Sunday, January 06, 2008

The result of a strange good mood.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but this past week, I have been in a much better mood than usual. I didn't get mad at people, not even secretly, you stupid noobs. Just kidding about that, but seriously, I felt uncharacteristically happy all week. I'm getting tired of it. I found myself smiling randomly even if nobody was saying anything nice or funny. I need to get back into my routine of casual cynicism. Don't leave mean comments though because I will totally kill you if you do. Or will I? Depends on my mood I guess. Well you didn't come to the blog to check out my feelings, thats gay stuff that, according to keir, will make most of my readers happy.

Keir: Your blog is nice.
Keir: No wonder it attracts all the homosexuals on the west coast.
Me: This is true.
Me: But hey, if I ever need to hit up a gay bar
Me: I'm set.

Ok enough tomfoolery, time to review the week.

Nothing much happened on Wednesday that was not homework related. I just did my homework while watching Red Vs. Blue.

School started back up, but I didn't really mind getting up because while I didn't really want to, I realized that I got a lot done over the break, but it still felt like I had just been in this routine a couple of days ago. The break was long enough to get a lot done, but not too long so that I would get mad when it was over. Either that, or my peculiar good mood overcame my anger at getting up. After school, I went over to Steven's where Sai came shortly thereafter and we "did" the physics test. By that, I mean we copied Sai, they checked the answers, then we watched Superbad. I thought it was pretty good with some good quotes, but not as good as everyone said it was. I enjoyed the McLovin segments much more than the other ones.

School was pretty boring. Maddy was once again absent from band and I got this kickass part for fourth horn in which I get to play in bass clef, and at one point, 5 ledger lines below the treble staff, which is my low B. I rarely get to go down to F even, so I was excited until Mr. Harshman said we were not playing that movement. That was the low point of my week. It was either that or leaving the Sydows on Sunday. Actually yeah having to leave the Sydows was the low point and this new one was slightly less bad. Either way, I still have good low parts on some of the other movements. After school, nobody was online, so I was sitting around being bored when Maddy told me to come to the game, so I did. I got out of the whole first quarter, thank you Mr. Davis. I only had to play 2/3 of what I usually need to for the same amount of credit. In the fourth quarter, I got bored and ditched the band for a little bit to help Mr. Moreno bring in mats for the wrestling tournament the next day. After the game, I got to help set up for it. I even saw David from scouts a long time ago, which was awkward because I didn't really like him too much other than the fact that his name was David. After the game, I went home and didn't do much else.

Kathryn had a friend over the whole day and I just played games the whole day. That night, I went to play frisbee with Steven, Orion, Jake, Jack, Zack, Chris, Mike, and Brady. It was a good use of 2 hours, but when I got back, Kathryn and her friend had comandeered the downstairs TV room for their sleep area, preventing me from getting my night gaming in. Angry, I went upstairs and played Quinn with Scott until we just started chatting about how I didn't like Sony and he didn't like Microsoft. Scott's actually a pretty cool guy.

I did my homework today. Nothing interesting happened. I opened several talk bubbles, but the only person that said anything to me was Justin, who I didn't even try to talk to. Steven said a few things as well, but then disappeared. Maybe Sai will talk. Oh well, I should finish up my homework because AMERICAN GLADIATORS PREMIERES TONIGHT. That show was once very awesome and I know it will be this time around as well. Who couldn't like huge steroid-filled men and women beating the crap of former high school football players?

That's it for now, Peace out. I'll probably think about posting pictures, but don't count on it.

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