Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Look below for pictures and expect some tomorrow as well when I should be doing my homework.

Well what a break it has been. There was an extreme lack of Snowball Wars, but it has been done. All is well. I'll pick up where I left off I guess as I usually do. Look at the pictures below first though if you haven't because they are pictures of things leading up to the trip, except for the two signs, but they are not plot moving on the trip so go ahead and look at those too.

Ok I hate to mention where I went. I went to California yet again. Rachel (friend from Cali and her family) booked a couple rooms at Disneyland on the same day we did that one time (see old post circa early november or something or at least circa late september). We went down to chill with them because any amount of time spent with them is great. Also, the significantly reduced stress that was taken away by her presence allowed me to get over the cold that was dogging me before we left. It was a really bad cold, even for me. On the plane ride down, I purposely clogged my ears in hopes that they would pop and clear up. I couldn't hear much anyway out of them. It actually worked about 50%, which was 50% more than I thought it would work. However, it did hurt quite a bit. On top of that, I had a bad cough and the Columbia River running(IN SQUARES) out my nose. I also had a fever, but that was nice in the cold weather so I can't complain. We left home at 5 in the morning to make our flight at 8 in the morning.

When we got down, we went to the hotel and met up with them (The Sydows). Disneyland was CROWDED. How crowded? So crowded that they had oversold and had to turn people away if they were not staying at a disnelyand hotel crowded. Like where they let 15 people in for ever 100 that left just to empty the park full. I had never in my life seen it so bad and I hope never to again. One thing I enjoyed about the long lines was the fact that Rachel was there to talk to for the duration. It made the lines progress significantly faster, or at least seem to. We rode many rides, one of them being the pink teacup. I had to manly it up by spinning it really fast. Mission Accomplished. Star Tours was ridden a couple times. That night, we went to the other park, California Adventure to ride other rides. We got to see the electrical light parade. Since 9/11, a new float on the parade was added. It is an American pride float. It includes the Declaration of Independence and an Eagle and ladies dancing around it. One problem, the ladies are wearing RED COATS similar to the ones worn by BRITAIN in the American Revolutionary War. Way to go Disney.

The next day, we did more of the same. We managed to get in some good Space Mountain flights, including one where we were supposed to move to the side after finishing the first go-round to make it open for handicap loading, but the n00b at the console cued us up too far, so we got to go again. Pwnage. As we pulled in from that trip, the ride had broken down. We lolled at that as we got off the ride. That night, we watched the fireworks, then proceeded to try to mass through the crowd. It was very hard to mass through the crowd as we were split up. The four adults and Kathryn and Shannon went one way and got stuck in the mob running to the exit while Rachel and I pushed through the mob. I heard that watching us was funny because there was a sea of faces and then the back of Rachel and my heads slowly moving through the crowd. Eventually we got through and did a couple of rides, then Marc(her dad), Shannon, Rachel, and I decided to go on the Matterhorn while the others just sat down. For those of you that have never ridden the Matterhorn, I shall explain it. On most rollercoasters, you sit in a unit of about 2 usually next to another. On the matterhorn, the larger rider goes in the cart and sits against the back and puts their legs out in front and the smaller rider sits between the other one's legs. Marc rode with Shannon and said to me in line "Well it looks like you're saddlin up with Rach." All I could say was "That was an interesting way of putting it" Let me just say it was without a doubt, the best rollercoaster ride ever. EVER. I accidentally "poked" her as Keir put it, but she was nice enough not to mention it, or she didn't notice it. I hope it was the first one because otherwise it would imply that mine is very small. So anyway. Next day.....

We got up and had breakfast with the Sydows before parting ways until the next day. They had to go see their aunt, who is Marc, but a woman. She looks like the woman version of him and sounds and acts like him. She's really nice. For the rest of the day, we drove to Santa Monica. If I ever go back there, it will be becuase my dead body was taken there for some reason. We saw the historic boardwalk and muscle beach. It was really beaten down and ugly. I hate that city so much. We ate at this cool sports bar to watch the first half of the Patriots vs. Giants game. I was happy to find a large amount Giants fans in my vicinity and had good times cheering with them as the Giants drove to victory. I left at the third quarter so we could get back to the hotel. I got back for the end of the third quarter to find the Giants barely holding on. After a slow crushing, I was subject (did not want to see it) to history. Congratulations Patriots on going undefeated. Even if I hate you, it's still a great achievement.

The next day, we drove out to Universal Studios to find a place to eat with the Sydows. It was a good lunch and all the TVs around us were turned to the Seahawks game and Rachel was also disappointed with the loss of the Giants. Breakfast sounded small, but turned out to be huge. After breakfast, we hung around until we had to part ways. I didn't really want them to leave, but hopefully Rachel will come up here for prom. Fingers are so crossed, they have practically switched places. After that, we drove to a movie theater and sat in the car for an hour and a half because we wanted to see a movie that didn't start for a while. At 4:30, we saw National Treasure 2. It was pretty good. I also learned that there is a movie called Wall-E coming out on my birthday. At the end of the preview, my birthday was projected onto the silver screen. It was actually really cool for me probably due to the lack of recognition of when my birthday is. Anyway, NT2 was a good movie. After that, we went to the airport and waited until 9 for our flight to board. We got home at 2am.

I got up at 8:30, half an hour before dad, and 1.5 hours before the other two because I needed to plan a party that I only knew was at my house. I eventually got all the details from Sai. He did a good job planning. So unfortunately, Orion couldn't come, but he was there in spirit. He was the spirit of the losing team in GoW (jk man). My 360 had too many maps for the others, so we did 2v2, which worked out well. There was also COD4 and SSBM happening. GoW was very nice. I had lots of fun. People that made it to the party were Sai, Bodon, Davis, Steven, Ashley, Jake, Rob, Amanuel, Eric, and Willie. After many people left, we were down to 6 around 11:30, so we played Halo 3. It was Willie, Jake, and Eric vs. Steven, Ashley, and I. We lost all the time, but usually by around 15 kills. To finish it all off, we did a 250 kill match that lasted about half an hour to 45 minutes. It was good fun. After that, I drove Steven and Ashley home, but Steven fell asleep in the car, leading to awkward silence. Luckily he woke up as we arrived.

Today, KEIR, STEVEN, AND I PLAYED SNOWBALL WARS AND PWNED. We finally kicked off Snowball Wars 2007/2008. It was very good. Until we played, I spent most of the afternoon playing Quinn with Steven, Ashley, and Scott.

Well things now are going good. Check other blogs for what I'm sure will be other good stories, but hurry back tomorrow sometime when I will think about posting pictures and probably will not get around to it. We ordered my senior pictures, so hopefully I will feel like posting those.

Here are some quotes for you in the meantime.

Mr. Harshman: I'm caught between (turns to drums) YOU IDIOTS and (turns to band) THAT WAS AWESOME

Sai: Oh you should come to japanese club. I need people to vote for me for president!
David: Why not skip?
Sai: I cant, Im running
David: Against who?
*extended silence*
Sai: Well right now I am unopposed

Keir on Dennis Kucinich:
Keir: but he's a hobbit tapping elven ass!


Oreo said...

gj pwning up Rachel, lol literally.

pronoob5 said...

damn long post, good thing cool people are away/offline on MSN/AIM atm.

you guys go to Cali too much, it's not fair =P

sounds fun, I also noticed that girls either don't mind, or don't notice getting "poked", though I'm pretty sure in my case she noticed