Sunday, June 03, 2007

I will post the story later, I need to post about the week first

Huzzah, time to post about the week.

In math, Ms. Weis came in in a good mood and wiped the note saying "test friday" off the board. Other than that, it was one of those really boring days. Days that I like to call odd days. The only mildly interesting thing was the FBLA meeting in which we planned the rock paper scissors tournament, which people are accurately saying will either flop completely or it will be great success. I went home and made up some simple ads that night, one for each of the eight gambits.

In APUSH we started Schindler's list. I was right, Liam Neeson is playing Oscar Schindler. It's actually a really good movie, but I expected no less from Steven Spielberg. In band, Harshman tried to stay happy with us the whole day, but with the drumline being ever bent on finding ways to be completely stupid, he became angry later on. We also perfected the end of Simple Song yet again, and Wilfred actually showed up, for about half an hour.

Yep friday was pretty average as well. It was an odd day, so how good could that be? The chemistry test went all right. After school, I went to Steven's with Davis and Orion, but had to leave early for a memorial service for dad's old boss. After that, we took my grandpa to dinner and I came back to get the truck from Steven's. Then I went to Orion's house and played some Back to Bagdhad with him and Davis for about half an hour. It is very hard when we don't have 4 people.

I got up like it was a school day to get ready for the SAT. I left at 7 and made it in plenty of time to Mill Creek at Heatherwood middle school (I know, why was the SAT at a middle school?). I took a while to find my room, until I learned that there was more than one floor. There was free seating in the room and our instructor was this really ripped guy with a tight t-shirt and a really high voice. The girl on my left kept staring at me and the guy on my right couldn't read in his head. I would constantly hear him whispering the question out to himself, even right before the instructor called time, so he must not have finished a single section. I forgot my calculator, which threw off the instructor when he called for us to show calculators. I think I will do ok on the math section because the calculator wasn't there to distract me. The one section I didn't finish was the section where we bubble in the math answers. I screwed around trying to show my work when I realized it wasn't a math test at school and I didn't need to show it step by step. I liked the math question where it asked:
List 1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]
List 2: [4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12]
How many numbers that are in list 1 are not in list 2?
Where they testing to see if we spoke english?
(that was a joke btw, I know it isn't "where")

I got to relax the whole day. Orion and I beat the Guild Wars Prophecies campaign. Wow yeah that was really all that we did.

The first regular monday I had in a while, but I would rather have had campus day as planned. In the afternoon, I felt smart because I wore a sweatshirt and it was chilly.

Ok now the part people have been waiting for.

Dad's job:
So it started out before I was born at Ranier Bank or Seafirst Bank or something. He worked at that bank and it got merged about 8 or 9 times in 10 years before finally becoming US bank. So my dad worked at US bank as a loan officer for big companies in the northwest and in some other areas as well, which took him on many travels without us. Eventually, he got very tired of doing that and decided to go work for a smaller bank. US bank was also starting to get kind of "Ugly Stupid" bank I guess as well.

So my dad got a job while I was in 8th grade at The Commerce Bank. He was promised an even better position after the manager retired in about 7-10 years, but dad didn't want to stay around that long to wait. He also felt odd being "the young guy" even at age 45. The boss at The Commerce Bank, Dave Freidenberg, became a good friend and was very interested in my playing the french horn because he was big into the symphony. We didn't know it at the time, but he had once been a director of the symphony (board of directors).

When I was a freshman, about a year after he joined The Commerce Bank, he left to move to a bank in Bellevue that had only been around for 5 years. The guy that started the bank was a guy named Dave (he seems to work for a lot of them). So Dave brought dad on board and Dave is not a young guy, he had just spend 5 years making this bank and putting his trusted friends on the board there and promised dad a position as president I think after Dave retired. Dad came in as an executive vice president, so that was a very good start.

So not too long after dad got on board, it became apparent that the board didn't really think highly of Dave, which was odd because he was close friends with everyone on the board, or was at least. Dad had recruited his friend Craig, and a couple other good guys over, but the board was putting the squeeze on Dave to push their own agenda. They brought in this lady, Diane, who they were obvuously grooming to take over for Dave, which was the position promised to dad. Well Dave didn't really like that and told dad one day that he thought they should go form a new bank and take this bank's customers along with since they trusted Dave. It took him a year, but in January this year, Dave finally "retired." Diane took over and immediately imposed her rule. Dad likes to think of her as "bitch." After Dave left, he needed the tech lady to come along with him to help set up the new bank, so she resigned, which created more work for dad, but it was cool.

Dad's roll in this plan was to stay at the bank until the last possible moment so that there would be no suspicion and trying to secure customers before Dave got them back. So Craig and the other guys went to The Commerce Bank. Dad was either going to go help Dave, go back to Commerce, or go to this newer bank in Seattle. The Commerce Bank offered him a job, but at about 30% less than what he was currently making, so he had to turn it down and decided to just help out Dave after all.

So Diane brought in this guy, Harve, who was nice, but kind of dumb. She also tried to get people to basically do the business equivalent of give up your first amendment rights because she was getting nervous at the massive resignations of people. A lot of people left to go to other banks. On friday, Dad handed in his letter of resignation. Diane was gone, so Harve accepted it and told dad to come back on monday to fix stuff. They blocked his security and email stuff though, so he had to be let in. He packed up on monday and left because even though he gave 2 weeks notice, they just had him leave since there was nothing left to do. So now he is going to be unemployed for probably 2 weeks, maybe 3 if he really wants to, but then he will go to this new bank" Core Business Bank." He will work for Dave there and hopefully it will be "status quo ante bellum."

That's it for now, time for some vg's

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