Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A couple pictures, and a post about the day while I'm at it I guess

I go upstairs last week and randomly find: Sugar, A spoon, a petri knife, and a lighter. WTF what going on up there?
Ah gots me some 4 inches done cut off mah ayer!

So yeah I guess I shall mention the events of today since I am already here.

In APUSH, we started a decade project, which oddly did not consist of doing anything about a decade. We got into groups of 5. Orion rejected me and wound up with all girls (sucker) and I wound up with a good group, Josh, Ben, Albert, Mike, and I. So everyone got 5 year periods. We got 1980-1984, so I took Arts/Entertainment as quickly as I could, then volunteered to do fashion when nobody else wanted to.

In band, Mr. Harshman was set off early by the lack of people bringing flip folders and the need to make 2 runs to the copier to copy said parts. I can't blame him. He was very testy the rest of the class. We didn't do good on any of the songs, so he got very mad and even went as far as to threten Alec and I with rejection from Wind Ensemble. As soon as he gives us free time for the last 40 minutes in his anger, people stop playing. I kept going for 20 more minutes to be doing something and to sound good because I flubbed on a couple parts.

Orion forgot the money, so we didn't sell pop cans at lunch.

In English, Mrs. Gade was handing out papers from a while back. She handed out a paper to me that was an essay on Their Eyes Were Watching God. I recognized it after a second (because it had been a while since I saw it), but then remembered that I had thought that I would get a very good grade on the essay. Not only did I get a perfect score, but Mrs. Gade told me and had written on my paper that she loved the essay and I was the only student in both of her english classes to get a perfect score. We have some good writers in our class and I don't particularly find my writing skill to be that great, but if I can pull off the only perfect score in both classes, then I must be doing something right.

So I have my math final tomorrow and my persuasive speech on Thursday. I will probably not play games much between now and Thursday when school gets out for the day. On Thursday afternoon, you can most definately count on me being online for some gameage.

1 comment:

zack0217 said...

david you stumbled upon your parents methlab