's truly. They were quite loud. So the church was nice, but boring and Alisha says she saw some lady breast feeding in her pew. So when I got home, Orion and I fiddled around with BG2 and found a possible new way to hook up. So then today I woke up and was sick. I hate when this happens. So I'm sick now and I've been playing 360 all day.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Earlier Than I Expected

Ok so I figured that I would post a bit earlier because this weekend might require its own post (from all the complaints no doubt). Well on Monday, I was able to get Mr. Guthrie that essay that he lost so that I could get a grade on it. On tuesday, I had to run to Steven's house at lunch because he forgot his math test. So everyone in 6th period Marapao was doing their tests in the library that lunch, so I did mine with them becuase I didn't want to wait until the last minute like them. Also on tuesday, I got my schedule. It all looked good except for the fact that I had Gade's class again and that was the primary class I never wanted to set foot in again. Steven got that class too, and we both got 1st Weiss for math. Well I got out of Gade's class that day for an FBLA Word Processing 2 pretest. I didn't know any of the formats so I was looking up how to do what I was doing as I was doing it. I shot up for over 60 wpm at some points when I was copying things onto the comp. I think I did very well for not having a clue what I was supposed to be doing the whole time. So on wednesday, Steven got his schedule fixed. Mine didn't work. O..m...f...g. I have to keep the same english teacher.
My schedule is as follows:
1-Math, Weiss (ARG)
2-APUSH, Guthrie
3-Individual Sport Activities, Moreno
4-Band, Harshman
5-Chem, Nagy
6-English, Gade (ARG)
So on wednesday, not much happened. I got Baldur's gate 2 installed, but we didn't play because Steven couldn't get on with us. On thursday, I did my English project during Band, which was scale tests. More on that in a second. My scales I thought went badly, so on the Super Duper Chromatic, I held the notes he is finnicky about, and he said it was really good. I got an A overall, PWNAGE, not that I expected any less. In English, I had done the project in half an hour in band, and the rest of the class had had the whole period on tuesday. I was the only one that followed the instructions. After school, Steven, Sai, and I went to Steven's house for Chem studying. We did that and some Gamecube. Well, a lot more Gamecube than studying. Orion was there too, but he was installing a new operating system or something to Steven's comp and he has to install all his crap again. So now I'm in healthy adult living. This is probably the last post I will make from school this year as there is no other good class to make one in. Oh well. Hopefully this weekend doesn't blow, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Oh Sai, sometimes you make me frustrated

Sai on Oblivion (extended from my AIM profile):
Blitzmoose: All I have is a CD with a paper case with a CD key on it.
Me: So then why did you ask me to look for a CD key here and why did I waste so much time doing it?
Blitzmoose: Because the case has no writing on it and it isn't on the CD.

*After another hour of searching for a CD key to no avail*

Me: Ok Sai it's not here, are you sure you don't have it?
Sai: Yes I am sure.
Me: Come to think of it, I don't remember being prompted for a CD key when I installed it.
Sai: Really?
Me: Wait, have you not tried to install the game?
Sai: No, I was waiting for a CD key.
Me: Omfg. *goes and bangs head against wall*
-Turns out you don't need a CD key because it's not an online game.

*Later after I forgave him a little*

Sai: Oh Oblivion is so cool.
Sai: Except not.
Sai: As soon as I got out of the cave and was ready to explore, my computer froze.
Me: It must be too uber.
Sai: Yes
Sai: In 20 years, i think comps will be able to play it though...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Gearing Up For This Week

I was watching an old episode of the Simpsons and I had to take this picture when I saw this happen because of what (mostly) Sai has been doing all this last week to (mostly) Steven. So the thing from the last post I wanted to remember was that I went to my Grandpa's house to fix his "broken" CD player, or at least to find out what he did to it. When I got there, the problem was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I opened up the CD drive, and what did I find. He had put the CD in upside down to hear what was on the other side(the cover art side). I told him that it doesnt work like cassette tapes. So this week, our third three day week in a row, was not too bad. I went to the basketball game on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I didn't know it was a girl's game. Really boring. On thursday, wait nothing happened. Well I went to the dentist and I was told my wisdom teeth haven't moved in the last year, so if they keep that up, I won't need them taken out. My parents said that they both had theirs pulled in college or in their mid 20's though, so I may just be waiting a long time for that. On friday, I went to another basketball game. Nobody cool was there, so I snuck away at the 3rd quarter when we got free time. On wednesday at the basketball game, we were locked out of the band room, so rather than wait, I took my instrument home. When I put it in on friday, someone had taken my case. So now I'm pissed, as Marcus Fenix would say. On saturday, I went to Steven's with Ben and Sai to do that math test of the take home variety. We did the test, or most of it at least. There was a lot of videogameage too. After Ben and Sai left, Steven and I set a couple highscores on double dash. Now I need to do my homework before confirmation. This week, we will have a shortish 5 day week with finals. We should study for the Chem final on thursday after school and the SAT friday after school. So this next weekend its a 3day weekend. I have the SAT on saturday, then I have to go to a camp for confirmation. It actually goes from friday to mid-sunday, but luckily I can come late because of the SAT. I'm more excited than nervous to take it because it means less time to spend with the pricks in confirmation. If Maddy reads this, then it was a joke. (but not really). So luckily, it's a 3day weekend, so I will get the second half of sunday and monday to weekend it up next weekend. So also, my mom got an email today from her cousins about how they are planning a family reunion. Since I rarely see the more distant members of my mom's family, the prospect of this reunion bores me. I really don't know or want to meet more of her family. I like the people I know and that's enough. I know a bit more of dad's family, but a lot of them are my age, so that is cool. Anyway, they want this family union in Branson, Missouri. Show me a reason why they think that's a good idea. I worra bout this thayng. I worra like Missoura. Seriously, BRANSON MISSOURI? WTF. I am not spending my spring break in hickville. I hope this bombs and we can go to Vegas or maybe just stay here instead. Whatever, until tomorrow, all.
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Keir: Davis if you were a pokemon, you would be Slowpoke

So this 6 day weekend was quite ok. Keir was here, parties happened, much sledding and trying to stand up while sledding. Much videogaming, and much achievement setting. So on tuesday, I woke up hoping this would be the end of it, but I looked out the window and knew school was closed. Then mom told me she got the call. So on wednesday, it was an hour and a half delay. I guess they were warming us back up to school. Worked for me. Nothing much happened, but I set a lot of achievements on Blazing Angels. Why did I make this post? There is something I am forgetting, but I guess I'll have to post it later.
EDIT: Yesterday I watched American Idol for like the first time ever. I can't believe I never watched it before. People getting insulted and having their dreams crushed on national television is priceless. It's like watching this american inventor clip over and over I was laughing so much:
There is one more thing I needed to remember so watch for another edit.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

If I ever got a myspace, this picture would be the one I used.
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This hat has really been keeping me warm and OH GOD MY EYES AREN'T FOCUSED. I suppose this is a scholastic deprevation of some kind.
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Now that he caught his tail, he can go to sleep.
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Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh, so that's why they put that grave there.
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If there is one more snow day, then there will be school on my birthday for my first time. This is the last year that I have to worry about it. We can have one more snow day, though if the big wigs decide that we don't need to make up the power outage day as it was a state of emergency or whatever. So thursday was a good snow day as I got out of the house. On friday, I got an early message from Keir that we should have a party at 7 at my house that night. I was ready for it, but the problem was that my parents and I were supposed to go to a play that night and they had said that I could skip it for Keir, but they didn't want a party here when they weren't here. So I decided to skip the play and I did the pity and don't want to put the pressure on someone else arguments to miraculously overcome my Vegas odds (354-2) to be allowed to hold the party here. So it was hard to get everything together. I couldn't get a hold of Keir's phone because it was off or he had no bars in the mountains. He also had not set up his voicemail box so I couldn't leave a message. I just called Davis' house and told Merideth to have Keir call when he showed up. The next step was securing Zach. I couldn't get a hold of him for the longest time either. Meanwhile, I got full confirmation from Steven and Orion. Then Sai was ready to go, but he was bringing Amanuel and Bodon). Finally, I got ahold of Zach, but I had to pick him up. Then I picked up Keir on my way back in and I found the others waiting in my driveway as I had planned because Keir came in late and I was running(INSQUARES) a bit late. So the party was pwnage. Lot's of Gears of War and for some reason, Bodon used my Xbox to play some stupid squirrel game. So Zach and Keir were a good team, but Orion and I came close, losing by one round each time. One good play by Zach and Keir was when I shot Keir down, then he revived before I got to him. I shot him back down, then he got up again, then I got pwned. There was also a double chainsaw in there, but that may have been the next day when I played on live. Live Gears of War is great. Everyone get a 360 and Gears of War now. Not the tard pack though. So the Seahawks lost. Oh well, go Colts. All those "non-fairweather fans" had better still watch football or I will hate them. So today, I fixed my Aunt's tivo. Not much has happened. I have beaten 3 of my 5 games now, Godfather, Gears, and Blazing Angels. Call of Duty 3 is actually quite fun. Of course, I'm saving the best for last. Oblivion. That's it for now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Finally, a good use of a snow day

So nothing much happened on wednesday, ecxept my house got about an inch of snow in around an hour. It was like a flash blizzard. Temperatures dropped off completely during the night.
The next morning(today), I woke up at the usual time to get ready. I saw the street by my house seemed to be clear. I turned on the TV while I made breakfast to see if they would at least give us an hour and a half delay. Watching the ticker go was painful. I came in on the "C" districts. As it went, I also saw that King's was closed. No big deal, I thought, they have disagreed with us before. Then came Seattle, who usually agrees with us. Closed. I had a bad feeling. Then it got to Shoreline. Closed. I let out a big NOOOOOOOOO, which alerted Mom and Kathryn that they could go back to sleep. So if we have 2 more snow days, then my birthday will be on a school day. It looks like we will have one tomorrow, because it is refreezing. So back to today. I convinced mom that the roads were good enough to let me go to Steven's if I needed to. She let me go, but not before noon.
After noon, I headed up to Steven's where I assumed we would get Orion and Sai. When I got there, he told me Orion had gone to North City (elementary school) to sled with his family. We went to get Sai to get him to help us airsoft up Orion. Sai wasn't home, so we just went to North City. When we got there, we Splinter Celled (tried to) Orion. We sledded with him (teh cardboardxorz!) after that. I found a cardboard box and broke it from repeated attempts to move. We later decided to go down this huge closed off hill. It took a while to climb up so once was going to be enough. On the way down, we all turned backwards for some stupid physics related reason. Orion got butt raped I guess. That may have been Steven, but I'm not sure. Read their posts to figure out. The reason I don't know is because right after I managed to turn around the right way, my sled did a jump off a rock wall and smacked me into a telephone pole. It hurt a little bit. After that, we headed back to Orion's house.
At Orion's house, we got hot cocoa and played some more Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (heh heh so many good times with Electra). Yes it is probably what it sounds like. So then when I was leaving, I had to borrow hot water from Orion because my truck's lock froze. Then I came back here and we are making our own pizza, so peace out until later. Pray for an hour and a half delay tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Heh heh heh heh heh

To start this post, here is the Keir lunch song in honor of Keir coming very soon:

Keir: L is for Luunch. U is for Um yummy. N is for...nips like you nip your food. C is for COOKIES cuz they are so very yummy. LUNNNNCH LUUNNCH LUNCH

Davis: you forgot h

Keir: LUNCHHH YUM YUM and H is for Hot Dogs cuz they're a type of food! LUUNCH YUM YUM YUM LUUUUNCH.

So the Seahawks game on Saturday was a nailbiter, but we pulled through in the end (ty to Tony Romo). I wouldn't go back to Dallas if I were him. On sunday, I did a lot of homework. On monday, I took a test in APUSH that was nice because I finally seemed to know all the answers. We also got our chemistry test scores and I got a C on it. That is an improvement I guess. So today, we did nothing in APUSH, then we all got our PSAT scores. I got 165 and most everyone I talked to got within 20 of that. Except for Orion of course. So in band, Harshman had some problem with the New York trip and he said he would get back to us later. Steven and I were talking as it turned about 11:25 and we were like "well we should have gone to my house for gears of war." About a minute later, Harshman comes out and says yeah no playing today, just have more free time for the rest of class. I went and asked him a question so he would know I was there that day. Then, Steven and I went back to my house to play Gears of War. We got about 45 minutes of playing time before we had to scurry back to school for 6th period. That was all cool and now I just got through the pure pwnage documentary. That's it for now.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Dad: It takes a stud to find one

This week was quite adequate. On Wednesday, it was a lengthened C day, which led to all kinds of complaints from me about the idiocy of it and what should have been done and I don't want to list them all here. On Thursday, it was quite easy. There was a good game in APUSH, but Holly and I didn't win. I have a good thing going in English now. Since I sit next to Christian Shaber, I get to do all the work. It's win win. He doesn't have to do anything, and I get to make sure we get an A. Mrs. Gade will give us a half hour to do about 15 questions and everyone is struggling to finish in time and I just sit there in contempt because I knew the answers and just had to write them down, so I get at least 20 minutes of free time to do anything. On friday, we made peanut brittle in Chemistry. It burns fast. One second, its fine, the next, black stuff is coming up from the bottom. It wasn't all bad, though. We combined the burnt flavor with the raw peanut flavor. Mrs. Nagy kept smelling ours and thinking it was someone else. She said it like 5 times.
Mrs. Nagy: It smells like people are burning so you might want to-
Me: My bad, already
At least Mike and I put in our Baking Soda at the right time. Poor Davis and Owen. Tonight, Orion, Steven, and I did the paper route. I forgot to bring Steven in the truck with me, so Orion and I waited for him to get off the bus, then followed him. So we did the paper route and then went and played Marvel Ultimate Alliance. That is an odd game. So we played a poker tournament with Jake and Rob at Jake's house. Rob had to leave, so Steven won his hand. Steven had like half the chips and Orion, Jake, and I split the other. I had $1.50 in chips. I tripled the total when I went all in with 10-4. It was a great hand. I had 10-4, Orion had Q-Q, and Steven had K-K. I got a straight off the river and let's just say it was uphill from there. My new nickname is River Douche I think. Playoffs tomorrow, so go Hawks.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Far left is the younger sister Shannon, then Marc the smart one, then me trying to ruin the picture, then Kathryn, then Rachel.
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This is the only go cart picture that isn't blurry because I was so far ahead, I was able to slow down for a picture. This is me going around the corner about to lap my sister. Dad caught up about a lap later. I had to go pretty slow. Yeah, but this is me in ol' pinky and I got it to powerslide around one of the lower corners, so that was cool.
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The cats got a lazer for us to point around. It's funny to watch them go crazy.
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The other Christmas present. Look for them when indoor starts.
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"Captain, the last line of defence between us and the crazy neighbors is gone!"
"Dear God, get the shotgun, we will hold the line here."
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That big post on top of the fence was all that was holding it up really. This is looking towards my house.
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From our backyard looking at what was our fence.
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On the windshield of my truck, that is part of our roof. The wind was quite strong that day.
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What I do on snow days when I can't go anywhere. Lot's of sand falling game.
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This game was made for RunningInSquares.
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This is the closest I have ever seen and will ever see a gamefaqs poll result be.
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Jesus Christ Egypt! I eventually lost because of all those armies.
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"My dream is to travel everywhere, much like you. My father, however, does not allow me to do it. He thinks that it is very dangerous. He may say yes, though, if I show him some sort of proof that I'm not the weak girl that he thinks I am." When I read this a long time ago in maple story, (uncapitalized from lameness) I immediately thought of Sai. It reminds me of him right down to the bunny suit.
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This is Ken Burns. I hate him very very very very (repeating of course) much.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Secksy Break

So this was a good break. Snowball wars until the 360 distracted me was great, thanks to Steven and Keir (maybe Davis too). So I went to Roseville (very close to Sacramento), California to see my friend and her family. The deal is that I met her in Kindergarden and our mom's taught together, so we have been good friends since then and they moved away because their dad got a job transfer when we were in 4th grade. We've been seeing them once or maybe twice a year since then. Their dad, Marc is this really smart geologist. The next Ken Jennings if he wanted to be. On the way to the airport, mom noticed that I was growing a goatee. Apparently, when it has light behind it, you can see it well. So we got into the airport fine and had a good tailwind, so the flight was like 1 3/4 hours long. We were picked up by Dainey (the mom), Rachel (the one I'm good friends with), and Shannon (the younger sister, Kathryn's friend). Marc didn't come because he had just gotten back from his flight the morning before and was still a bit tired. They took us back to their house and we had dinner there. In California, its wierd because while they have a Gamecube, they prefer to just watch TV. It is that way with many many Californians. Also, they haven't gotten infected by MySpace in their town. On new year's eve, we all went go-karting. I took old pinky and totally pwned. I got so bored, that I had to let my dad pass me. My mom took pics, but mine is the only clear one because I slowed down for her since I had so much time to waste while dad caught up. After that, we went and played minigolf and I lost overall. I tend to overswing...a lot. So after that, we went inside and played arcade games. Dad and I played Rush. He beat me the first time. So you all know since I am left handed, I don't ever use manual transmission. Well i needed to redeem myself by beating dad the second time, but in manual. I schooled him. I also was one hole away in skeeball from being the machine champ (the 12,000 hole). That night, Rachel informed me that she and Shannon had been invited to party and were told they could bring Kathryn and I along. It was a bunch of their band people. As Orion said, I should have taken pics, but I didn't see a good time to whip out my phone and take one. I will say though that band girls in California are way way way hotter than Washington ones (8/10 in Calif.). Rachel, who had already showed support for my goatee, told all her friends and showed them what was there to see (not much). Many of the girls thought it was cute (that you can't see it well?).There was a kid that looked like davis at the party, but he seemed kind of gay, unlike davis. Davis can't be gay, he wouldn't know how to have sex. He is pretty ignorant for a liberal when it comes to that. There was also this guy that played french horn and also turned out to be left handed. He was also blonde and trying to grow facial hair so we are in the same boat. So when we went back to their house, everyone played poker. I was out first because I went all in on a king high flush and my own sister had ace high OF THE SAME FREAKING SUIT (we were using 2 decks). It was still frustrating. On new years day, we watched Arkansas(alma mater of Marc) get pwned by wisconson. As Marc said "Arkansas' weakness is passing and kicking). They had 359 rushing yards, while Wisconson had -5 and wisconson still won. Go figure. The fiesta bowl was extreme. A perfect hook and lateral, statue of liberty, and unbalancing the lineup on the line of scrimmage. Boise state completely deserved to win after that. In the afternoon, I sat upstairs with Rachel and watched a bunch of movies and this "Beauty and the Geek" show that was kind of funny to watch losers mingle with hot chicks. I think Rachel's band might be in Victoria, so if that is the case, we will have to at least say hi or something. We got back later on the 2nd and went to pick up the truck, then to see the sycamore tree that is about to fall on my aunt's house. I have Xbox live hooked up and its time to play some Gears. I will post all the pictures I have been meaning to post by friday, I promise. I have playoff tickets for the saturday game (I know, lucky) so Gears of War party friday night? I will check and see if that works. Peace out for now.