Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Keir: Davis if you were a pokemon, you would be Slowpoke

So this 6 day weekend was quite ok. Keir was here, parties happened, much sledding and trying to stand up while sledding. Much videogaming, and much achievement setting. So on tuesday, I woke up hoping this would be the end of it, but I looked out the window and knew school was closed. Then mom told me she got the call. So on wednesday, it was an hour and a half delay. I guess they were warming us back up to school. Worked for me. Nothing much happened, but I set a lot of achievements on Blazing Angels. Why did I make this post? There is something I am forgetting, but I guess I'll have to post it later.
EDIT: Yesterday I watched American Idol for like the first time ever. I can't believe I never watched it before. People getting insulted and having their dreams crushed on national television is priceless. It's like watching this american inventor clip over and over I was laughing so much:
There is one more thing I needed to remember so watch for another edit.

1 comment:

pronoob5 said... was that one thing that u told me to remind you about at school. thats what your forgetting.