Friday, June 29, 2007

I wish I didn't have to go

Well the week went well.

Chemistry and Ice Cream. It was sweet(literally) we put too much sugar in. Steven and Orion had the soupy ice cream while mine came out right only because I was very familliar with how to make it since my family used to think making our own stuff saved money. It was not true with ice cream. English ensued after chemistry and I got the speech award I wanted. Most interesting topic. At the start of the speeches, Mrs, Gade said "as the last winner of the most interesting topic award, I expect no less from you this time." Well I got 60/60 on my speech and the best topic and proposition award. That made me happy.

In APUSH we played the Guthrie games, which is just a series of tag-related games. They were still very fun though. In Band, we played some frisbee and I gave my mellophone to Harshman so it could be repaired over the summer. We left about 10 minutes early from school and my summer began then. There was some gameage after school, but I had to go a bit early to time for some volunteer hours at a swim meet at Klahaya. 4 more hours for me hee heheh e.

Huzzah my birthday hath come. It was a smaller birthday due to the fact that I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas. My parents got me a Lexus but it wasn't the one I wanted so I had them take it back..............................Yeah right. I saw that on the news though. Some kids are spoiled. For my birthday, I got Guitar Hero 2 from my parents, Nightfall from my grandpa, the set of Star Wars postage stamps(actually very cool) and a ZZ Top CD from my aunt, and Call of Duty 2 from my Cousins. COD2 YESSSSS. That means that even though some chode sold his, we can still multiplayer it up. My cousin also gave back Oblivion and said its very fun. I gave back Hitman and I also gave him The Godfather since he is now lending me Ghost Recon. It's not a very good game. So Zach and Steven came over around 9:30 and we played a bunch of stuff until 1:30 when Davis came. We broke jump rope records and we eventually played some GoW.

I spent the whole day gaming because of Tennis cancellations.

Packing today for Branson. I get back on July 9. See you guys soon.

Monday, June 25, 2007

How to trick Davis and Keir

These are two simultaneous conversations. Fortunately for you they are organized by time and separated for a different person.

To Keir:
brittlebrit187 (1:10:29 PM): scccccccc
RunningInSquare3 (1:10:36 PM): is davis getting on?
RunningInSquare3 (1:10:40 PM): he istn responding to me
brittlebrit187 (1:10:47 PM): thats cus he hates you
RunningInSquare3 (1:10:58 PM): :U
brittlebrit187 (1:11:07 PM): he was talking to the love of his life
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:12 PM): orion?
brittlebrit187 (1:11:18 PM): then he was like: hmmm....ill go check out the new clan teriyaki homepage
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:26 PM): LOLOLO0LOLOLO0O0OLL
brittlebrit187 (1:11:26 PM): no, megan
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:31 PM): who is megan
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:35 PM): thats ur gf isnt it
brittlebrit187 (1:11:37 PM): the love of his life
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:39 PM): oh
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:44 PM): did he check out the clan teriyaki page?
brittlebrit187 (1:11:44 PM): OWAH i have a girlfriend?
brittlebrit187 (1:11:47 PM): yes
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:47 PM): no
brittlebrit187 (1:11:52 PM): whilst he was talkign to megan

To Davis:
RunningInSquare3 (1:11:57 PM): i hear u checked the teriyaki page

To Keir:
brittlebrit187 (1:12:02 PM): now he will never talk to you ever again

To Davis:
bananaoracle89 (1:12:04 PM): I did

To Keir:
RunningInSquare3 (1:12:08 PM): who t f is megan

To Davis:
RunningInSquare3 (1:12:16 PM): megan does not exist right?

To Keir:
brittlebrit187 (1:12:23 PM): the love of his life

To Davis:
RunningInSquare3 (1:12:27 PM): keir says u r in luv with a megan
RunningInSquare3 (1:12:36 PM): but thats impossible cuz ur in luv w/ sc
RunningInSquare3 (1:12:39 PM): right????

To Keir:
brittlebrit187 (1:13:12 PM): so not funny!

To Davis:
bananaoracle89 (1:13:21 PM): wiat a minute
bananaoracle89 (1:13:23 PM): what?
bananaoracle89 (1:13:24 PM): megan?
RunningInSquare3 (1:13:37 PM): brittlebrit187: whilst he was talkign to megan; brittlebrit187: now he will never talk to you ever again; RunningInSquare3 (1:12:08 PM): who t f is megan; brittlebrit187 (1:12:23 PM): the love of his life
RunningInSquare3 (1:13:55 PM): he is lying right?
RunningInSquare3 (1:13:59 PM): he is really sticking to this story
bananaoracle89 (1:14:14 PM): haha

To Keir:
RunningInSquare3 (1:14:30 PM): bananaoracle89: why did he tell you about megan?

To Davis:
RunningInSquare3 (1:14:53 PM): hee hee
RunningInSquare3 (1:14:59 PM): now i "copied" u saying
RunningInSquare3 (1:15:05 PM): how did u find out about megan?

To Keir:
RunningInSquare3 (1:15:30 PM): bananaoracle89: i dont even remember telling him about her...
brittlebrit187 (1:15:42 PM): i jsut guessed a random name

To Davis:
RunningInSquare3 (1:15:49 PM): brittlebrit187: i jsut guessed a random name
RunningInSquare3 (1:15:54 PM): TEEHEEHEHEHEEEEHEEEEE

To Keir:
brittlebrit187 (1:15:57 PM): oh fuck is he mad at me?
RunningInSquare3 (1:16:05 PM): idk

To Davis:
bananaoracle89 (1:16:12 PM): great David
RunningInSquare3 (1:16:15 PM): brittlebrit187: oh fuck is he mad at me?

To Keir:
RunningInSquare3 (1:16:27 PM): no im jsut messin iwht u
RunningInSquare3 (1:16:31 PM): come on lets sc it up

To Davis:
RunningInSquare3 (1:16:38 PM): LAWL
RunningInSquare3 (1:17:16 PM): ok lets play some sc with keir

*David and Keir skype it up*
David: Yeah that was funny with megan.
Keir: yeah wow I jsut picked a random name.
David: Wait didn't you get my message?
Keir: What message?
David: The one where I said I was just messing with you.
Keir: oh you bastard.
David: oh this is so going into my blog.
Keir: that's good, nobody will read about it then.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Race To The Finish!

Me: Well his last word to me before he signed off was WOW, so that must be a good sign
Orion: Unless that means he actually bought wow instead for some reason

Me: Wanna play checkers like they do in the motherland?
Keir: Well I have to research Peru
Keir: So yes

So with those quotes leaving my profile, expect some new ones to come in. Specifically some from Davis.

Eagle Project info from what I have now at the bottom of the post, more specific stuff to come very soon.

Ben came by in math and he played cards with Josh, Albert, and I. After a while, we watched Scarface on our laptops. I only got through an hour and I need to finish it up on my PC now. So in Individual Sport, I finally started my Eagle project. I know exactly what I need to do and all I need to do now is set the dates based on when the courts are getting power washed. I also need to get permission and jump through the hoops that the bureaucrats make me jump through. While selling pop at lunch, some guy offered me 50 cents for a pop, so I sold him a Sprite making him think he got a good deal, when if he could read, he could have read that it was regularly 50 cents. He came back later with the can open and a hair in it. I might have believed him if he had not claimed we put a hair in a closed can. He got his revenge by standing near the place we were selling and awkwardly looking at us and planning for something. He put hairs on a can, but I washed them off later and nobody noticed. I think that guy was more of and SD than me, so I need a new nickname Orion. In Chemistry, we gave back the laptops. I shut mine down then closed it too early on purpose when they asked us to just log out. So when we went to turn them in, it turned out that we needed to have it ready to go so the tech people could look at it easily. She had a tough time turning it on, then it random shutdown on her twice, so I took a while to get out of there. After school, Steven, Davis, Orion, and I played some frisbee at Echo Lake.

Well Thursday was a nice day. In APUSH, we were going to have fun, but instead it was raining so we stayed inside and will have fun on Tuesday. Mr. Guthrie gave his farewell address and we wrote letters to ourselves then had a current events quiz. One question I answered too early was about Springfields. As soon as he said Springfield I knew it was that they were vying for the Simpson's movie preview in that town, so I said it. Apparently that was wrong, they were vying to be the hometown. I looked it up and my answer and the real answer meant the same thing. I WANT MY 80 POINTS GUTHRIE. Oh well, good news in that class, I got up to a B- which is acceptable. If I get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, I can safely raise 1st semester's grade. During STAR, I happened upon the Wind Ensemble List and I MADE IT WOOOOO. Very happy about that. In Band, we played ultimate frisbee. By "we" I mean Orion, Steven, and I along with 5 other people. The rest sat around and did nothing all period. At lunch, the guy got his further revenge by flipping us off as he passed by. N00bzorcks. to the max. In English, we watched more Grapes of Wrath. There was some studyage at Davis' with Steven and I and Davis for Chemistry.

Friday was pretty cool, *like borat* NOT. Math was boring, just Albert and me (no offense Albert). I played Gold version while the class watched Toy Story 2. In Individual Sports, I just left, then went to the theatre to watch the Spanish classes perform the Flamenco. The Chemistry final was quite difficult. I am expecting somewhere in the range of 30-40. 50 is an A I hear, so maybe I can work the curve on this. I really hope I can. I want that B-.

So after school, the plan was a Gears party at Zack's. I went with Steven and Orion to do the paper route while Davis figured out when to go over there. He called me to tell me that he finally was able to get a hold of Zack. Only Zack was in Portland for a concert. Without warning to us, he just ditched. Thank's Zack. So screwed at that point, we just hung out at Orion's. Zack, you owe us for that. Wednesday after school. No if's and's or butt's. It's a yes. My house, though.(birthday party).

All I really did was play some Tennis at noon for team. It was fun. Then I went and saw my sister's dance performance. I also knew some girls from high school or tennis team that go to Edmonds Woodway. That was slightly interesting, but the whole thing is always boring. That night, I learned how to stream music on my 360 from my PC. All I had to do was download unecessary software for a Zune that I don't have. The problem is the Zune player recognizes only downloaded music. No CD's were recognized so I had to manually put those on the Hard Drive.

Well Sunday was kind of on the fly. I went with Dad and Mom to get a couch moved out of this teacher's room at Mom's school. We brought it back home. Then dad and I power washed the truck, so it is shiny white now. We then took a bunch of garbage to the dump. While loading the truck, dad discovered a birds nest, so we put it in a safe spot next to where we found it so that no animals, except for the mother bird could get to it. In the nest were 2 marble sized eggs and a hatchling. It looked like swallows. I guess our banging around woke the bird up, if they can hear. So we took all the junk to the dump. In snohomish, they do things the typical snohomish stupid way. Instead of the pwnage King county dump where we toss crap into the big truck directly, at the snohomish dump, they put it all in piles, then a backhoe loads the trucks. So in the middle fo the floor is a huge ass pile of trash. Really smart snohomish you freaking morons. After that, there was some SC and now nothing much.

Eagle Project:
So I shall tell you what I know as of now.
-It will be over the course of three saturdays, the last 2 in July, and one in August, preferably the first one I am available for.
-The court drains will be cleared.
-The weeds will be sprayed the first weekend and pulled the second.
-The sunblocker nets around the courts will be ziptied back up so they don't sag anymore.
-Between weekends 2 and 3, the courts are being professionally power washed.
-On the third weekend, we are going to be putting up brand new nets!
-The grass around the area will be mowed, as it is not regularly mowed by that guy that does it around school.
-That work will be done by scouts and anyone else that wants to help(all of you I hope). I cannot partake in much as my job is to organize. Otherwise I would totally be helping.
-I can actually help with the building of the tennis ladder. I need to get the design from Corliss to know what she wanted. I will work in a small group to build it with preferably Davis, Orion, Steven, Sai, and maybe a couple other people around our age. It shouldn't require much work guys, but I need expertise for it that scouts can't give because they aren't as awesome as SOT.

So one thing I just found out is that Steven Sweeney had his project already approved. He is painting the American Flag back on the playground at Highland Terrace*yawn*. I cannot allow him to beat me to Eagle. I want my name right under Davis' on the list, so I am going as fast as I can. Expect sudden cancellations of Guild Wars or Starcraft as I might need to suddenly do some work. If I commit to a party or something, I will go to that.*cough zack cough*.

That's it for now. GLHFDD on this last week of school.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I might start posting more often again here.

Well sorry, some things happened and I got too busy to post. I would have done it this weekend, but it was "to dye for." More on that later.

I absolutely LOVED the math final. It was set up perfectly for a guy like me. First, it was scantron, so the answers were already there for me. Second, if an answer had not been marked in a while, it would be suddenly the right answer for a couple questions (tried and true for that). Individual sports was okay, we really didn't do much. In Chemistry, we tie dyed. That was very fun. Afterwards, Connor, Emily, Fritzie, and I went to clean up the tables outside and that was cool too because I like cleaning up after labs for some reason. Then I had to show off my manliness by bringing in 3 tables (separately) by myself.

APUSH was a "work" day. Lots of tetris. Band went a lot smoother than tuesday. Mr. Harshman was much happier. Zac also asked Mr. Harshman about Wind Ensemble because he has Culinary arts next year and needs Wind Ensemble or it wont work with his schedule to have a band class. When he asked Mr. Harshman, he was told something along the lines of there will be 5 horns, implying Maddy, Brad and Chip, Me, and a freshman from this year. Chip might quit though, which would be interesting because then how do I refer to Brad and Chip? Just Brad or just Chip? Wierd. So I got out my music folder to find that someone had stolen my alma mater. Mr. Harshman said that I probably lost it, but I knew someone stole it.
In English, I had my speech. I originally planned to scare people for my "generated emotion" or "pathos." Once I made my first joke though, allwas lost on that front, so I tried to be funny. One of my choice moments was when I showed a picture of the 6 times the Earth's size in perspective with other plantets. "As you can see, we are encroaching upon the size of Uranus..and Neptune." As soon as I said Uranus, I thought wow did I just accidentally make a Uranus joke? I tried to keep a straight face, but people caught onto the joke and laughed. My speech was well recieved, so maybe I will get another award.

Shortened classes. Very boring. In Individual Sport, Howie needed guys to move costumes from the fire hazard costume storage room(we had one???) to another location. I helped, then just left to my truck for the last 40 minutes of class because we were doing self defense. The moving up assembly was very odd. The band played and we only had to play Pomp and Circumstance once through. Ben Doherty made a very liberal speech about Iraq, prompting a few students to walk out. Apparently, it was not preapproved by Mr. Green. After school, Davis came over and we BEAT HALO2 LEGENDARY CAMPAIGN OH YEAHHHHH. After that, dad took him home then he and I took grandpa to see the Fantastic 4 2. Bad movie, enough said.

I went to Klahaya for tennis team practice at noon. Everyone seemed to have changed a lot since last year. We all had so much fun, we stayed and played for an extra half hour. After that, my family went to my dad's friend's son's graduation party for family. We saw lots of people I know and that was cool I guess.

I played at graduation. We played Pomp and Circumstance for about 15 minutes straight. My lips felt like they were going to fall off. It was like a John Phillip Sousa french horn part from hell.(He gives us lots of short notes that hurt your chops like crazy after a while.) Graduation was OObr boring. I did manage to find out however that I did not "lose" my copy of Alma mater as Mr. Harshman assumed, but Brad and Chip stole it from me.

Not much at all happened. I found out Mr. Moreno is definately the Varsity Tennis coach next year, which is nice because he knows me and knows what I can do as opposed to Corliss, where I had to be really good to get her to notice me.

We presented in APUSH and I supposedly had the best segment, which I opened by doing my Michael Jackson spin/crotch grab move. Not much else happened really. I didn't do good on my Super Duper Chromatic, which is usually a giveaway, but I did good on my scales. I also got a bonus point for guessing Scott's articulation correctly.

Guild Wars "Weekend To Dye For":
Basically, it meant that we would get 3x the chance of a dye drop. I played for so long, only to get 5 dyes. Orion on the other hand got 25. I was originally mad, but now I have found how the market can help me. Noobs and their dumb luck (and some regular lucky Orions) get good dyes and without thinking of how the price will go up later, sell them for a low price. They use this newfound money to buy junk that I sell at a higher price becaus they dont know the fair price. I then use that money to buy cheap stuff that is worth way more than people sell it for or to buy black dyes at their 5k price in hopes that the price will go back up. I predict it will get back to normal on my birthday. Speaking of which,

School on my birthday:
Well the last 3 days of school are all half days (early release at 10:40). To coincide with some stupid running start schedule, periods 5 and 6 are on monday. I originally thought 2 and 4 were on wednesday (last day of school and my birthday), so I was going to go because they were the two classes I actually liked. I found out that 1 and 3 are on the last day, so if you think you will see me on school grounds on my birthday, you are sadly mistaken. My last day of school is the same as Orion's, June 26th.


From Cops:
Cop: What seems to be the problem ma'am?
Woman: That lady stole ma money.
Cop: Why do you say that?
Woman: Ah gave her 20 bucks for crack and she didn't give me any.
*Cop Walks to other lady*
Cop: This woman says she gave you 20 dollars for some drugs.
Drug Dealer Woman: Ah ain't a drug dealer, Ah'm a prostitute.

From Guild Wars:
"Selling GW account----100k----PM me if interested"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A couple pictures, and a post about the day while I'm at it I guess

I go upstairs last week and randomly find: Sugar, A spoon, a petri knife, and a lighter. WTF what going on up there?
Ah gots me some 4 inches done cut off mah ayer!

So yeah I guess I shall mention the events of today since I am already here.

In APUSH, we started a decade project, which oddly did not consist of doing anything about a decade. We got into groups of 5. Orion rejected me and wound up with all girls (sucker) and I wound up with a good group, Josh, Ben, Albert, Mike, and I. So everyone got 5 year periods. We got 1980-1984, so I took Arts/Entertainment as quickly as I could, then volunteered to do fashion when nobody else wanted to.

In band, Mr. Harshman was set off early by the lack of people bringing flip folders and the need to make 2 runs to the copier to copy said parts. I can't blame him. He was very testy the rest of the class. We didn't do good on any of the songs, so he got very mad and even went as far as to threten Alec and I with rejection from Wind Ensemble. As soon as he gives us free time for the last 40 minutes in his anger, people stop playing. I kept going for 20 more minutes to be doing something and to sound good because I flubbed on a couple parts.

Orion forgot the money, so we didn't sell pop cans at lunch.

In English, Mrs. Gade was handing out papers from a while back. She handed out a paper to me that was an essay on Their Eyes Were Watching God. I recognized it after a second (because it had been a while since I saw it), but then remembered that I had thought that I would get a very good grade on the essay. Not only did I get a perfect score, but Mrs. Gade told me and had written on my paper that she loved the essay and I was the only student in both of her english classes to get a perfect score. We have some good writers in our class and I don't particularly find my writing skill to be that great, but if I can pull off the only perfect score in both classes, then I must be doing something right.

So I have my math final tomorrow and my persuasive speech on Thursday. I will probably not play games much between now and Thursday when school gets out for the day. On Thursday afternoon, you can most definately count on me being online for some gameage.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ok now I have time to post so I shall

I would have posted last week, but it got too busy too fast and suddenly it was sunday and I wanted to wait to see how the FBLA sale went.

So APUSH went as usual, we finished up Schindler's list. It was a sad ending, but my manliness prevented me from crying. Ah well it does not matter. In band, Mr. Harshman was very stressed because it was the day of the concert. We just repeated the songs over and over, especially our special ending to the Simple Song. English was not very interesting. The concert that night was very interesting. I pulled in in the spot next to Mr. Harshman's car because I am so determined to get that "needs driving practice" comment from him on my progress report someday. So in the concert, Freshman band did pretty good. We went second. We started with When the Morning Stars sang. The soloists did pretty good. Sam Ryan did pretty bad, but it sounded like a technical problem, not user error, because he seemed rehearsed on his solos. On the Simple Song, it was going very well. I nailed the solo with no good spot to breathe. When it came time for the end, it was supposed to be Sam and I holding a note with Wilfred and Leena holding theirs still from earlier. So we got to the last note and Wilfred and Leena had died off a little early, which was ok. Suddenly, I hear some nothingness and I see Harshman making eye contact with me and think "Oh my God am I alone right now? Why am I alone?" So Sam dropped out, but I held the note with Mr. Harshman until the end and when I did, it was kind of like getting a get out of jail free card. He thanked me right after the song and later thanked me again for "saving the song." I felt cool after that. So I helped clean up for a while and was last out of the band room and heard Mr. Harshman and Mr. Frasier's plans to got to Las Margaritas to celebrate.

Really nothing much happened on Wednesday. It was just more boringness. Chemistry was ok, but it was mostly note taking.

Another plain day. Plain to the max. We got Pomp and Circumstance in Band and Celebration as well for graduation. There were more speeches in English, but my speech buddy didn't get to go because we ran out of time.

The most interesting part of the day was in Chemistry. This sub was giving me sass, so I backsassed her. We were doing explore learning.
*David opens laptop, Starcraft 2 background is visible*
Sub: hey is that what you're supposed to be doing? Starcraft 2, what is that?
David: Well see these folders? That means that this is a background, you know what that is right?
Yeah I hope I never see her again, even though she didn't talk for the end of the period (last 80 minutes). After school, I went home, then went back out to Steven's and then Sai came over and Orion went home to sleep for the ACT. Sai, Steven, and I went to Jake's for poker. Once again, I did not win, so my record is 4 wins in 10 games. When I was eliminated, I played some Guitar Hero 2. It is such a fun game, I must acquire it while Jake acquires Gears of War.

It rained, so tennis was cancelled, but I did get my haircut at 1:40. Jack probably wants to see, so I will post a picture later.

Mostly Guild Wars the whole day. I was plagued with random shutdown. At 9:00 at night, Orion and I needed ideas to help us back up the potential losses for the RPS tourney. I came up with selling cans of non diet pop. We wound up going with that.

I got up early and went to the store with Orion for much pops. We got a total of 216 cans. Short periods were stupid and our booth was set up with much goodness. 28 people signed up for the RPS tourney (needed 3o to break even), but we got rid of all the lolipops finally, so it was worth it. We made a profit in the first day even, so there will be more selling tomorrow. I want to play Guild Wars now so that's it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Out with the old and check my aim profile for new quotes

OK well in order to make room for new profile quotes, I must get rid of some classics.
I know Zack will enjoy this post...

Here is one I accidentally stumbled upon from back in the days of Maple Story:
GateZero: k cya soon tear
Imatearitup: k
Imatearitup: if im still alive
RuninSquare: don’t worry, u will be alive
RuninSquare: cuz im here
RuninSquare: and I am teh pwnage
Imatearitup: ur what?
RuninSquare: teh pwnage
Imatearitup: wtf is that
RuninSquare: (the pwnage)
Imatearitup: wtf is that
RuninSquare: u don’t know what pwn is?
Imatearitup: no
RuninSquare: oh
RuninSquare: maybe u will die then
Imatearitup: wtf
RuninSquare: pwn is basically own but cooler and stuff
RuninSquare: its hard to explain
RuninSquare: u can search Wikipedia for pwn though
RuninSquare: u know what Wikipedia is right?
Imatearitup: no
RuninSquare: oh wow u r so screwed man

Another with Alex from a while ago:
RunningInSquare3: sh-sh-sh-shalom
Breadman690: wtf
Breadman690: u r jew?
RunningInSquare3: no
RunningInSquare3: u just stole their word
RunningInSquare3: actually i am jewish
Breadman690: really?
RunningInSquare3: havent u seen my yamukah?
Breadman690: a dutch jew
Breadman690: nopw
RunningInSquare3: they dont exist
Breadman690: nope*
RunningInSquare3: the quakers are all christian
Breadman690: hey i wasnt invited to the fucking barmitzvah
Breadman690: either
RunningInSquare3: i became a man in 2 ways that day
RunningInSquare3: the barmitzfah was one
RunningInSquare3: the other was
RunningInSquare3: well you know
RunningInSquare3: circumcision
RunningInSquare3: the barmitzfah i had was really gay
RunningInSquare3: more of a batmitzfah if you catch my drift
Breadman690: hhahahh
Breadman690: and ugh
Breadman690: i didnt really need to know about the second one
RunningInSquare3: lol
Breadman690: i thought u were going to say sex
Breadman690: and i was like
Breadman690): cool
RunningInSquare3: i thought u would think that
Breadman690: but then u just talked about penis
RunningInSquare3: im not jewish btw
Breadman690: and i was like no
Breadman690: ur not???/
RunningInSquare3: lol
Breadman690: im
RunningInSquare3: asian
Breadman690: astounded
Breadman690: lol
RunningInSquare3: whasian
Breadman690: hahah
Breadman690: duteng
RunningInSquare3: indeed
RunningInSquare3: the dutch arent white
RunningInSquare3: we are dutch
RunningInSquare3: im multiracial
RunningInSquare3: those fools at the standardized testing things are wrong
RunningInSquare3: i should give them a piece of my mind
RunningInSquare3: they can raise it as a boy and clone it into a mini-me at age 13
Breadman690: lol
RunningInSquare3: in time for the barmitzfah
Breadman690: hahah

Steven: Protection from evil, that's a good spell right?
David: heh heh
Steven *like borat*: NOT!

Sai: I know ww2!
Sai: After that there is a gray area, and then I remember playing super mario brothers and being born.
Me: In that order?

From today in chemistry:
Matt: Are there negatrons, like the opposite of positrons?
Mrs. Nagy: You mean like electrons?
Me: Yeah negatrons exist matt, they are best friends with kilopies.
Owen: Yeah very funny guys.
Matt: Yes, kilopies. That's how you measure the weight of unicorns.

Quick recap of the past couple of days, basically tuesday.

You know what, on second thought, I will do that later.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I will post the story later, I need to post about the week first

Huzzah, time to post about the week.

In math, Ms. Weis came in in a good mood and wiped the note saying "test friday" off the board. Other than that, it was one of those really boring days. Days that I like to call odd days. The only mildly interesting thing was the FBLA meeting in which we planned the rock paper scissors tournament, which people are accurately saying will either flop completely or it will be great success. I went home and made up some simple ads that night, one for each of the eight gambits.

In APUSH we started Schindler's list. I was right, Liam Neeson is playing Oscar Schindler. It's actually a really good movie, but I expected no less from Steven Spielberg. In band, Harshman tried to stay happy with us the whole day, but with the drumline being ever bent on finding ways to be completely stupid, he became angry later on. We also perfected the end of Simple Song yet again, and Wilfred actually showed up, for about half an hour.

Yep friday was pretty average as well. It was an odd day, so how good could that be? The chemistry test went all right. After school, I went to Steven's with Davis and Orion, but had to leave early for a memorial service for dad's old boss. After that, we took my grandpa to dinner and I came back to get the truck from Steven's. Then I went to Orion's house and played some Back to Bagdhad with him and Davis for about half an hour. It is very hard when we don't have 4 people.

I got up like it was a school day to get ready for the SAT. I left at 7 and made it in plenty of time to Mill Creek at Heatherwood middle school (I know, why was the SAT at a middle school?). I took a while to find my room, until I learned that there was more than one floor. There was free seating in the room and our instructor was this really ripped guy with a tight t-shirt and a really high voice. The girl on my left kept staring at me and the guy on my right couldn't read in his head. I would constantly hear him whispering the question out to himself, even right before the instructor called time, so he must not have finished a single section. I forgot my calculator, which threw off the instructor when he called for us to show calculators. I think I will do ok on the math section because the calculator wasn't there to distract me. The one section I didn't finish was the section where we bubble in the math answers. I screwed around trying to show my work when I realized it wasn't a math test at school and I didn't need to show it step by step. I liked the math question where it asked:
List 1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]
List 2: [4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12]
How many numbers that are in list 1 are not in list 2?
Where they testing to see if we spoke english?
(that was a joke btw, I know it isn't "where")

I got to relax the whole day. Orion and I beat the Guild Wars Prophecies campaign. Wow yeah that was really all that we did.

The first regular monday I had in a while, but I would rather have had campus day as planned. In the afternoon, I felt smart because I wore a sweatshirt and it was chilly.

Ok now the part people have been waiting for.

Dad's job:
So it started out before I was born at Ranier Bank or Seafirst Bank or something. He worked at that bank and it got merged about 8 or 9 times in 10 years before finally becoming US bank. So my dad worked at US bank as a loan officer for big companies in the northwest and in some other areas as well, which took him on many travels without us. Eventually, he got very tired of doing that and decided to go work for a smaller bank. US bank was also starting to get kind of "Ugly Stupid" bank I guess as well.

So my dad got a job while I was in 8th grade at The Commerce Bank. He was promised an even better position after the manager retired in about 7-10 years, but dad didn't want to stay around that long to wait. He also felt odd being "the young guy" even at age 45. The boss at The Commerce Bank, Dave Freidenberg, became a good friend and was very interested in my playing the french horn because he was big into the symphony. We didn't know it at the time, but he had once been a director of the symphony (board of directors).

When I was a freshman, about a year after he joined The Commerce Bank, he left to move to a bank in Bellevue that had only been around for 5 years. The guy that started the bank was a guy named Dave (he seems to work for a lot of them). So Dave brought dad on board and Dave is not a young guy, he had just spend 5 years making this bank and putting his trusted friends on the board there and promised dad a position as president I think after Dave retired. Dad came in as an executive vice president, so that was a very good start.

So not too long after dad got on board, it became apparent that the board didn't really think highly of Dave, which was odd because he was close friends with everyone on the board, or was at least. Dad had recruited his friend Craig, and a couple other good guys over, but the board was putting the squeeze on Dave to push their own agenda. They brought in this lady, Diane, who they were obvuously grooming to take over for Dave, which was the position promised to dad. Well Dave didn't really like that and told dad one day that he thought they should go form a new bank and take this bank's customers along with since they trusted Dave. It took him a year, but in January this year, Dave finally "retired." Diane took over and immediately imposed her rule. Dad likes to think of her as "bitch." After Dave left, he needed the tech lady to come along with him to help set up the new bank, so she resigned, which created more work for dad, but it was cool.

Dad's roll in this plan was to stay at the bank until the last possible moment so that there would be no suspicion and trying to secure customers before Dave got them back. So Craig and the other guys went to The Commerce Bank. Dad was either going to go help Dave, go back to Commerce, or go to this newer bank in Seattle. The Commerce Bank offered him a job, but at about 30% less than what he was currently making, so he had to turn it down and decided to just help out Dave after all.

So Diane brought in this guy, Harve, who was nice, but kind of dumb. She also tried to get people to basically do the business equivalent of give up your first amendment rights because she was getting nervous at the massive resignations of people. A lot of people left to go to other banks. On friday, Dad handed in his letter of resignation. Diane was gone, so Harve accepted it and told dad to come back on monday to fix stuff. They blocked his security and email stuff though, so he had to be let in. He packed up on monday and left because even though he gave 2 weeks notice, they just had him leave since there was nothing left to do. So now he is going to be unemployed for probably 2 weeks, maybe 3 if he really wants to, but then he will go to this new bank" Core Business Bank." He will work for Dave there and hopefully it will be "status quo ante bellum."

That's it for now, time for some vg's