Friday, January 05, 2007

Dad: It takes a stud to find one

This week was quite adequate. On Wednesday, it was a lengthened C day, which led to all kinds of complaints from me about the idiocy of it and what should have been done and I don't want to list them all here. On Thursday, it was quite easy. There was a good game in APUSH, but Holly and I didn't win. I have a good thing going in English now. Since I sit next to Christian Shaber, I get to do all the work. It's win win. He doesn't have to do anything, and I get to make sure we get an A. Mrs. Gade will give us a half hour to do about 15 questions and everyone is struggling to finish in time and I just sit there in contempt because I knew the answers and just had to write them down, so I get at least 20 minutes of free time to do anything. On friday, we made peanut brittle in Chemistry. It burns fast. One second, its fine, the next, black stuff is coming up from the bottom. It wasn't all bad, though. We combined the burnt flavor with the raw peanut flavor. Mrs. Nagy kept smelling ours and thinking it was someone else. She said it like 5 times.
Mrs. Nagy: It smells like people are burning so you might want to-
Me: My bad, already
At least Mike and I put in our Baking Soda at the right time. Poor Davis and Owen. Tonight, Orion, Steven, and I did the paper route. I forgot to bring Steven in the truck with me, so Orion and I waited for him to get off the bus, then followed him. So we did the paper route and then went and played Marvel Ultimate Alliance. That is an odd game. So we played a poker tournament with Jake and Rob at Jake's house. Rob had to leave, so Steven won his hand. Steven had like half the chips and Orion, Jake, and I split the other. I had $1.50 in chips. I tripled the total when I went all in with 10-4. It was a great hand. I had 10-4, Orion had Q-Q, and Steven had K-K. I got a straight off the river and let's just say it was uphill from there. My new nickname is River Douche I think. Playoffs tomorrow, so go Hawks.

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