Monday, January 21, 2008

10,000 means I'm cool.

I know, I know. I normally would have posted yesterday, but I waited to break 10,000 gamerpoints on my Xbox profile. Call of Duty 4 is a very good game, but the multiplayer must be insanely good because the single player campaign is short. I beat it in about 8 hours on Saturday. But enough about Saturday, you need to hear about the whole week!

The thing that kept me going this week would have been that Keir was coming, but instead I had only to look forward to the MASSIVE STARCRAFT MARATHON that would ensue in lieu of Keir coming. Monday brought about nothing. We had frisbee practice in the rain for about half an hour. I didn't have rain gear so I had a t-shirt and shorts. I might has well have jumped into a pool I was so wet.

It snowed! Ice completely covered the roads and school was not delayed. Many complaints were sent to the district. There was no reason not to delay school. I almost got hit about 5 times on the way to school and a normally 6 minute drive took over half an hour. I am very angry with the district. Fortunately, I had easy classes before frisbee practice that afternoon. It was pretty cool and Ms. Sukol learned I'm left handed, not retarted. She thought I was doing a really crappy backhand, but I had to do forehands for the drill so she said just keep practicing it. The practice in the snow was really cool.

Orion showed up alone due to the fact that he had been having car trouble and told Steven he might want to take the bus. The day went well with few bad things happening. I ran a bunch of people for free in Guild Wars, but many insisted on paying me after I completed the run despite having titans on. One guy said it was pretty bad ass of me. I also got .1% somehow on the run. I later went and got .3% in the nearby areas.

More easy classes. We had a "Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly" which consisted of sitting in our classes and watching an intensely crappy and stereotypical video that lasted 5 minutes (thank God) and then proceeded to spend a half an hour discussing that video in our classes. Mr. Stuart didn't really talk with us because we had just studied that part of history earlier in the week. We quickly answered the questions before having time to do nothing. After school, we had another frisbee practice, but at Shoreview since we trashed Shorewood on Tuesday. Mr. Bruegger (sp) was there and he turns out to be a cool guy. We did fun drills that weren't too demanding and had a pretty awesome scrimmage.

Nothing much happened at all. We had a surprise test in Physics and gratz to Steven for being the only person to get the last question right. After school, I went to the basketball game. It was so boring. Four people including the drum majors dressed up for robots. Sucky theme. Sucky basketball players. By the end of the first quarter, only 10 points had been scored total. It was pretty sad to watch. After that, I drove Brad home, then Steven home.

I started playing Call of Duty 4. Eight hours later, I beat the single player campaign on the easy difficulty. Mind you this was with a lunch break in the middle. Anyway, it was really short, which was too bad because it was a really good game, despite its lack of World War 2.

I started playing Call of Duty 4 on Veteran mode and got a good chunk done before football ensued. After that, we went to my grandpa's house. Afterwards we had planned to actually film Sheer Pwnage this time, which I was skeptical on and we wound up not doing that, but instead playing Impossible Scenarios on Starcraft. We could have won, but some guys quit. After that, I watched Gladiator.

More Call of Duty 4. Now it is time for homework and pracicing my horn for the UW tryout on Saturday which I really want to nail because a girl I know in the marching band says they need more rookie mellophones in the marching band. I shall make it into this music program.

Oh and Steven, I'm going to either leave early from or miss entirely the practices this week.

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