Sunday, June 24, 2007

Race To The Finish!

Me: Well his last word to me before he signed off was WOW, so that must be a good sign
Orion: Unless that means he actually bought wow instead for some reason

Me: Wanna play checkers like they do in the motherland?
Keir: Well I have to research Peru
Keir: So yes

So with those quotes leaving my profile, expect some new ones to come in. Specifically some from Davis.

Eagle Project info from what I have now at the bottom of the post, more specific stuff to come very soon.

Ben came by in math and he played cards with Josh, Albert, and I. After a while, we watched Scarface on our laptops. I only got through an hour and I need to finish it up on my PC now. So in Individual Sport, I finally started my Eagle project. I know exactly what I need to do and all I need to do now is set the dates based on when the courts are getting power washed. I also need to get permission and jump through the hoops that the bureaucrats make me jump through. While selling pop at lunch, some guy offered me 50 cents for a pop, so I sold him a Sprite making him think he got a good deal, when if he could read, he could have read that it was regularly 50 cents. He came back later with the can open and a hair in it. I might have believed him if he had not claimed we put a hair in a closed can. He got his revenge by standing near the place we were selling and awkwardly looking at us and planning for something. He put hairs on a can, but I washed them off later and nobody noticed. I think that guy was more of and SD than me, so I need a new nickname Orion. In Chemistry, we gave back the laptops. I shut mine down then closed it too early on purpose when they asked us to just log out. So when we went to turn them in, it turned out that we needed to have it ready to go so the tech people could look at it easily. She had a tough time turning it on, then it random shutdown on her twice, so I took a while to get out of there. After school, Steven, Davis, Orion, and I played some frisbee at Echo Lake.

Well Thursday was a nice day. In APUSH, we were going to have fun, but instead it was raining so we stayed inside and will have fun on Tuesday. Mr. Guthrie gave his farewell address and we wrote letters to ourselves then had a current events quiz. One question I answered too early was about Springfields. As soon as he said Springfield I knew it was that they were vying for the Simpson's movie preview in that town, so I said it. Apparently that was wrong, they were vying to be the hometown. I looked it up and my answer and the real answer meant the same thing. I WANT MY 80 POINTS GUTHRIE. Oh well, good news in that class, I got up to a B- which is acceptable. If I get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, I can safely raise 1st semester's grade. During STAR, I happened upon the Wind Ensemble List and I MADE IT WOOOOO. Very happy about that. In Band, we played ultimate frisbee. By "we" I mean Orion, Steven, and I along with 5 other people. The rest sat around and did nothing all period. At lunch, the guy got his further revenge by flipping us off as he passed by. N00bzorcks. to the max. In English, we watched more Grapes of Wrath. There was some studyage at Davis' with Steven and I and Davis for Chemistry.

Friday was pretty cool, *like borat* NOT. Math was boring, just Albert and me (no offense Albert). I played Gold version while the class watched Toy Story 2. In Individual Sports, I just left, then went to the theatre to watch the Spanish classes perform the Flamenco. The Chemistry final was quite difficult. I am expecting somewhere in the range of 30-40. 50 is an A I hear, so maybe I can work the curve on this. I really hope I can. I want that B-.

So after school, the plan was a Gears party at Zack's. I went with Steven and Orion to do the paper route while Davis figured out when to go over there. He called me to tell me that he finally was able to get a hold of Zack. Only Zack was in Portland for a concert. Without warning to us, he just ditched. Thank's Zack. So screwed at that point, we just hung out at Orion's. Zack, you owe us for that. Wednesday after school. No if's and's or butt's. It's a yes. My house, though.(birthday party).

All I really did was play some Tennis at noon for team. It was fun. Then I went and saw my sister's dance performance. I also knew some girls from high school or tennis team that go to Edmonds Woodway. That was slightly interesting, but the whole thing is always boring. That night, I learned how to stream music on my 360 from my PC. All I had to do was download unecessary software for a Zune that I don't have. The problem is the Zune player recognizes only downloaded music. No CD's were recognized so I had to manually put those on the Hard Drive.

Well Sunday was kind of on the fly. I went with Dad and Mom to get a couch moved out of this teacher's room at Mom's school. We brought it back home. Then dad and I power washed the truck, so it is shiny white now. We then took a bunch of garbage to the dump. While loading the truck, dad discovered a birds nest, so we put it in a safe spot next to where we found it so that no animals, except for the mother bird could get to it. In the nest were 2 marble sized eggs and a hatchling. It looked like swallows. I guess our banging around woke the bird up, if they can hear. So we took all the junk to the dump. In snohomish, they do things the typical snohomish stupid way. Instead of the pwnage King county dump where we toss crap into the big truck directly, at the snohomish dump, they put it all in piles, then a backhoe loads the trucks. So in the middle fo the floor is a huge ass pile of trash. Really smart snohomish you freaking morons. After that, there was some SC and now nothing much.

Eagle Project:
So I shall tell you what I know as of now.
-It will be over the course of three saturdays, the last 2 in July, and one in August, preferably the first one I am available for.
-The court drains will be cleared.
-The weeds will be sprayed the first weekend and pulled the second.
-The sunblocker nets around the courts will be ziptied back up so they don't sag anymore.
-Between weekends 2 and 3, the courts are being professionally power washed.
-On the third weekend, we are going to be putting up brand new nets!
-The grass around the area will be mowed, as it is not regularly mowed by that guy that does it around school.
-That work will be done by scouts and anyone else that wants to help(all of you I hope). I cannot partake in much as my job is to organize. Otherwise I would totally be helping.
-I can actually help with the building of the tennis ladder. I need to get the design from Corliss to know what she wanted. I will work in a small group to build it with preferably Davis, Orion, Steven, Sai, and maybe a couple other people around our age. It shouldn't require much work guys, but I need expertise for it that scouts can't give because they aren't as awesome as SOT.

So one thing I just found out is that Steven Sweeney had his project already approved. He is painting the American Flag back on the playground at Highland Terrace*yawn*. I cannot allow him to beat me to Eagle. I want my name right under Davis' on the list, so I am going as fast as I can. Expect sudden cancellations of Guild Wars or Starcraft as I might need to suddenly do some work. If I commit to a party or something, I will go to that.*cough zack cough*.

That's it for now. GLHFDD on this last week of school.

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